Relatives of and "Legal" American immigrants... UNITE!!! According to MSM we hate immigrants!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I just saw Mayor of Escondido,CA Sam Abed discussing how wrong the CA sanctuary city law was and he described himself as a "LEGAL" immigrant who came with his mother 30 years ago and became an American citizen and is now mayor.

Folks... do you understand how the extremely biased MSM has fractured our country with regards to so many issues and "Legal" immigrants is one of them.

Mayor Abed is as angry about being lumped by the MSM as "anti-immigrant" as the rest of us 90+ million Americans that are either relatives or are "legal" immigrants by calling us "racists"! Xenophobes!
Does the MSM not comprehend by leaving out that simple adjective "ILLEGAL" they have fostered this division?
Of course they do! What better way to get viewers/readers which means ratings which means revenue!

I'm not advocating stifling the "press"...i.e. doing away with the First amendment.
I'm advocating what more and more Americans are realizing that the MSM is presenting NOT FAKE NEWS but the MSM presents BIASED headlines/30 second sound bites. These biased headlines/sound bites get the attention. Today more skeptical Americans are reading/watching the REST of the story and confirming what the skeptical Americans now believe...i.e. the MSM is biased as to how they present the news.

The AP cites a Pew Research Center report that two-thirds of Americans believe “fabricated news” is causing a “great deal of confusion” about basic facts, and a poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago found the percentage of Americans expressing a “great deal of confidence” in the press has fallen from 28 percent in 1976 to just 8 percent in 2016.

The Media Still Can't Figure Out Why They're Losing Credibility

So to those of you that still believe the MSM...consider Mayor Abed's story.
He like 90+ million other Americans who are relatives of or are "LEGAL" immigrants are angry at being labeled "Anti-immigrant"!

And this again is the MSM's fault.

Here is a Google Search on "Trump anti-immigrant" and the results:
Look at these 59,700 headlines:
NYT: "Trump's Anti-Immigrant Racism"
Newyorker:"Trump's Anti-Immigrant Fervor"
MSNBC: "Trump's anti-immigrant fear-mongering"

How many people know Trump married a legal immigrant?

How many people know that 90+ million Americans like me have relatives or ARE "LEGAL immigrants" and
really find the MSM offending us by calling US racists, xenophobic, etc.?

Now is it ANY wonder the country is fractured when people read headlines like the below?
And fewer people are believing the MSM headlines that 90+ million people like me with a "legal immigrant" relative, Mayor Abed, President Trump and LEGAL immigrants are "racists", xenophobic, etc.
We are far from "ANTI-immigrant! Our country is founded NOT on people that snuck in, use resources and
hate America but people like my relatives that GAVE up their homeland citizenship! Studied American history.

Became legal citizens.

We don't hate IMMIGRANTS!

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There mission is to sell stories and keep the people of this country at each others throats as they do as they will.

It's been a long time since they reported as real newsmen and women..............It's all who greases their palms for ratings and money...........and nothing more.
I just saw Mayor of Escondido,CA Sam Abed discussing how wrong the CA sanctuary city law was and he described himself. A "LEGAL" immigrant who came with his mother 30 years ago and became a American citizen and is now mayor.

Folks... do you understand how the extremely biased MSM has fractured our country with regards to so many issues and "Legal" immigrants is one of them.

Mayor Abed is as angry about being lumped by the MSM as "anti-immigrant" as the rest of us 90+ million Americans that are either relatives or are "legal" immigrants by calling us "racists"! Xenophobes!
Does the MSM not comprehend by leaving out that simple adjective "ILLEGAL" they have fostered this division?
Of course they do! What better way to get viewers/readers which means ratings which means revenue!

I'm not advocating stifling the "press"...i.e. doing away with the First amendment.
I'm advocating what more and more Americans are realizing that the MSM is presenting NOT FAKE NEWS but the MSM presents BIASED headlines/30 second sound bites. These biased headlines/sound bites get the attention. Today more skeptical Americans are reading/watching the REST of the story and confirming what the skeptical Americans now believe...i.e. the MSM is biased as to how they present the news.

The AP cites a Pew Research Center report that two-thirds of Americans believe “fabricated news” is causing a “great deal of confusion” about basic facts, and a poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago found the percentage of Americans expressing a “great deal of confidence” in the press has fallen from 28 percent in 1976 to just 8 percent in 2016.

