Record-setting electric airplane exceeds 200-mph


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Mar 16, 2010
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Record-setting electric airplane exceeds 200-mph
July 23, 2012 by Nancy Owano

( -- Last week’s record of the fastest ever manned electric aircraft was set by electric-vehicle record-setter Chip Yates. He already had credentials as holding the world record for fastest electric motorcycle going over 196 mph last year. As a test pilot this time around, Yates flew an electric airplane and achieved 202.6 mph in level flight. This topped the previous record of 175 mph last year by the electric aircraft Cri-Cri. The latter, flown by French pilot Hugues Duval, broke the record during the Paris Air Show. The aircraft was powered by a pair of 35-horsepower electric motors and a pair of lithium polymer batteries.

Test pilot Yates is now the first person to ever fly an electric aircraft faster than 200 miles per hour, in his test flight last week at the Inyokern Airport in California’s Mojave Desert.

The plane that he flew is called the Long-ESA, (for Electric Speed and Altitude). The aircraft is a modified Long-EZ, serving as a development platform for a new electric aircraft system which will be utilized for a flight across the Atlantic later on. The transatlantic flight is scheduled for 2014.

The electric Long-ESA, powered by a 258 horsepower electric motor, is being worked on by electric aerospace company Flight of the Century (FOTC), where Yates is CEO, as an R&D plane for development of the company's “mid-air recharging technology.” The company team converted Burt Rutan’s Long-EZ airplane (Rutan is an aerospace engineer) for the trial flight. In a two-month workup at the FOTC site, the plane’s gasoline power was converted over to electric power.

Record-setting electric airplane exceeds 200-mph (w/ Video)

Who says that electric power won't make a airplane fly? LOL:badgrin:

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