Rep Chip Roy: If GOP Leaders Hand Dems ‘Blank Check’ In $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill, McConnell & GOP Will Own Border Crisis


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Republicans who talk tough on securing the border can't sign Democrats' lame duck blank check to Biden's open-borders DHS. It's simple. Pass a short-term funding bill that allows the newly elected Republican Congress get to work solving this crisis

This is why I can't support the GOP. There are too many weak spined Republicans that capitulate to demands of Democrats.
This is why I can't support the GOP. There are too many weak spined Republicans that capitulate to demands of Democrats.
The problem is, there's no other option. The GOP is feckless and weak, but they aren't actively supporting the attack on our country through the Mexican border and the rise of China as the global superpower. I'll take a wimpy watchdog over one that is trying to kill me.

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