The Media Still Can't Figure Out Why They're Losing Credibility

So to those of you that still believe the MSM...consider Mayor Abed's story.
He like 90+ million other Americans who are relatives of or are "LEGAL" immigrants are angry at being labeled "Anti-immigrant"!

And this again is the MSM's fault.

Here is a Google Search on "Trump anti-immigrant" and the results:
Look at these 59,700 headlines:
NYT: "Trump's Anti-Immigrant Racism"
Newyorker:"Trump's Anti-Immigrant Fervor"
MSNBC: "Trump's anti-immigrant fear-mongering"

How many people know Trump married a legal immigrant?

How many people know that 90+ million Americans like me have relatives or ARE "LEGAL immigrants" and
really find the MSM offending us by calling US racists, xenophobic, etc.?

Now is it ANY wonder the country is fractured when people read headlines like the below?
And fewer people are believing the MSM headlines that 90+ million people like me with a "legal immigrant" relative, Mayor Abed, President Trump and LEGAL immigrants are "racists", xenophobic, etc.
We are far from "ANTI-immigrant! Our country is founded NOT on people that snuck in, use resources and
hate America but people like my relatives that GAVE up their homeland citizenship! Studied American history.

Became legal citizens.

We don't hate IMMIGRANTS!

View attachment 186703
Trump has openly stated that he will work to reduce legal immigration because it’s bad for the country
I just saw Mayor of Escondido,CA Sam Abed discussing how wrong the CA sanctuary city law was and he described himself. A "LEGAL" immigrant who came with his mother 30 years ago and became a American citizen and is now mayor.

Folks... do you understand how the extremely biased MSM has fractured our country with regards to so many issues and "Legal" immigrants is one of them.

Mayor Abed is as angry about being lumped by the MSM as "anti-immigrant" as the rest of us 90+ million Americans that are either relatives or are "legal" immigrants by calling us "racists"! Xenophobes!
Does the MSM not comprehend by leaving out that simple adjective "ILLEGAL" they have fostered this division?
Of course they do! What better way to get viewers/readers which means ratings which means revenue!

I'm not advocating stifling the "press"...i.e. doing away with the First amendment.
I'm advocating what more and more Americans are realizing that the MSM is presenting NOT FAKE NEWS but the MSM presents BIASED headlines/30 second sound bites. These biased headlines/sound bites get the attention. Today more skeptical Americans are reading/watching the REST of the story and confirming what the skeptical Americans now believe...i.e. the MSM is biased as to how they present the news.

The AP cites a Pew Research Center report that two-thirds of Americans believe “fabricated news” is causing a “great deal of confusion” about basic facts, and a poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago found the percentage of Americans expressing a “great deal of confidence” in the press has fallen from 28 percent in 1976 to just 8 percent in 2016.

The Media Still Can't Figure Out Why They're Losing Credibility

So to those of you that still believe the MSM...consider Mayor Abed's story.
He like 90+ million other Americans who are relatives of or are "LEGAL" immigrants are angry at being labeled "Anti-immigrant"!

And this again is the MSM's fault.

Here is a Google Search on "Trump anti-immigrant" and the results:
Look at these 59,700 headlines:
NYT: "Trump's Anti-Immigrant Racism"
Newyorker:"Trump's Anti-Immigrant Fervor"
MSNBC: "Trump's anti-immigrant fear-mongering"

How many people know Trump married a legal immigrant?

How many people know that 90+ million Americans like me have relatives or ARE "LEGAL immigrants" and
really find the MSM offending us by calling US racists, xenophobic, etc.?

Now is it ANY wonder the country is fractured when people read headlines like the below?
And fewer people are believing the MSM headlines that 90+ million people like me with a "legal immigrant" relative, Mayor Abed, President Trump and LEGAL immigrants are "racists", xenophobic, etc.
We are far from "ANTI-immigrant! Our country is founded NOT on people that snuck in, use resources and
hate America but people like my relatives that GAVE up their homeland citizenship! Studied American history.

Became legal citizens.

We don't hate IMMIGRANTS!

View attachment 186703
Trump has openly stated that he will work to reduce legal immigration because it’s bad for the country
In H1bs or educated sectors maybe................

But not in farm low skill labor....

