Reduce the $850 BILLION A YEAR that doctors ADMIT

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Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
they bill Medicare/insurance companies all because of FEAR of LAWSUITS and insurance premiums WILL DROP!!! Dramatically!
90% of physicians say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year
Check it out! Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

Tax the lawyers that file the lawsuits 10% of their $270 billion a year in income and use that to pay the premiums for the truly 4 million that
need and want health insurance.
These people go to hospitals and hospitals do as the CEO of a hospital said:
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers.”
From PAGE 1 of this document:

AND I've proof this happens! Tell me the name of your hospital and I'll show you how maybe your hospital is billing Medicare 6,000% OVER costs!

So forcing hospitals to send claims for the uninsured will REDUCE not only Medicare BUT stop this practice of passing on to paying customers!

But it seems most people on this BOARD and in Congress are afraid of lawyers!

All this crap regarding ACA/Obamacare is totally useless!
Tax the lawyers!
Pay the premium for the truly 4 million uninsured!
Then watch the defensive medicine costs DROP because for every $100 billion in reduction a percent of lawyers 10% drops!
And when it does INSURANCE companies drop their premiums ...UNDER STATES' Regulatory agencies' requirements!
Then more and more will be able to save billions in premiums AND THAT $850 billion a year will be reduced to less the $450 billion!!!

Aw... who am I kidding!
Most of you on this board obviously NEVER follow up on the FACTS that are presented and dumbly believe the bogus 46 million number!
And you dumbly don't believe what 90% of the doctors aDMIT to... i.e. FEAR of lawsuits drive them to bill insurance companies $850 billion a year!
I don't know, guy, I think I WANT doctors ordering that extra test to make sure that his snap diagnosis isn't missing something big.

96,000 Americans die every year because their health providers make mistakes.
My head is spinning from all the ACA threads in the Political forum. I've only been on this site for less than a week and I can't take it.
I don't know, guy, I think I WANT doctors ordering that extra test to make sure that his snap diagnosis isn't missing something big.

96,000 Americans die every year because their health providers make mistakes.

SO then quit bitching about health care costs you dumb fuck!
The point is MOST of the $850 billion is out of FEAR!
They say so!
You know you dummies moan and groan about insurance companies charging escalating premiums.. WELL here is the cause!
And don't be one of those dumb f..ks that say well the CEOs make millions of $$ in options,salaries...etc...
DUMMY ! That is generally 1/100th of 1% of the premiums!

AGAIN you don't send your car's computer checks out for second opinions!

And 96,000 people died??? WHERE ARE YOUR facts!
I provided the link now be an intellectually honest boob and prove that number ok??

A large number of unnecessary deaths-more than 7,000-are due to medication errors, mostly from illegible handwritten notes and prescriptions, confusion over drugs with similar names, and doctors' lack of knowledge about the appropriate use of a drug.

Read more: What Happens When Doctors Make Medical Mistakes - Misdiagnosis -
Tell me the name of your hospital and I'll show you how maybe your hospital is billing Medicare 6,000% OVER costs!

If this is true, then why are doctors constantly whining that Medicare Short-changes them and they'd rather not take Medicare Patients.

ARE you dumb? Do you know the difference between a "doctor" and a "hospital"???

"Defensive Medicine" practiced by doctors is different then hospitals charging 6,000% over costs!

MY illustration was simple which you have YET to refute!
A) The 4 million truly uninsured when showing up in the hospital are means tested and covered by the uninsured premiums paid by 10% lawyers tax!
B) Hospitals THEN can't bill Medicare to absorb the uninsured as those claims are paid from the premiums paid by the 10% tax.
1) The $850 billion wasted out of fear of lawsuits is reduced! Doctors don't submit claims to insurance companies out of fear!
2) Hospitals won't be padding and passing on to the paying customers!

THAT simple!
Again... tell me your hospital and I'll show you a gross gross markup over costs!
My head is spinning from all the ACA threads in the Political forum. I've only been on this site for less than a week and I can't take it.

ACA is destroying people's lives!
Millions are seeing their health premiums rise or worse no longer covered!
Lives are at stake and you complain about spinning head!
Actually, it's worse than I thought.

