Regarding January 6 lets review some past events


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Since the looney left ignores left wing violence.

March 1, 1954: Four Puerto Rican nationalists sitting in the House Gallery shot at congressmen in session, wounding five. They were convicted and sentenced to 49 years in prison. In 1979, one died in prison and the remaining three were pardoned by President Carter. They returned to Puerto Rico and hailed as patriots by some.

March 1, 1971: A bomb was detonated in the Senate wing, near the Rotunda and below the Senate chamber, causing extensive damage, some structural. Although no one was ever charged, the Weather Underground claimed credit. These "Amerika-hating revolutionaries" engineered bombings, robberies and killings. Interestingly, married couple Bill Ayers and Benardine Dohrn, founding members of the group, became college professors in Chicago where Ayers was connected to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge organization, as was his neighbor community organizer Barack Obama.

November 7, 1983: M19CO (a communist organization) claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Capitol's north wing. The blast pushed a potentially lethal hole into the empty Republican Senate cloak room. The Senate had unexpectedly adjourned early. In May 1985, Susan Rosenberg was convicted to 58 years in prison for possession of bombs, explosives and firearms. In 1988 Rosenberg was charged with others for the Capitol bombing, but charges were dropped in 1990 because of her imprisonment on the weapons charges. On June 20, 2001 she was released from prison due to President Clinton's commutation. Susan Rosenberg later became vice chair of Thousand Currents, the fundraising arm for Black Lives Matter.


ABC7 YouTube screengrab

June 14, 2017: James Hodgkinson shot 70 rounds at an Alexandria, VA ball field where members of the Republican House caucus were practicing in preparation for a charity game with Democrats. Five persons were wounded (including Congressman. Steve Scalise). The shooter, an avowed anti-Trumper and follower of Senator Bernie Sanders, died of wounds he suffered that day.

Violent criminal acts must be dealt with severely. But painting blame with a broad partisan brush must be resisted. Casting political stones at politicians for their lawful rhetoric and actions cannot be confused with criminally charging ideological violent extremists.
Since the looney left ignores left wing violence.

March 1, 1954: Four Puerto Rican nationalists sitting in the House Gallery shot at congressmen in session, wounding five. They were convicted and sentenced to 49 years in prison. In 1979, one died in prison and the remaining three were pardoned by President Carter. They returned to Puerto Rico and hailed as patriots by some.

March 1, 1971: A bomb was detonated in the Senate wing, near the Rotunda and below the Senate chamber, causing extensive damage, some structural. Although no one was ever charged, the Weather Underground claimed credit. These "Amerika-hating revolutionaries" engineered bombings, robberies and killings. Interestingly, married couple Bill Ayers and Benardine Dohrn, founding members of the group, became college professors in Chicago where Ayers was connected to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge organization, as was his neighbor community organizer Barack Obama.

November 7, 1983: M19CO (a communist organization) claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Capitol's north wing. The blast pushed a potentially lethal hole into the empty Republican Senate cloak room. The Senate had unexpectedly adjourned early. In May 1985, Susan Rosenberg was convicted to 58 years in prison for possession of bombs, explosives and firearms. In 1988 Rosenberg was charged with others for the Capitol bombing, but charges were dropped in 1990 because of her imprisonment on the weapons charges. On June 20, 2001 she was released from prison due to President Clinton's commutation. Susan Rosenberg later became vice chair of Thousand Currents, the fundraising arm for Black Lives Matter.


ABC7 YouTube screengrab

June 14, 2017: James Hodgkinson shot 70 rounds at an Alexandria, VA ball field where members of the Republican House caucus were practicing in preparation for a charity game with Democrats. Five persons were wounded (including Congressman. Steve Scalise). The shooter, an avowed anti-Trumper and follower of Senator Bernie Sanders, died of wounds he suffered that day.

Violent criminal acts must be dealt with severely. But painting blame with a broad partisan brush must be resisted. Casting political stones at politicians for their lawful rhetoric and actions cannot be confused with criminally charging ideological violent extremists.