Which there is a program for under the labor department which so many ignore and it is not properly enforced.
I just saw Mayor of Escondido,CA Sam Abed discussing how wrong the CA sanctuary city law was and he described himself. A "LEGAL" immigrant who came with his mother 30 years ago and became a American citizen and is now mayor.

Folks... do you understand how the extremely biased MSM has fractured our country with regards to so many issues and "Legal" immigrants is one of them.

Mayor Abed is as angry about being lumped by the MSM as "anti-immigrant" as the rest of us 90+ million Americans that are either relatives or are "legal" immigrants by calling us "racists"! Xenophobes!
Does the MSM not comprehend by leaving out that simple adjective "ILLEGAL" they have fostered this division?
Of course they do! What better way to get viewers/readers which means ratings which means revenue!

I'm not advocating stifling the "press"...i.e. doing away with the First amendment.
I'm advocating what more and more Americans are realizing that the MSM is presenting NOT FAKE NEWS but the MSM presents BIASED headlines/30 second sound bites. These biased headlines/sound bites get the attention. Today more skeptical Americans are reading/watching the REST of the story and confirming what the skeptical Americans now believe...i.e. the MSM is biased as to how they present the news.

The AP cites a Pew Research Center report that two-thirds of Americans believe “fabricated news” is causing a “great deal of confusion” about basic facts, and a poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago found the percentage of Americans expressing a “great deal of confidence” in the press has fallen from 28 percent in 1976 to just 8 percent in 2016.

The Media Still Can't Figure Out Why They're Losing Credibility

So to those of you that still believe the MSM...consider Mayor Abed's story.
He like 90+ million other Americans who are relatives of or are "LEGAL" immigrants are angry at being labeled "Anti-immigrant"!

And this again is the MSM's fault.

Here is a Google Search on "Trump anti-immigrant" and the results:
Look at these 59,700 headlines:
NYT: "Trump's Anti-Immigrant Racism"
Newyorker:"Trump's Anti-Immigrant Fervor"
MSNBC: "Trump's anti-immigrant fear-mongering"

How many people know Trump married a legal immigrant?

How many people know that 90+ million Americans like me have relatives or ARE "LEGAL immigrants" and
really find the MSM offending us by calling US racists, xenophobic, etc.?

Now is it ANY wonder the country is fractured when people read headlines like the below?
And fewer people are believing the MSM headlines that 90+ million people like me with a "legal immigrant" relative, Mayor Abed, President Trump and LEGAL immigrants are "racists", xenophobic, etc.
We are far from "ANTI-immigrant! Our country is founded NOT on people that snuck in, use resources and
hate America but people like my relatives that GAVE up their homeland citizenship! Studied American history.

Became legal citizens.

We don't hate IMMIGRANTS!

View attachment 186703
Trump has openly stated that he will work to reduce legal immigration because it’s bad for the country
In H1bs or educated sectors maybe................

But not in farm low skill labor....

Which there is a program for under the labor department which so many ignore and it is not properly enforced.
H-1bs aren’t going anywhere because it saves Trump too much money in staffing Mar-a-Lago
I just saw Mayor of Escondido,CA Sam Abed discussing how wrong the CA sanctuary city law was and he described himself. A "LEGAL" immigrant who came with his mother 30 years ago and became a American citizen and is now mayor.

Folks... do you understand how the extremely biased MSM has fractured our country with regards to so many issues and "Legal" immigrants is one of them.

Mayor Abed is as angry about being lumped by the MSM as "anti-immigrant" as the rest of us 90+ million Americans that are either relatives or are "legal" immigrants by calling us "racists"! Xenophobes!
Does the MSM not comprehend by leaving out that simple adjective "ILLEGAL" they have fostered this division?
Of course they do! What better way to get viewers/readers which means ratings which means revenue!

I'm not advocating stifling the "press"...i.e. doing away with the First amendment.
I'm advocating what more and more Americans are realizing that the MSM is presenting NOT FAKE NEWS but the MSM presents BIASED headlines/30 second sound bites. These biased headlines/sound bites get the attention. Today more skeptical Americans are reading/watching the REST of the story and confirming what the skeptical Americans now believe...i.e. the MSM is biased as to how they present the news.