In Hospital Deaths from Medical Errors at 195,000 per Year USA - Medical News Today

An average of 195,000 people in the USA died due to potentially preventable, in-hospital medical errors in each of the years 2000, 2001 and 2002, according to a new study of 37 million patient records that was released today by HealthGrades, the healthcare quality company.

The HealthGrades Patient Safety in American Hospitals study is the first to look at the mortality and economic impact of medical errors and injuries that occurred during Medicare hospital admissions nationwide from 2000 to 2002. The HealthGrades study applied the mortality and economic impact models developed by Dr. Chunliu Zhan and Dr. Marlene R. Miller in a research study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in October of 2003. The Zhan and Miller study supported the Institute of Medicine's (IOM) 1999 report conclusion, which found that medical errors caused up to 98,000 deaths annually and should be considered a national epidemic.
Tell me the name of your hospital and I'll show you how maybe your hospital is billing Medicare 6,000% OVER costs!

If this is true, then why are doctors constantly whining that Medicare Short-changes them and they'd rather not take Medicare Patients.

ARE you dumb? Do you know the difference between a "doctor" and a "hospital"???

"Defensive Medicine" practiced by doctors is different then hospitals charging 6,000% over costs!

MY illustration was simple which you have YET to refute!
A) The 4 million truly uninsured when showing up in the hospital are means tested and covered by the uninsured premiums paid by 10% lawyers tax!
B) Hospitals THEN can't bill Medicare to absorb the uninsured as those claims are paid from the premiums paid by the 10% tax.
1) The $850 billion wasted out of fear of lawsuits is reduced! Doctors don't submit claims to insurance companies out of fear!
2) Hospitals won't be padding and passing on to the paying customers!

THAT simple!
Again... tell me your hospital and I'll show you a gross gross markup over costs!

Oh, I'm sure there is.

But here's the thing. All of these problems are because health costs are so flexible. They charge what they think they can get away with instead of what it costs to provide the service.

Because they can.

But really, letting bad doctors off the hook for not doing their jobs isn't going to make the problem any better.

Come on, Dude. Every other country has universal coverage, they spend less, live longer and less of their babies die in infancy.

We are the retards of the Western World. You know, because "Freedom" or something.
Actually, it's worse than I thought.

In Hospital Deaths from Medical Errors at 195,000 per Year USA - Medical News Today

An average of 195,000 people in the USA died due to potentially preventable, in-hospital medical errors in each of the years 2000, 2001 and 2002, according to a new study of 37 million patient records that was released today by HealthGrades, the healthcare quality company.

The HealthGrades Patient Safety in American Hospitals study is the first to look at the mortality and economic impact of medical errors and injuries that occurred during Medicare hospital admissions nationwide from 2000 to 2002. The HealthGrades study applied the mortality and economic impact models developed by Dr. Chunliu Zhan and Dr. Marlene R. Miller in a research study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in October of 2003. The Zhan and Miller study supported the Institute of Medicine's (IOM) 1999 report conclusion, which found that medical errors caused up to 98,000 deaths annually and should be considered a national epidemic.

From your citation!
"If we could focus our efforts on just four key areas -
failure to rescue,
bed sores,
postoperative sepsis,
and postoperative pulmonary embolism -
and reduce these incidents by just 20 percent, we could save 39,000 people from dying every year," said Dr. Collier.

ALL of which are NOT related to "DEFENSIVE MEDICINE" Costs!

BUT there is a direct relationship between "defensive Medicine" costs and

"About 40% of the medical malpractice cases filed in the United States are groundless, according to a Harvard analysis of the hotly debated issue that pits trial lawyers against doctors, with lawmakers in the middle.
Many of the lawsuits analyzed contained no evidence that a medical error was committed or that the patient suffered any injury, the researchers reported.
Altogether, the Harvard researchers reviewed 1,452 malpractice claims randomly selected from five insurance companies. The cases were resolved — meaning they ended in a verdict, a settlement or a dismissal — between 1984 and 2004. The claims resulted in a combined $449 million in verdicts and settlements. - Study: 4 in 10 medical malpractice cases groundless

All directly related to the $850 billion in wasteful duplicate tests, referrals to specialists FEAR OF LAWSUITS!!!
The claims resulted in a combined $449 million in verdicts and settlements.