Were any of these aimed at overturning the results of a free and fair election? Were any of these aimed at keeping a man in power because a section of the electorate believed in the conspiracy theory that millions of votes were fraudulent?
What happened on January 6th was unacceptable. It was sedition. It was treason. End of story.
Since the looney left ignores left wing violence.

March 1, 1954: Four Puerto Rican nationalists sitting in the House Gallery shot at congressmen in session, wounding five. They were convicted and sentenced to 49 years in prison. In 1979, one died in prison and the remaining three were pardoned by President Carter. They returned to Puerto Rico and hailed as patriots by some.

March 1, 1971: A bomb was detonated in the Senate wing, near the Rotunda and below the Senate chamber, causing extensive damage, some structural. Although no one was ever charged, the Weather Underground claimed credit. These "Amerika-hating revolutionaries" engineered bombings, robberies and killings. Interestingly, married couple Bill Ayers and Benardine Dohrn, founding members of the group, became college professors in Chicago where Ayers was connected to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge organization, as was his neighbor community organizer Barack Obama.

November 7, 1983: M19CO (a communist organization) claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Capitol's north wing. The blast pushed a potentially lethal hole into the empty Republican Senate cloak room. The Senate had unexpectedly adjourned early. In May 1985, Susan Rosenberg was convicted to 58 years in prison for possession of bombs, explosives and firearms. In 1988 Rosenberg was charged with others for the Capitol bombing, but charges were dropped in 1990 because of her imprisonment on the weapons charges. On June 20, 2001 she was released from prison due to President Clinton's commutation. Susan Rosenberg later became vice chair of Thousand Currents, the fundraising arm for Black Lives Matter.


ABC7 YouTube screengrab

June 14, 2017: James Hodgkinson shot 70 rounds at an Alexandria, VA ball field where members of the Republican House caucus were practicing in preparation for a charity game with Democrats. Five persons were wounded (including Congressman. Steve Scalise). The shooter, an avowed anti-Trumper and follower of Senator Bernie Sanders, died of wounds he suffered that day.

Violent criminal acts must be dealt with severely. But painting blame with a broad partisan brush must be resisted. Casting political stones at politicians for their lawful rhetoric and actions cannot be confused with criminally charging ideological violent extremists.

Fascinating. Three accounts of Capitol attacks and one "which of these is not like the others".

But they do have at least one aspect in common: Zero (0) of these were incited by the POTUS.
Since the looney left ignores left wing violence.

March 1, 1954: Four Puerto Rican nationalists sitting in the House Gallery shot at congressmen in session, wounding five. They were convicted and sentenced to 49 years in prison. In 1979, one died in prison and the remaining three were pardoned by President Carter. They returned to Puerto Rico and hailed as patriots by some.

March 1, 1971: A bomb was detonated in the Senate wing, near the Rotunda and below the Senate chamber, causing extensive damage, some structural. Although no one was ever charged, the Weather Underground claimed credit. These "Amerika-hating revolutionaries" engineered bombings, robberies and killings. Interestingly, married couple Bill Ayers and Benardine Dohrn, founding members of the group, became college professors in Chicago where Ayers was connected to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge organization, as was his neighbor community organizer Barack Obama.

November 7, 1983: M19CO (a communist organization) claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Capitol's north wing. The blast pushed a potentially lethal hole into the empty Republican Senate cloak room. The Senate had unexpectedly adjourned early. In May 1985, Susan Rosenberg was convicted to 58 years in prison for possession of bombs, explosives and firearms. In 1988 Rosenberg was charged with others for the Capitol bombing, but charges were dropped in 1990 because of her imprisonment on the weapons charges. On June 20, 2001 she was released from prison due to President Clinton's commutation. Susan Rosenberg later became vice chair of Thousand Currents, the fundraising arm for Black Lives Matter.