The AP cites a Pew Research Center report that two-thirds of Americans believe “fabricated news” is causing a “great deal of confusion” about basic facts, and a poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago found the percentage of Americans expressing a “great deal of confidence” in the press has fallen from 28 percent in 1976 to just 8 percent in 2016.

The Media Still Can't Figure Out Why They're Losing Credibility

So to those of you that still believe the MSM...consider Mayor Abed's story.
He like 90+ million other Americans who are relatives of or are "LEGAL" immigrants are angry at being labeled "Anti-immigrant"!

And this again is the MSM's fault.

Here is a Google Search on "Trump anti-immigrant" and the results:
Look at these 59,700 headlines:
NYT: "Trump's Anti-Immigrant Racism"
Newyorker:"Trump's Anti-Immigrant Fervor"
MSNBC: "Trump's anti-immigrant fear-mongering"

How many people know Trump married a legal immigrant?

How many people know that 90+ million Americans like me have relatives or ARE "LEGAL immigrants" and
really find the MSM offending us by calling US racists, xenophobic, etc.?

Now is it ANY wonder the country is fractured when people read headlines like the below?
And fewer people are believing the MSM headlines that 90+ million people like me with a "legal immigrant" relative, Mayor Abed, President Trump and LEGAL immigrants are "racists", xenophobic, etc.
We are far from "ANTI-immigrant! Our country is founded NOT on people that snuck in, use resources and
hate America but people like my relatives that GAVE up their homeland citizenship! Studied American history.

Became legal citizens.

We don't hate IMMIGRANTS!

View attachment 186703
Trump has openly stated that he will work to reduce legal immigration because it’s bad for the country
In H1bs or educated sectors maybe................

But not in farm low skill labor....

Which there is a program for under the labor department which so many ignore and it is not properly enforced.
H-1bs aren’t going anywhere because it saves Trump too much money in staffing Mar-a-Lago
A matter of opinion...................whether it's true or not would need fact checks from unbiased sources....

But please proceed to place biased sites for the evidence that supports your position.
I just saw Mayor of Escondido,CA Sam Abed discussing how wrong the CA sanctuary city law was and he described himself. A "LEGAL" immigrant who came with his mother 30 years ago and became a American citizen and is now mayor.

Folks... do you understand how the extremely biased MSM has fractured our country with regards to so many issues and "Legal" immigrants is one of them.

Mayor Abed is as angry about being lumped by the MSM as "anti-immigrant" as the rest of us 90+ million Americans that are either relatives or are "legal" immigrants by calling us "racists"! Xenophobes!
Does the MSM not comprehend by leaving out that simple adjective "ILLEGAL" they have fostered this division?
Of course they do! What better way to get viewers/readers which means ratings which means revenue!

I'm not advocating stifling the "press"...i.e. doing away with the First amendment.
I'm advocating what more and more Americans are realizing that the MSM is presenting NOT FAKE NEWS but the MSM presents BIASED headlines/30 second sound bites. These biased headlines/sound bites get the attention. Today more skeptical Americans are reading/watching the REST of the story and confirming what the skeptical Americans now believe...i.e. the MSM is biased as to how they present the news.

The AP cites a Pew Research Center report that two-thirds of Americans believe “fabricated news” is causing a “great deal of confusion” about basic facts, and a poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago found the percentage of Americans expressing a “great deal of confidence” in the press has fallen from 28 percent in 1976 to just 8 percent in 2016.

The Media Still Can't Figure Out Why They're Losing Credibility

So to those of you that still believe the MSM...consider Mayor Abed's story.
He like 90+ million other Americans who are relatives of or are "LEGAL" immigrants are angry at being labeled "Anti-immigrant"!

And this again is the MSM's fault.

Here is a Google Search on "Trump anti-immigrant" and the results:
Look at these 59,700 headlines:
NYT: "Trump's Anti-Immigrant Racism"
Newyorker:"Trump's Anti-Immigrant Fervor"
MSNBC: "Trump's anti-immigrant fear-mongering"

How many people know Trump married a legal immigrant?

How many people know that 90+ million Americans like me have relatives or ARE "LEGAL immigrants" and
really find the MSM offending us by calling US racists, xenophobic, etc.?

