Redundancy: Left Wing Control Freaks


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
When will you "moderates" wake up and see the real world as it is? There is a large group of people in this country who want to control every aspect of your life. Contrary to their lofty language about free speech and other First Amendment rights, they actually believe that any views other than their own should be suppressed by any means possible. The latest IRS revelations are mere islands in the archipelago of intellectual corruption that pervades Left Wing politics in this country.

Have you conveniently forgotten "Filegate" where confidential FBI files of political opponents were sent to the Clinton White House? This makes Nixon's "enemies list" child's play by comparison. Why are you so easily distracted by invented issues like a "war on women" or "millionaires and billionaires?" When will you wake up?:confused:
LOL at anyone that puts -gate after political controversies. It just reminds people that Republicans aren't to be trusted.

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