ABC7 YouTube screengrab

June 14, 2017: James Hodgkinson shot 70 rounds at an Alexandria, VA ball field where members of the Republican House caucus were practicing in preparation for a charity game with Democrats. Five persons were wounded (including Congressman. Steve Scalise). The shooter, an avowed anti-Trumper and follower of Senator Bernie Sanders, died of wounds he suffered that day.

Violent criminal acts must be dealt with severely. But painting blame with a broad partisan brush must be resisted. Casting political stones at politicians for their lawful rhetoric and actions cannot be confused with criminally charging ideological violent extremists.

Were any of these aimed at overturning the results of a free and fair election? Were any of these aimed at keeping a man in power because a section of the electorate believed in the conspiracy theory that millions of votes were fraudulent?
What happened on January 6th was unacceptable. It was sedition. It was treason. End of story.
You are lying sack of BS. Then again you and rest of the leftist Borg collective are on crack. I will say one thing however, the protesters should have just stayed outside the building. Going inside was a set up.
Since the looney left ignores left wing violence.

March 1, 1954: Four Puerto Rican nationalists sitting in the House Gallery shot at congressmen in session, wounding five. They were convicted and sentenced to 49 years in prison. In 1979, one died in prison and the remaining three were pardoned by President Carter. They returned to Puerto Rico and hailed as patriots by some.

March 1, 1971: A bomb was detonated in the Senate wing, near the Rotunda and below the Senate chamber, causing extensive damage, some structural. Although no one was ever charged, the Weather Underground claimed credit. These "Amerika-hating revolutionaries" engineered bombings, robberies and killings. Interestingly, married couple Bill Ayers and Benardine Dohrn, founding members of the group, became college professors in Chicago where Ayers was connected to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge organization, as was his neighbor community organizer Barack Obama.

November 7, 1983: M19CO (a communist organization) claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Capitol's north wing. The blast pushed a potentially lethal hole into the empty Republican Senate cloak room. The Senate had unexpectedly adjourned early. In May 1985, Susan Rosenberg was convicted to 58 years in prison for possession of bombs, explosives and firearms. In 1988 Rosenberg was charged with others for the Capitol bombing, but charges were dropped in 1990 because of her imprisonment on the weapons charges. On June 20, 2001 she was released from prison due to President Clinton's commutation. Susan Rosenberg later became vice chair of Thousand Currents, the fundraising arm for Black Lives Matter.


ABC7 YouTube screengrab

June 14, 2017: James Hodgkinson shot 70 rounds at an Alexandria, VA ball field where members of the Republican House caucus were practicing in preparation for a charity game with Democrats. Five persons were wounded (including Congressman. Steve Scalise). The shooter, an avowed anti-Trumper and follower of Senator Bernie Sanders, died of wounds he suffered that day.

Violent criminal acts must be dealt with severely. But painting blame with a broad partisan brush must be resisted. Casting political stones at politicians for their lawful rhetoric and actions cannot be confused with criminally charging ideological violent extremists.

Fascinating. Three accounts of Capitol attacks and one "which of these is not like the others".

But they do have at least one aspect in common: Zero (0) of these were incited by the POTUS.
Neither was January 6 incited either. You noticed though a couple of those I listed who committed violence got rewarded Clinton and BO.
An attempt at violently overthrowing the government = criminally charging ideological violent extremists.

No confusion here.

Had it been an actual insurrection, the end result would have been quite different seeing as the Capitol Police had no control over the situation.

As it stands, it appears to be more a contrivance that included elements of both sides striving to give each something to fight about in the newscast arena.
An attempt at violently overthrowing the government = criminally charging ideological violent extremists.

No confusion here.

Had it been an actual insurrection, the end result would have been quite different seeing as the Capitol Police had no control over the situation.

As it stands, it appears to be more a contrivance that included elements of both sides striving to give each something to fight about in the newscast arena.

Don't agree at all. Incompetence on the part of the assaulters doesn't mean it was not an attempt at insurrection. They absolutely wanted to stop the certification of the election and the peaceful transfer of power.
Since the looney left ignores left wing violence.

