'Reform Judaism Just Became the Country's Most Trans-Inclusive Religious Group'


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Reform Judaism Just Became the Country's Most Trans-Inclusive Religious Group

"The newly adopted resolution calls for gender-neutral bathrooms and language to be used in all synogagues and related programs.

The Reform Movement is the largest branch of Judaism in the United States—accounting for more than one-third of roughly six million American Jews—and it has long been at the forefront of societal progress. In 1977, the Union of Reform Judaism adopted a resolution calling for the end of discrimination against gays and lesbians, with support of bisexual and transgender people being formally added to the language of the text in 2003. In 1996, the Central Conference of American Rabbis (the movement's central body) announced its support for civil same-sex marriages, expanding that to full religious ceremonies in 2000. Today, at its biennial conference in Florida, the most transgender-inclusive resolution of any American religious organization was adopted without any opposition.

The resolution, which includes nine points, opens with a preamble explaining that, far from straying from Jewish values, this move is a continuation and furtherance of them:"

9 points and such at link
Well of course, 6 million jews now control the US. That magical 6 million no. again. Its much higher, but so many remain in the closet yet. Come our all ye evangelicals who worship Jews , it must be like a double edge sword to you.

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