Religion: The clear and present danger of our time


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Christianity and Islam represent the single greatest threat to our planet. Islam, for all its overt violence and quirky cultural traditions is at least overt and a known quantity. But Christianity, posing itself as warm and fluffy is much more insidious as the recent Duggar revelations show. I'm beginning to wonder if they're actually watching how Islam works and beginning to adopt Islamic practices in order to gain the kind of power Islam wields.

No one dares mock Mohammed, the Qur'an, or Islam itself (except online heh,) for fear of violent reprisals. But that kind of fear doesn't extend to Christianity. And I think they've noticed, and envy Islam for the fear it generates and would like to become more like them.

I expect to see Christian extremists become increasingly violent and overt in the next few years much as Islam is now.
Gonna go ahead and stop you right there, the christian extremists have power that the Muslim extremists can only dream of, the Muslims blow themselves up for their cause, the christians send our nations soldiers to take over entire regions and instill their will, no the christians have been in the game and winning it since the first dark age
Islam- cut off peoples heads, and their fingertips also.

Christianity- Turn the other cheek.

There is no way Christians are going to take lessons from Islam's book.

In America, the most hateful people are usually those who identify as "Christian"

Yeah making men honest, chaste, kind, gentle, charitable and godly is a huge threat to the wicked of the world. It eats their conscience
Yeah making men honest, chaste, kind, gentle, charitable and godly is a huge threat to the wicked of the world. It eats their conscience
If you need religion to be any of those things that says a lot more about you than my lack of religion (I am a spiritual person, I just believe organized religion is a problem)
Yeah making men honest, chaste, kind, gentle, charitable and godly is a huge threat to the wicked of the world. It eats their conscience
If you need religion to be any of those things that says a lot more about you than my lack of religion (I am a spiritual person, I just believe organized religion is a problem)

Organized religion can definitely be a problem. Some of the best people I know aren't Christian. One is a drunk rockabilly artist, covered in tats, with a really scary idea of a happy life lol. Hes one of the best friends Ive ever had. Another practices Hindu...shes awesome.
Whats the problem.
Yeah making men honest, chaste, kind, gentle, charitable and godly is a huge threat to the wicked of the world. It eats their conscience
If you need religion to be any of those things that says a lot more about you than my lack of religion (I am a spiritual person, I just believe organized religion is a problem)

Organized religion can definitely be a problem. Some of the best people I know aren't Christian. One is a drunk rockabilly artist, covered in tats, with a really scary idea of a happy life lol. Hes one of the best friends Ive ever had. Another practices Hindu...shes awesome.
Whats the problem.
A lot of my friends are very religious people, hell I am going to my girlfriend's confirmation in a cathedral in a little bit, the problem that I have with organized religion is that the majority of the people involved in them were raised within the church, or whatever institution, and they are taught from the time they are little that they need to follow this path or they will spend eternity in hell, now I don't know about you but that sounds like a pretty daunting thought to me, religions send a message of love using a messenger of hate and fear, and that is my problem with them.
Christianity and Islam represent the single greatest threat to our planet. Islam, for all its overt violence and quirky cultural traditions is at least overt and a known quantity. But Christianity, posing itself as warm and fluffy is much more insidious as the recent Duggar revelations show. I'm beginning to wonder if they're actually watching how Islam works and beginning to adopt Islamic practices in order to gain the kind of power Islam wields.

No one dares mock Mohammed, the Qur'an, or Islam itself (except online heh,) for fear of violent reprisals. But that kind of fear doesn't extend to Christianity. And I think they've noticed, and envy Islam for the fear it generates and would like to become more like them.

I expect to see Christian extremists become increasingly violent and overt in the next few years much as Islam is now.

So let me get this straight.

- Islamist extremists are engaging in acts of terrorism.

- One of the Duggar kids felt up some underage girls 10 years ago

- Therefore, Christians are about to become terrorists too.

Fucking Delta can't make shit like this up.
Islam- cut off peoples heads, and their fingertips also.

Christianity- Turn the other cheek.