March 1, 1954: Four Puerto Rican nationalists sitting in the House Gallery shot at congressmen in session, wounding five. They were convicted and sentenced to 49 years in prison. In 1979, one died in prison and the remaining three were pardoned by President Carter. They returned to Puerto Rico and hailed as patriots by some.

March 1, 1971: A bomb was detonated in the Senate wing, near the Rotunda and below the Senate chamber, causing extensive damage, some structural. Although no one was ever charged, the Weather Underground claimed credit. These "Amerika-hating revolutionaries" engineered bombings, robberies and killings. Interestingly, married couple Bill Ayers and Benardine Dohrn, founding members of the group, became college professors in Chicago where Ayers was connected to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge organization, as was his neighbor community organizer Barack Obama.

November 7, 1983: M19CO (a communist organization) claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Capitol's north wing. The blast pushed a potentially lethal hole into the empty Republican Senate cloak room. The Senate had unexpectedly adjourned early. In May 1985, Susan Rosenberg was convicted to 58 years in prison for possession of bombs, explosives and firearms. In 1988 Rosenberg was charged with others for the Capitol bombing, but charges were dropped in 1990 because of her imprisonment on the weapons charges. On June 20, 2001 she was released from prison due to President Clinton's commutation. Susan Rosenberg later became vice chair of Thousand Currents, the fundraising arm for Black Lives Matter.


ABC7 YouTube screengrab

June 14, 2017: James Hodgkinson shot 70 rounds at an Alexandria, VA ball field where members of the Republican House caucus were practicing in preparation for a charity game with Democrats. Five persons were wounded (including Congressman. Steve Scalise). The shooter, an avowed anti-Trumper and follower of Senator Bernie Sanders, died of wounds he suffered that day.

Violent criminal acts must be dealt with severely. But painting blame with a broad partisan brush must be resisted. Casting political stones at politicians for their lawful rhetoric and actions cannot be confused with criminally charging ideological violent extremists.

Fascinating. Three accounts of Capitol attacks and one "which of these is not like the others".

But they do have at least one aspect in common: Zero (0) of these were incited by the POTUS.
Neither was January 6 incited either.

Oh? You mean these knuckledraggers do this EVERY January 6?

You noticed though a couple of those I listed who committed violence got rewarded Clinton and BO.

All I notice is that that's not even a sentence. :dunno:
Since the looney left ignores left wing violence.

March 1, 1954: Four Puerto Rican nationalists sitting in the House Gallery shot at congressmen in session, wounding five. They were convicted and sentenced to 49 years in prison. In 1979, one died in prison and the remaining three were pardoned by President Carter. They returned to Puerto Rico and hailed as patriots by some.

March 1, 1971: A bomb was detonated in the Senate wing, near the Rotunda and below the Senate chamber, causing extensive damage, some structural. Although no one was ever charged, the Weather Underground claimed credit. These "Amerika-hating revolutionaries" engineered bombings, robberies and killings. Interestingly, married couple Bill Ayers and Benardine Dohrn, founding members of the group, became college professors in Chicago where Ayers was connected to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge organization, as was his neighbor community organizer Barack Obama.

November 7, 1983: M19CO (a communist organization) claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Capitol's north wing. The blast pushed a potentially lethal hole into the empty Republican Senate cloak room. The Senate had unexpectedly adjourned early. In May 1985, Susan Rosenberg was convicted to 58 years in prison for possession of bombs, explosives and firearms. In 1988 Rosenberg was charged with others for the Capitol bombing, but charges were dropped in 1990 because of her imprisonment on the weapons charges. On June 20, 2001 she was released from prison due to President Clinton's commutation. Susan Rosenberg later became vice chair of Thousand Currents, the fundraising arm for Black Lives Matter.


