Reduce the $850 BILLION A YEAR that doctors ADMIT

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The OP is nonsense.

Here's an intelligent explanation of why we pay what we pay:

Why an MRI costs $1,080 in America and $280 in France - The Washington Post

except MRI costs 250-350$ in the USA as well. If one pays cash :D

Most of us living paycheck to paycheck don't have $350.00 to throw around.

But, hey, fuck those poor people, right.

Are you talking about THESE poor people???
Things the government will give FREE.. in exchange for cheap vote!
a) Free Cell phone (my cell phone I PAY is about $100/month)
if the poor person receives just one of the below FREE entitlements:

* Food stamps * Medicaid * Section 8 * Supplemental Security Income * National School Lunch Program

b) 40 million Americans on food stamps get $200/month in free food.

it cost $75.7 billion in 2011 compared to $35 billion in 2008; and enrollment has hit an all-time high of 46.7 million recipients. Meanwhile, the number of children receiving free school lunches has inflated from 18 to 21 million — an unprecedented jump —
about 2.1 million households (6 million) use Section 8 the Housing Choice Voucher program, pays a large

c) portion of the rents and utilities of or the Housing Choice Voucher Program up to $1,000 /month in FREE housing...

So these people get
=== $ 5,666 in EIC cash,
=== $12,000 free housing ,
=== $ 2,400 free food,
=="Bread and Circuses" (or bread and games) (from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metaphor for a superficial means of appeasement.

Man are you really that stupid???

You missed the point!

$850 billion is spent by insurance companies/Medicare on claims submitted by physicians because physicians FEAR lawsuits!
Do you understand? It's NOT the the actual $449 million-- dumb fuck!
It is the FEAR of lawsuits the drive doctors to send the claims for $850 billion a YEAR!
And don't give me that crap about these doctors making $$ off the tests because YOU"VE NEVER heard obviously of the Stark Law! Do some scholarship !

What is the problem with having lawyers pay 10% tax like ACA tax tanning salons 10%?

But you also completely ignore the FACT there are less then 4 million that really want/need insurance.
The 10% of $270 billion income pays the premiums for the 4 million.
Thus hospitals can't pad and pass... and tell me the city you live in and I'll show you why your largest hospital OVERCHARGE Medicare because of EMTALA!!!

Hey, dumbass, the doctors will order tests because they are usually getting kickbacks from the testing labs. Lawyers have nothing to do with it, and the cost of malpractice is relatively slight.

We had 46 million uninsured and 25 million inadequately insured. The simple solution would be to go to single payer, but you guys insisted that Ed Hanway has to have his dressage horsies, so we aer stuck with what we are stuck with.

Man are you really that stupid???

You missed the point!

$850 billion is spent by insurance companies/Medicare on claims submitted by physicians because physicians FEAR lawsuits!
Do you understand? It's NOT the the actual $449 million-- dumb fuck!
It is the FEAR of lawsuits the drive doctors to send the claims for $850 billion a YEAR!
And don't give me that crap about these doctors making $$ off the tests because YOU"VE NEVER heard obviously of the Stark Law! Do some scholarship !

What is the problem with having lawyers pay 10% tax like ACA tax tanning salons 10%?

But you also completely ignore the FACT there are less then 4 million that really want/need insurance.
The 10% of $270 billion income pays the premiums for the 4 million.
Thus hospitals can't pad and pass... and tell me the city you live in and I'll show you why your largest hospital OVERCHARGE Medicare because of EMTALA!!!

Hey, dumbass, the doctors will order tests because they are usually getting kickbacks from the testing labs. Lawyers have nothing to do with it, and the cost of malpractice is relatively slight.

We had 46 million uninsured and 25 million inadequately insured. The simple solution would be to go to single payer, but you guys insisted that Ed Hanway has to have his dressage horsies, so we aer stuck with what we are stuck with.

AGAIN YOU NEVER HEARD of Stark law have you???

Also dummy WHY would 90% of physicians COMPLAIN about $850 billion defensive medicine IF THEY WERE making kickbacks???? Isn't that the stupid action YOU'D DO???
Also idiots like you are always confused by BIG numbers i.e. cost of malpractice" has NOTHING to do with it!
IT IS THE FACT physicians practice "defensive Medicine" all out of fear of being sued!

Finally you really are so dumb!
46 million was used by Obama.
He now says he has reduced that to 36 million because there were 10 million NON-CITIZENS that the Census says were part of the 46 million!
Then WHY are you and idiots like you counting 14 million people THAT ALL THEY NEED do is REGISTER with Medicaid!
And again... why is it the GOVT responsibility to sign 18 million people THAT don't NEED (under 34) CAN afford (Make over $50k)... WHY?
Probably cause idiots like you keep repeating these SAME phony numbers!
4 million could be totally covered if idiots like you didn't defend millionaire lawyers!
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