There is no way Christians are going to take lessons from Islam's book.
cough cough crusades
cough cough inquisition

cough cough over 500 years ago cough cough
My sole point is that you cannot learn lessons that you yourself are the best teacher of. (I probably used the wrong version of sole, not sure why but it does not look right to me sorry about that.
I expect to see Christian extremists become increasingly violent and overt in the next few years much as Islam is now.
then why is it that its the atheists who demonstrate the most rapid increase in violence and hatred?......fifty years ago they wouldn't even admit they existed, now they file law suits and the drop of a prayer.......
I expect to see Christian extremists become increasingly violent and overt in the next few years much as Islam is now.
then why is it that its the atheists who demonstrate the most rapid increase in violence and hatred?......fifty years ago they wouldn't even admit they existed, now they file law suits and the drop of a prayer.......
Because a law suit is not violent? Even though I disagree with the OP, religion has no place in our government or politics, you are welcome to your faith just as I am welcome to mine, just don't go making laws or any other decision that effects anyone else based on your belief of what the higher power wants us to do.
I expect to see Christian extremists become increasingly violent and overt in the next few years much as Islam is now.
then why is it that its the atheists who demonstrate the most rapid increase in violence and hatred?......fifty years ago they wouldn't even admit they existed, now they file law suits and the drop of a prayer.......
Because a law suit is not violent? Even though I disagree with the OP, religion has no place in our government or politics, you are welcome to your faith just as I am welcome to mine, just don't go making laws or any other decision that effects anyone else based on your belief of what the higher power wants us to do.
so using the courts to force people to do what you want them to is not an act of violence?.......of course it is......just because you are using a judge instead of a club to apply the force does not negate the violence......

as to not using the law or making a decision to effect people based on your beliefs, what do you consider saying that people are no longer allowed to pray before a football game because you don't believe in it, is?.......or saying they can't have a cross in a cemetery?......or saying they can't have "under God" in a pledge of allegiance?.......those are all decisions made to force people to act the way you believe they should act instead of the way they think they should act.......
I expect to see Christian extremists become increasingly violent and overt in the next few years much as Islam is now.
then why is it that its the atheists who demonstrate the most rapid increase in violence and hatred?......fifty years ago they wouldn't even admit they existed, now they file law suits and the drop of a prayer.......
Because a law suit is not violent? Even though I disagree with the OP, religion has no place in our government or politics, you are welcome to your faith just as I am welcome to mine, just don't go making laws or any other decision that effects anyone else based on your belief of what the higher power wants us to do.
so using the courts to force people to do what you want them to is not an act of violence?.......of course it is......just because you are using a judge instead of a club to apply the force does not negate the violence......

as to not using the law or making a decision to effect people based on your beliefs, what do you consider saying that people are no longer allowed to pray before a football game because you don't believe in it, is?.......or saying they can't have a cross in a cemetery?......or saying they can't have "under God" in a pledge of allegiance?.......those are all decisions made to force people to act the way you believe they should act instead of the way they think they should act.......
You are wrong my friend, the point of going before a judge is to get a neutral voice to rule as to who is right, if the atheist is right the judge will rule in their favor, if the christian is right the judge will rule in that individuals favor. An individual is still allowed to pray before a football game, heck I doubt anyone would even have an objection to a group of people praying together if they wanted to so long as they were not making it a team thing, I have not heard of anyone saying you cannot have a cross in a cemetery, if that has happened than I do agree with you that you should be allowed to have whatever kind of tombstone you would like and to deny you that is against your rights, as to the under God bit, the pledge of allegiance is used in public schools on a daily basis (I have issues with that as well but that is a different argument.) and therefore has no place constitutionally.
An individual is still allowed to pray before a football game, heck I doubt anyone would even have an objection to a group of people praying together if they wanted to so long as they were not making it a team thing, I have not heard of anyone saying you cannot have a cross in a cemetery, if that has happened than I do agree with you that you should be allowed to have whatever kind of tombstone you would like and to deny you that is against your rights, as to the under God bit, the pledge of allegiance is used in public schools on a daily basis (I have issues with that as well but that is a different argument.) and therefore has no place constitutionally.
Judge says giant cross must be removed from San Diego mountain -
You are wrong my friend, the point of going before a judge is to get a neutral voice to rule as to who is right, if the atheist is right the judge will rule in their favor, if the christian is right the judge will rule in that individuals favor.
no.....the point of going to court is that they are doing something you don't believe in and you want the court to force them to stop it.......
An individual is still allowed to pray before a football game, heck I doubt anyone would even have an objection to a group of people praying together if they wanted to so long as they were not making it a team thing, I have not heard of anyone saying you cannot have a cross in a cemetery, if that has happened than I do agree with you that you should be allowed to have whatever kind of tombstone you would like and to deny you that is against your rights, as to the under God bit, the pledge of allegiance is used in public schools on a daily basis (I have issues with that as well but that is a different argument.) and therefore has no place constitutionally.
Judge says giant cross must be removed from San Diego mountain -
It is neither a tombstone nor on private property, it is on public property and that is their problem with it, you cannot have religious symbols on public property clear and simple, would you be upset if it was a giant star and crescent statue that they wanted removed?
Yes that is the point of going to court, however the point of the court is to decide who is right and who is wrong.

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