Now is it ANY wonder the country is fractured when people read headlines like the below?
And fewer people are believing the MSM headlines that 90+ million people like me with a "legal immigrant" relative, Mayor Abed, President Trump and LEGAL immigrants are "racists", xenophobic, etc.
We are far from "ANTI-immigrant! Our country is founded NOT on people that snuck in, use resources and
hate America but people like my relatives that GAVE up their homeland citizenship! Studied American history.

Became legal citizens.

We don't hate IMMIGRANTS!

View attachment 186703
Trump has openly stated that he will work to reduce legal immigration because it’s bad for the country

Please do the honest thing and provide links where Trump has OPENLY stated he will work to modify American legal immigration requirements so that they are equal to
Australia, Canada, Japan, Denmark, Sweden, United Kingdom are among other countries that have stricter immigration laws than the USA.
How Other Countries Handle Immigration
There mission is to sell stories and keep the people of this country at each others throats as they do as they will.

It's been a long time since they reported as real newsmen and women..............It's all who greases their palms for ratings and money...........and nothing more.

I don't disagree! So what has to happen is what is happening now. More and more people are skeptical about how the MSM presents the news.
I watch the network news as well as Fox and both present biased news.
It's just that I know from Fox their position and for the most part almost all of Fox is biased.
BUT the network news, etc. they piously attempt to present their news supposedly unbiased!
What a JOKE!
Watch the lead in stories of ABC,CBS, NBC evening news... all 4-5 second bites to get you to watch and then when you really watch the stories you find the bites were exaggerations!
For example:
ABC evening news, David Muir in opening teasers "Comey asked for more resources"..
AND when you look into the news piece like I did with one of the below links:
Days Before Firing, Comey Asked for More Resources for Russia Inquiry
Their headline: Days Before Firing, Comey Asked for More Resources for Russia Inquiry
Yet when you scroll down through the article nearly to the bottom you read this

"Still, the White House insists that Mr. Comey’s dismissal had nothing to do with the Russia investigations, and Sarah Isgur Flores, the Justice Department spokeswoman,
said that “the idea that he asked for more funding” for the Russia inquiry was “totally false.” She did not elaborate.
Now consider that the whole article AND headline does NOT have one NAMED person to contradict Ms. Flores statement!

She flat out said it was totally false.
BUT who actually said that Comey asked for more resources?
I just saw Mayor of Escondido,CA Sam Abed discussing how wrong the CA sanctuary city law was and he described himself. A "LEGAL" immigrant who came with his mother 30 years ago and became a American citizen and is now mayor.

Folks... do you understand how the extremely biased MSM has fractured our country with regards to so many issues and "Legal" immigrants is one of them.

Mayor Abed is as angry about being lumped by the MSM as "anti-immigrant" as the rest of us 90+ million Americans that are either relatives or are "legal" immigrants by calling us "racists"! Xenophobes!
Does the MSM not comprehend by leaving out that simple adjective "ILLEGAL" they have fostered this division?
Of course they do! What better way to get viewers/readers which means ratings which means revenue!

I'm not advocating stifling the "press"...i.e. doing away with the First amendment.
I'm advocating what more and more Americans are realizing that the MSM is presenting NOT FAKE NEWS but the MSM presents BIASED headlines/30 second sound bites. These biased headlines/sound bites get the attention. Today more skeptical Americans are reading/watching the REST of the story and confirming what the skeptical Americans now believe...i.e. the MSM is biased as to how they present the news.

The AP cites a Pew Research Center report that two-thirds of Americans believe “fabricated news” is causing a “great deal of confusion” about basic facts, and a poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago found the percentage of Americans expressing a “great deal of confidence” in the press has fallen from 28 percent in 1976 to just 8 percent in 2016.

The Media Still Can't Figure Out Why They're Losing Credibility

So to those of you that still believe the MSM...consider Mayor Abed's story.
He like 90+ million other Americans who are relatives of or are "LEGAL" immigrants are angry at being labeled "Anti-immigrant"!

And this again is the MSM's fault.

Here is a Google Search on "Trump anti-immigrant" and the results:
Look at these 59,700 headlines:
NYT: "Trump's Anti-Immigrant Racism"
Newyorker:"Trump's Anti-Immigrant Fervor"
MSNBC: "Trump's anti-immigrant fear-mongering"

How many people know Trump married a legal immigrant?

How many people know that 90+ million Americans like me have relatives or ARE "LEGAL immigrants" and
really find the MSM offending us by calling US racists, xenophobic, etc.?