We spend two trillion a year on medicine... 449 Million over 20 years is a drop in the bucket.

In fact, Congress has found that even if you instituted the most draconian "Tort Reform" (taking away the ability of patients to sue quacks who maim them.) it would only reduce total medical spending by 4/10th of 1%.
I don't know, guy, I think I WANT doctors ordering that extra test to make sure that his snap diagnosis isn't missing something big.

96,000 Americans die every year because their health providers make mistakes.

except those extra tests are not helping in avoiding mistakes :)

they are solely designed to offset the lawsuits. and are useless otherwise.

Like every day taking a Xray of the chest for the position of the endotracheal tube - it is needless radiation exposure and a lot of money. Tube position is visible by the metrics markings and one can also listen to the chest.

and this is just one which springs to my mind. there are thousand of others of the kind
The claims resulted in a combined $449 million in verdicts and settlements.

We spend two trillion a year on medicine... 449 Million over 20 years is a drop in the bucket.

In fact, Congress has found that even if you instituted the most draconian "Tort Reform" (taking away the ability of patients to sue quacks who maim them.) it would only reduce total medical spending by 4/10th of 1%.

No it is NOT.

It is the main driver of the needless WASTE of money.

We could have every illegal served the liver transplant if we would not waste so much money in defensive medicine.
failure to rescue,
bed sores,
postoperative sepsis,
and postoperative pulmonary embolism -
and reduce these incidents by just 20 percent, we could save 39,000 people from dying every year," said Dr. Collier.

Neither of those is a medical MISTAKES.

All of those are COMPLICATIONS.
Which are in the vast majority of cases non-preventable.

The stupidity of those writing the article is incredible - a mistake is when one drug is administered instead of the other, or a left leg is being operated instead of the right.
The examples above are NOT mistakes. They are complications of illnesses.

But American mentality is to always blame somebody on often the patient's fault. If the patient is in ICU and weighs 350 lbs - his chances of getting bed sores is 100% - due to his own weight, no matter how often the preventive measures are done. 100%. We are not designed to be whales.
Same is his risk of septic complications after a major surgery - almost 100% - but of course it is not the patient's weight which is going to be blamed, but everything else under the sun.
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The claims resulted in a combined $449 million in verdicts and settlements.

We spend two trillion a year on medicine... 449 Million over 20 years is a drop in the bucket.

In fact, Congress has found that even if you instituted the most draconian "Tort Reform" (taking away the ability of patients to sue quacks who maim them.) it would only reduce total medical spending by 4/10th of 1%.

Man are you really that stupid???

You missed the point!

$850 billion is spent by insurance companies/Medicare on claims submitted by physicians because physicians FEAR lawsuits!
Do you understand? It's NOT the the actual $449 million-- dumb fuck!
It is the FEAR of lawsuits the drive doctors to send the claims for $850 billion a YEAR!
And don't give me that crap about these doctors making $$ off the tests because YOU"VE NEVER heard obviously of the Stark Law! Do some scholarship !

What is the problem with having lawyers pay 10% tax like ACA tax tanning salons 10%?

But you also completely ignore the FACT there are less then 4 million that really want/need insurance.
The 10% of $270 billion income pays the premiums for the 4 million.
Thus hospitals can't pad and pass... and tell me the city you live in and I'll show you why your largest hospital OVERCHARGE Medicare because of EMTALA!!!
I don't know, guy, I think I WANT doctors ordering that extra test to make sure that his snap diagnosis isn't missing something big.

96,000 Americans die every year because their health providers make mistakes.

except those extra tests are not helping in avoiding mistakes :)

they are solely designed to offset the lawsuits. and are useless otherwise.

Like every day taking a Xray of the chest for the position of the endotracheal tube - it is needless radiation exposure and a lot of money. Tube position is visible by the metrics markings and one can also listen to the chest.

and this is just one which springs to my mind. there are thousand of others of the kind


Now defenders of the millionaire lawyers say yea well these doctors are making money off the tests,etc....
Well if so why then do 90% doctors attest to the spending of $850 billion a year i.e. defensive medicine...
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

Again.. thanks as you evidently see what a vast majority of people don't yet comprehend, i.e. of the $2 trillion spent on health care almost half is for defensive medicine!
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