ABC7 YouTube screengrab

June 14, 2017: James Hodgkinson shot 70 rounds at an Alexandria, VA ball field where members of the Republican House caucus were practicing in preparation for a charity game with Democrats. Five persons were wounded (including Congressman. Steve Scalise). The shooter, an avowed anti-Trumper and follower of Senator Bernie Sanders, died of wounds he suffered that day.

Violent criminal acts must be dealt with severely. But painting blame with a broad partisan brush must be resisted. Casting political stones at politicians for their lawful rhetoric and actions cannot be confused with criminally charging ideological violent extremists.

Fascinating. Three accounts of Capitol attacks and one "which of these is not like the others".

But they do have at least one aspect in common: Zero (0) of these were incited by the POTUS.
And Trump didn't incite anything either dummy. Guess you missed the admission the FBI knew about this days ahead of time. Explain how somebody incites a pre-planned event. Now watch Slogo stammer and stutter and drool all over himself.
Since the looney left ignores left wing violence.

March 1, 1954: Four Puerto Rican nationalists sitting in the House Gallery shot at congressmen in session, wounding five. They were convicted and sentenced to 49 years in prison. In 1979, one died in prison and the remaining three were pardoned by President Carter. They returned to Puerto Rico and hailed as patriots by some.

March 1, 1971: A bomb was detonated in the Senate wing, near the Rotunda and below the Senate chamber, causing extensive damage, some structural. Although no one was ever charged, the Weather Underground claimed credit. These "Amerika-hating revolutionaries" engineered bombings, robberies and killings. Interestingly, married couple Bill Ayers and Benardine Dohrn, founding members of the group, became college professors in Chicago where Ayers was connected to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge organization, as was his neighbor community organizer Barack Obama.

November 7, 1983: M19CO (a communist organization) claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Capitol's north wing. The blast pushed a potentially lethal hole into the empty Republican Senate cloak room. The Senate had unexpectedly adjourned early. In May 1985, Susan Rosenberg was convicted to 58 years in prison for possession of bombs, explosives and firearms. In 1988 Rosenberg was charged with others for the Capitol bombing, but charges were dropped in 1990 because of her imprisonment on the weapons charges. On June 20, 2001 she was released from prison due to President Clinton's commutation. Susan Rosenberg later became vice chair of Thousand Currents, the fundraising arm for Black Lives Matter.


ABC7 YouTube screengrab

June 14, 2017: James Hodgkinson shot 70 rounds at an Alexandria, VA ball field where members of the Republican House caucus were practicing in preparation for a charity game with Democrats. Five persons were wounded (including Congressman. Steve Scalise). The shooter, an avowed anti-Trumper and follower of Senator Bernie Sanders, died of wounds he suffered that day.

Violent criminal acts must be dealt with severely. But painting blame with a broad partisan brush must be resisted. Casting political stones at politicians for their lawful rhetoric and actions cannot be confused with criminally charging ideological violent extremists.

Fascinating. Three accounts of Capitol attacks and one "which of these is not like the others".

But they do have at least one aspect in common: Zero (0) of these were incited by the POTUS.
And Trump didn't incite anything either dummy. Guess you missed the admission the FBI knew about this days ahead of time. Explain how somebody incites a pre-planned event. Now watch Slogo stammer and stutter and drool all over himself.

uh huh.

---- So you're saying Rump knew about this, and sent them anyway?

If the FBI knows about something, then by definition so does the POTUS.

No wonder he advertised it as "WILD" huh.
An attempt at violently overthrowing the government = criminally charging ideological violent extremists.

No confusion here.

Had it been an actual insurrection, the end result would have been quite different seeing as the Capitol Police had no control over the situation.

As it stands, it appears to be more a contrivance that included elements of both sides striving to give each something to fight about in the newscast arena.

Don't agree at all. Incompetence on the part of the assaulters doesn't mean it was not an attempt at insurrection. They absolutely wanted to stop the certification of the election and the peaceful transfer of power.
"Incompetence".....Most of them were allowed into the building by Capitol Police, and walking around like they were on a fucking tour.

