Religion and the eclipse


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
So you have people of the abrahamic faiths saying the eclipse is a sign of the day of the divine. How many eclipses have happened since some desert savage wrote that "prophecy?" Is god just a fucking tease? Do those people think at all? Just another example of people using "god" for things they dont understand.
Then you have the AGW religion and them dumbfucks blaming climate change. On an eclipse 🤦‍♂️ They also blame that for an earthquake that happened on a fault line last week. Should I say that again? A FAULT LINE.
IDK which one is worse.
And you people wonder why i support restricted voting? This country is so fucked...
🤡 world
So you have people of the abrahamic faiths saying the eclipse is a sign of the day of the divine. How many eclipses have happened since some desert savage wrote that "prophecy?" Is god just a fucking tease? Do those people think at all? Just another example of people using "god" for things they dont understand.
Then you have the AGW religion and them dumbfucks blaming climate change. On an eclipse 🤦‍♂️ They also blame that for an earthquake that happened on a fault line last week. Should I say that again? A FAULT LINE.
IDK which one is worse.
And you people wonder why i support restricted voting? This country is so fucked...
🤡 world
Not sure who here has said the eclipse is a sign from God other than joking around

Not sure who here has said the eclipse is a sign from God other than joking around

I wasnt even talking about here. It was all over the internet. On tv shows. Both examples.
But we do have this :
I wasnt even talking about here. It was all over the internet. On tv shows. Both examples.
But we do have this :
This probably should be in the religious forum.

I'm reminded of this verse in the Bible

1 Kings 19:9

9 There he came to a cave and lodged in it. And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and he said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” 10 He said, “I have been very jealous for the Lord, the God of hosts. For the people of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and killed your prophets with the sword, and I, even I only, am left, and they seek my life, to take it away.” 11 And he said, “Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper.

Elijah thought that the strong wind, the earthquakes, etc., were all signs from God to flee for his life. God then asked, "Wut? Not me, try again, now go back where you were supposed to be"
So you have people of the abrahamic faiths saying the eclipse is a sign of the day of the divine. How many eclipses have happened since some desert savage wrote that "prophecy?" Is god just a fucking tease? Do those people think at all? Just another example of people using "god" for things they dont understand.
Then you have the AGW religion and them dumbfucks blaming climate change. On an eclipse 🤦‍♂️ They also blame that for an earthquake that happened on a fault line last week. Should I say that again? A FAULT LINE.
IDK which one is worse.
And you people wonder why i support restricted voting? This country is so fucked...
🤡 world
YOu really sound like a backwoods dropout, esp that pose as a social analyst. Makes me laugh
Whatever the facts are , for you to assert that non-believers never take such events as omens is dumb as can be.

You have a filthy mouth and you are a bigot.
You seem to have no basic education

"Babylonians, Greeks and Romans considered it an omen and the month in which the eclipse was recorded was considered important."
You want it to be religion so you blind yourself to history , the modern world ,and common sense.
YOu really sound like a backwoods dropout, esp that pose as a social analyst. Makes me laugh
Whatever the facts are , for you to assert that non-believers never take such events as omens is dumb as can be.

You have a filthy mouth and you are a bigot.
You seem to have no basic education

"Babylonians, Greeks and Romans considered it an omen and the month in which the eclipse was recorded was considered important."
You want it to be religion so you blind yourself to history , the modern world ,and common sense.
What I said is reality. You think I give a shit what your hacked out ass thinks?
Go gaslight someone else. Faggot.
Maybe the Mayans sacrificed a virgin to bring the sun back but today it seems as though the only relationship between the eclipse and religion is in the minds of anti-religious bigots.
What I said is reality. You think I give a shit what your hacked out ass thinks?
Go gaslight someone else. Faggot.
Folks, the fool can be baited, so I bait him. Want the world to see the disgusting state of his mind, mouth,soul.
Maybe the Mayans sacrificed a virgin to bring the sun back but today it seems as though the only relationship between the eclipse and religion is in the minds of anti-religious bigots.
There were religious people all over the country talking about it being a sign. You can ignore that if you want. I dont give 2 shits.
LOL I find it hilarious im the bad guy because dumb people scream its the end of the world :lol:
We need a forum "gaslighters anonymous" Get these people some help :rofl:
There were religious people all over the country talking about it being a sign. You can ignore that if you want. I dont give 2 shits.
Who would know about what "religious people" all over the country were allegedly talking about? There was nothing in the mainstream media connecting "religious people" to eclipse myths. It's a fantasy created by bigots and only fools believe it.
Who would know about what "religious people" all over the country were allegedly talking about? There was nothing in the mainstream media connecting "religious people" to eclipse myths. It's a fantasy created by bigots and only fools believe it.
It was everywhere! It was on the tv. All over the internet. People in Congress.
Your ignorance of current events is not my fault :dunno:

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