Now is it ANY wonder the country is fractured when people read headlines like the below?
And fewer people are believing the MSM headlines that 90+ million people like me with a "legal immigrant" relative, Mayor Abed, President Trump and LEGAL immigrants are "racists", xenophobic, etc.
We are far from "ANTI-immigrant! Our country is founded NOT on people that snuck in, use resources and
hate America but people like my relatives that GAVE up their homeland citizenship! Studied American history.

Became legal citizens.

We don't hate IMMIGRANTS!

View attachment 186703
Trump has openly stated that he will work to reduce legal immigration because it’s bad for the country
----------------------------------------------------- it is bad for the country , how many imported / immigrants , especially third worlders are needed in the USA . I hope that TRUMP can reduce the numbers of imported people and chain migration into the USA . Census from 2010 was that the USA has 310 million in the USA and then the lie of 11 million of illegal aliens OldSchool . ------------- Go TRUMP !!
I just saw Mayor of Escondido,CA Sam Abed discussing how wrong the CA sanctuary city law was and he described himself. A "LEGAL" immigrant who came with his mother 30 years ago and became a American citizen and is now mayor.

Folks... do you understand how the extremely biased MSM has fractured our country with regards to so many issues and "Legal" immigrants is one of them.

Mayor Abed is as angry about being lumped by the MSM as "anti-immigrant" as the rest of us 90+ million Americans that are either relatives or are "legal" immigrants by calling us "racists"! Xenophobes!
Does the MSM not comprehend by leaving out that simple adjective "ILLEGAL" they have fostered this division?
Of course they do! What better way to get viewers/readers which means ratings which means revenue!

I'm not advocating stifling the "press"...i.e. doing away with the First amendment.
I'm advocating what more and more Americans are realizing that the MSM is presenting NOT FAKE NEWS but the MSM presents BIASED headlines/30 second sound bites. These biased headlines/sound bites get the attention. Today more skeptical Americans are reading/watching the REST of the story and confirming what the skeptical Americans now believe...i.e. the MSM is biased as to how they present the news.

The AP cites a Pew Research Center report that two-thirds of Americans believe “fabricated news” is causing a “great deal of confusion” about basic facts, and a poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago found the percentage of Americans expressing a “great deal of confidence” in the press has fallen from 28 percent in 1976 to just 8 percent in 2016.

The Media Still Can't Figure Out Why They're Losing Credibility

So to those of you that still believe the MSM...consider Mayor Abed's story.
He like 90+ million other Americans who are relatives of or are "LEGAL" immigrants are angry at being labeled "Anti-immigrant"!

And this again is the MSM's fault.

Here is a Google Search on "Trump anti-immigrant" and the results:
Look at these 59,700 headlines:
NYT: "Trump's Anti-Immigrant Racism"
Newyorker:"Trump's Anti-Immigrant Fervor"
MSNBC: "Trump's anti-immigrant fear-mongering"

How many people know Trump married a legal immigrant?

How many people know that 90+ million Americans like me have relatives or ARE "LEGAL immigrants" and
really find the MSM offending us by calling US racists, xenophobic, etc.?

Now is it ANY wonder the country is fractured when people read headlines like the below?
And fewer people are believing the MSM headlines that 90+ million people like me with a "legal immigrant" relative, Mayor Abed, President Trump and LEGAL immigrants are "racists", xenophobic, etc.
We are far from "ANTI-immigrant! Our country is founded NOT on people that snuck in, use resources and
hate America but people like my relatives that GAVE up their homeland citizenship! Studied American history.

Became legal citizens.

We don't hate IMMIGRANTS!

View attachment 186703
Trump has openly stated that he will work to reduce legal immigration because it’s bad for the country
----------------------------------------------------- it is bad for the country , how many imported / immigrants , especially third worlders are needed in the USA . I hope that TRUMP can reduce the numbers of imported people and chain migration into the USA . Census from 2010 was that the USA has 310 million in the USA and then the lie of 11 million of illegal aliens OldSchool . ------------- Go TRUMP !!

A) Did the above quote come from Trump?
B) where did you get that quote? Easy to find out but you should always provide the link as any good scholar/reporter/commentator would do.
i'm just replying to the header and stating that i have no use for immigrants of any kind HMyths . ---------------------- so just a general comment HMyths.
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