The actual violent people in the capitol might have numbered a few dozen, and it's questionable as to who those people really were.

But you keep it up with your hyperventilating, hysterical dingbat.
Since the looney left ignores left wing violence.

March 1, 1954: Four Puerto Rican nationalists sitting in the House Gallery shot at congressmen in session, wounding five. They were convicted and sentenced to 49 years in prison. In 1979, one died in prison and the remaining three were pardoned by President Carter. They returned to Puerto Rico and hailed as patriots by some.

March 1, 1971: A bomb was detonated in the Senate wing, near the Rotunda and below the Senate chamber, causing extensive damage, some structural. Although no one was ever charged, the Weather Underground claimed credit. These "Amerika-hating revolutionaries" engineered bombings, robberies and killings. Interestingly, married couple Bill Ayers and Benardine Dohrn, founding members of the group, became college professors in Chicago where Ayers was connected to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge organization, as was his neighbor community organizer Barack Obama.

November 7, 1983: M19CO (a communist organization) claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Capitol's north wing. The blast pushed a potentially lethal hole into the empty Republican Senate cloak room. The Senate had unexpectedly adjourned early. In May 1985, Susan Rosenberg was convicted to 58 years in prison for possession of bombs, explosives and firearms. In 1988 Rosenberg was charged with others for the Capitol bombing, but charges were dropped in 1990 because of her imprisonment on the weapons charges. On June 20, 2001 she was released from prison due to President Clinton's commutation. Susan Rosenberg later became vice chair of Thousand Currents, the fundraising arm for Black Lives Matter.


ABC7 YouTube screengrab

June 14, 2017: James Hodgkinson shot 70 rounds at an Alexandria, VA ball field where members of the Republican House caucus were practicing in preparation for a charity game with Democrats. Five persons were wounded (including Congressman. Steve Scalise). The shooter, an avowed anti-Trumper and follower of Senator Bernie Sanders, died of wounds he suffered that day.

Violent criminal acts must be dealt with severely. But painting blame with a broad partisan brush must be resisted. Casting political stones at politicians for their lawful rhetoric and actions cannot be confused with criminally charging ideological violent extremists.

Did Republicans try to ignore any of these attacks?
Since the looney left ignores left wing violence.

March 1, 1954: Four Puerto Rican nationalists sitting in the House Gallery shot at congressmen in session, wounding five. They were convicted and sentenced to 49 years in prison. In 1979, one died in prison and the remaining three were pardoned by President Carter. They returned to Puerto Rico and hailed as patriots by some.

March 1, 1971: A bomb was detonated in the Senate wing, near the Rotunda and below the Senate chamber, causing extensive damage, some structural. Although no one was ever charged, the Weather Underground claimed credit. These "Amerika-hating revolutionaries" engineered bombings, robberies and killings. Interestingly, married couple Bill Ayers and Benardine Dohrn, founding members of the group, became college professors in Chicago where Ayers was connected to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge organization, as was his neighbor community organizer Barack Obama.

November 7, 1983: M19CO (a communist organization) claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Capitol's north wing. The blast pushed a potentially lethal hole into the empty Republican Senate cloak room. The Senate had unexpectedly adjourned early. In May 1985, Susan Rosenberg was convicted to 58 years in prison for possession of bombs, explosives and firearms. In 1988 Rosenberg was charged with others for the Capitol bombing, but charges were dropped in 1990 because of her imprisonment on the weapons charges. On June 20, 2001 she was released from prison due to President Clinton's commutation. Susan Rosenberg later became vice chair of Thousand Currents, the fundraising arm for Black Lives Matter.


ABC7 YouTube screengrab

June 14, 2017: James Hodgkinson shot 70 rounds at an Alexandria, VA ball field where members of the Republican House caucus were practicing in preparation for a charity game with Democrats. Five persons were wounded (including Congressman. Steve Scalise). The shooter, an avowed anti-Trumper and follower of Senator Bernie Sanders, died of wounds he suffered that day.

Violent criminal acts must be dealt with severely. But painting blame with a broad partisan brush must be resisted. Casting political stones at politicians for their lawful rhetoric and actions cannot be confused with criminally charging ideological violent extremists.

Fascinating. Three accounts of Capitol attacks and one "which of these is not like the others".

But they do have at least one aspect in common: Zero (0) of these were incited by the POTUS.
And Trump didn't incite anything either dummy. Guess you missed the admission the FBI knew about this days ahead of time. Explain how somebody incites a pre-planned event. Now watch Slogo stammer and stutter and drool all over himself.

uh huh.

---- So you're saying Rump knew about this, and sent them anyway?

If the FBI knows about something, then by definition so does the POTUS.

No wonder he advertised it as "WILD" huh.
Sorry asshole. You lose. As expected. Where's your proof TRUMP knew about this idiot. The FBI admitted they knew and did nothing. Telling nobody. Your total dodge of the question marks you a loser. As always. Slogo gets slapped again. It's too easy.
Since the looney left ignores left wing violence.

March 1, 1954: Four Puerto Rican nationalists sitting in the House Gallery shot at congressmen in session, wounding five. They were convicted and sentenced to 49 years in prison. In 1979, one died in prison and the remaining three were pardoned by President Carter. They returned to Puerto Rico and hailed as patriots by some.

March 1, 1971: A bomb was detonated in the Senate wing, near the Rotunda and below the Senate chamber, causing extensive damage, some structural. Although no one was ever charged, the Weather Underground claimed credit. These "Amerika-hating revolutionaries" engineered bombings, robberies and killings. Interestingly, married couple Bill Ayers and Benardine Dohrn, founding members of the group, became college professors in Chicago where Ayers was connected to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge organization, as was his neighbor community organizer Barack Obama.

November 7, 1983: M19CO (a communist organization) claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Capitol's north wing. The blast pushed a potentially lethal hole into the empty Republican Senate cloak room. The Senate had unexpectedly adjourned early. In May 1985, Susan Rosenberg was convicted to 58 years in prison for possession of bombs, explosives and firearms. In 1988 Rosenberg was charged with others for the Capitol bombing, but charges were dropped in 1990 because of her imprisonment on the weapons charges. On June 20, 2001 she was released from prison due to President Clinton's commutation. Susan Rosenberg later became vice chair of Thousand Currents, the fundraising arm for Black Lives Matter.


ABC7 YouTube screengrab

June 14, 2017: James Hodgkinson shot 70 rounds at an Alexandria, VA ball field where members of the Republican House caucus were practicing in preparation for a charity game with Democrats. Five persons were wounded (including Congressman. Steve Scalise). The shooter, an avowed anti-Trumper and follower of Senator Bernie Sanders, died of wounds he suffered that day.

Violent criminal acts must be dealt with severely. But painting blame with a broad partisan brush must be resisted. Casting political stones at politicians for their lawful rhetoric and actions cannot be confused with criminally charging ideological violent extremists.

Fascinating. Three accounts of Capitol attacks and one "which of these is not like the others".

But they do have at least one aspect in common: Zero (0) of these were incited by the POTUS.
And Trump didn't incite anything either dummy. Guess you missed the admission the FBI knew about this days ahead of time. Explain how somebody incites a pre-planned event. Now watch Slogo stammer and stutter and drool all over himself.

uh huh.

---- So you're saying Rump knew about this, and sent them anyway?

If the FBI knows about something, then by definition so does the POTUS.

No wonder he advertised it as "WILD" huh.
"Seventeen intelligence agencies" claimed that RUSSIA! interfered in the 2016 election....Yet not a single fucking one of them could sniff out this "insurrection".

Do you knuckleheads even keep track of your insane narratives from moment to moment?
Since the looney left ignores left wing violence.

March 1, 1954: Four Puerto Rican nationalists sitting in the House Gallery shot at congressmen in session, wounding five. They were convicted and sentenced to 49 years in prison. In 1979, one died in prison and the remaining three were pardoned by President Carter. They returned to Puerto Rico and hailed as patriots by some.

March 1, 1971: A bomb was detonated in the Senate wing, near the Rotunda and below the Senate chamber, causing extensive damage, some structural. Although no one was ever charged, the Weather Underground claimed credit. These "Amerika-hating revolutionaries" engineered bombings, robberies and killings. Interestingly, married couple Bill Ayers and Benardine Dohrn, founding members of the group, became college professors in Chicago where Ayers was connected to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge organization, as was his neighbor community organizer Barack Obama.

November 7, 1983: M19CO (a communist organization) claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Capitol's north wing. The blast pushed a potentially lethal hole into the empty Republican Senate cloak room. The Senate had unexpectedly adjourned early. In May 1985, Susan Rosenberg was convicted to 58 years in prison for possession of bombs, explosives and firearms. In 1988 Rosenberg was charged with others for the Capitol bombing, but charges were dropped in 1990 because of her imprisonment on the weapons charges. On June 20, 2001 she was released from prison due to President Clinton's commutation. Susan Rosenberg later became vice chair of Thousand Currents, the fundraising arm for Black Lives Matter.


ABC7 YouTube screengrab

June 14, 2017: James Hodgkinson shot 70 rounds at an Alexandria, VA ball field where members of the Republican House caucus were practicing in preparation for a charity game with Democrats. Five persons were wounded (including Congressman. Steve Scalise). The shooter, an avowed anti-Trumper and follower of Senator Bernie Sanders, died of wounds he suffered that day.

Violent criminal acts must be dealt with severely. But painting blame with a broad partisan brush must be resisted. Casting political stones at politicians for their lawful rhetoric and actions cannot be confused with criminally charging ideological violent extremists.
Your OP is one of the most common logical fallacies on the planet. False equivalence.
Since the looney left ignores left wing violence.

March 1, 1954: Four Puerto Rican nationalists sitting in the House Gallery shot at congressmen in session, wounding five. They were convicted and sentenced to 49 years in prison. In 1979, one died in prison and the remaining three were pardoned by President Carter. They returned to Puerto Rico and hailed as patriots by some.

March 1, 1971: A bomb was detonated in the Senate wing, near the Rotunda and below the Senate chamber, causing extensive damage, some structural. Although no one was ever charged, the Weather Underground claimed credit. These "Amerika-hating revolutionaries" engineered bombings, robberies and killings. Interestingly, married couple Bill Ayers and Benardine Dohrn, founding members of the group, became college professors in Chicago where Ayers was connected to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge organization, as was his neighbor community organizer Barack Obama.

November 7, 1983: M19CO (a communist organization) claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Capitol's north wing. The blast pushed a potentially lethal hole into the empty Republican Senate cloak room. The Senate had unexpectedly adjourned early. In May 1985, Susan Rosenberg was convicted to 58 years in prison for possession of bombs, explosives and firearms. In 1988 Rosenberg was charged with others for the Capitol bombing, but charges were dropped in 1990 because of her imprisonment on the weapons charges. On June 20, 2001 she was released from prison due to President Clinton's commutation. Susan Rosenberg later became vice chair of Thousand Currents, the fundraising arm for Black Lives Matter.


ABC7 YouTube screengrab

June 14, 2017: James Hodgkinson shot 70 rounds at an Alexandria, VA ball field where members of the Republican House caucus were practicing in preparation for a charity game with Democrats. Five persons were wounded (including Congressman. Steve Scalise). The shooter, an avowed anti-Trumper and follower of Senator Bernie Sanders, died of wounds he suffered that day.

Violent criminal acts must be dealt with severely. But painting blame with a broad partisan brush must be resisted. Casting political stones at politicians for their lawful rhetoric and actions cannot be confused with criminally charging ideological violent extremists.
Your OP is one of the most common logical fallacies on the planet. False equivalence.
Coming from the leftist Borg collective no surprise.

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