Rep. Clyburn Complains That GOP Sen. Tim Scott Doesn’t Vote His Color


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Conservative African Americans who actually think for themselves are hated by the leftist Democratic Party ntujobs:cuckoo: Sad really..


“If you call progress electing a person with the pigmentation that he has, who votes against the interest and aspirations of 95 percent of the black people in South Carolina, then I guess that’s progress,” he told the Post.

Clyburn’s argument was featured in a generally favorable article about Scott’s practice of briefly working alongside his constituents in South Carolina without revealing his identity.

The comment from Clyburn, age 73, stands in contrast to a comment from James Copeland, who recently worked alongside Scott at a Goodwill store in Greenville, S.C. When Copeland — an African-American — was told of Scott’s identity, he responded positively.

“Oh, wow, I thought he was just some guy off the street,” he said, according to the Post.

“He was really speaking on my level. I felt like I can relate to him. I’d vote for him. Absolutely,” said Copeland.

Clyburn: Tim Scott Doesn't Vote His Color | The Daily Caller
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Clarence Thomas had it exactly right

Conservative African Americans who actually think for themselves are hated by the leftist Democratic "arty ntujobs:cuckoo: Sound really..


“If you call progress electing a person with the pigmentation that he has, who votes against the interest and aspirations of 95 percent of the black people in South Carolina, then I guess that’s progress,” he told the Post.

Clyburn’s argument was featured in a generally favorable article about Scott’s practice of briefly working alongside his constituents in South Carolina without revealing his identity.

The comment from Clyburn, age 73, stands in contrast to a comment from James Copeland, who recently worked alongside Scott at a Goodwill store in Greenville, S.C. When Copeland — an African-American — was told of Scott’s identity, he responded positively.

“Oh, wow, I thought he was just some guy off the street,” he said, according to the Post.

“He was really speaking on my level. I felt like I can relate to him. I’d vote for him. Absolutely,” said Copeland.

Clyburn: Tim Scott Doesn't Vote His Color | The Daily Caller

Clyburn defines uppity.
If you really want to hear racism, the kind that wouldn't be out of place in a Klan meeting c.1960, listen to so called black leaders talk about blacks who have wandered off the plantation.
I'm sure the good liberals on this board are going to call this racism against a black man out....right?
If you really want to hear racism, the kind that wouldn't be out of place in a Klan meeting c.1960, listen to so called black leaders talk about blacks who have wandered off the plantation.

If the way Clarence Thomas is treated is any indication they would be hanged.
"Voting against black people" proves that they use race for political gain. The party of racists is alive and well.
Conservative African Americans who actually think for themselves are hated by the leftist Democratic "arty ntujobs:cuckoo: Sound really..


“If you call progress electing a person with the pigmentation that he has, who votes against the interest and aspirations of 95 percent of the black people in South Carolina, then I guess that’s progress,” he told the Post.

Clyburn’s argument was featured in a generally favorable article about Scott’s practice of briefly working alongside his constituents in South Carolina without revealing his identity.

The comment from Clyburn, age 73, stands in contrast to a comment from James Copeland, who recently worked alongside Scott at a Goodwill store in Greenville, S.C. When Copeland — an African-American — was told of Scott’s identity, he responded positively.

“Oh, wow, I thought he was just some guy off the street,” he said, according to the Post.

“He was really speaking on my level. I felt like I can relate to him. I’d vote for him. Absolutely,” said Copeland.

Clyburn: Tim Scott Doesn't Vote His Color | The Daily Caller

I think that Mr. Clyburn made an ignorant statement for these reasons:

A) Does Mr. Clyburn think that people should "vote their color"?

B) He's doing the same thing that the people he disagrees with does; make stupid generalizations.

C) He shouldn't lump Senator Scott in with other assholes for this very reason alone:

"And unlike other, more prominent black Republicans — Herman Cain or Ben Carson, for example — Scott isn’t likely to accuse black voters of being enslaved to the Democratic Party.
“That language doesn’t suit me,” Scott says. “It’s really hard to offend someone into changing their minds." BAAAAAM!

D) He has worked with Senator Corey Booker (D) and I think that his intentions are good.

I may not agree with all of Senator Scott's stances, but I respect him and wish him well. In my opinion, the Republican Party should follow his lead and I think that other Black conservatives and republicans should do the same.
If more people would focus on character instead of skin color, we'd all be better off. I am so damn tired of the left's false assumption that blacks only vote for blacks to represent them, whites want white representatives and Hispanics only think their "own kind" will do right by them.

We are all Americans and we elect people based on ideas and what the best course of action is to keep this country great. Clearly, the ideas of the left and right differ. Instead of fighting in the arena of ideas, the left divides by making everything about race. That tells me that their agenda would crumble under scrutiny, so they divert attention by creating and fueling race wars. Sure takes the heat of them for failed policies that have created the problems in the first place. Look at all the poor, mostly created by government policies. What if people woke up and realized that being kept under a nanny government's wing wasn't the best thing for them? Liberals wouldn't be needed because they have held themselves out as the only champions of victims. That is why they need to create victims with their welfare and rhetoric. If people aren't angry at other groups, the left becomes irrelevant.

The left won't ever recognize that we are all people with minds and we hold different belief and color doesn't have anything to do with it. Instead, they push the belief that they know what a person is about, or should be about, simply by glancing at them and noting their color. And too many people let them get away with that blatant racism. It's disgusting. The constant attacks on people because they aren't behaving like they should because of their color should offend everyone. The left groups people and then ramps up division by pitting the groups against each other. It must really bother them when that idiotic practice is challenged by people who refuse to be labeled.

I love how they insinuate that Republicans ,who happen to be black, are traitors as if other blacks don't want representatives who love successful, independent people.

Why does the left think that all minorities only want to hear about government programs? That is racist because it assumes that no minorities have what it takes to achieve the American dream and merely want to be taken care of by a nanny government. That is what the left is selling and it's sad that too many people have bought it. Time to turn that around and start putting out a more positive message. Of course, for decades, the left has convinced minorities that they don't stand a chance in hell of making it on their own ability, so they have increased welfare, decreased standards for them and pushed affirmative action. They want people to believe that they need big brother because they just don't have what it takes to make it otherwise. Of course, they had to create a villian, so they claim that whites won't allow minorities to succeed. When minorities do well, they demonize them because they don't want other minorities to get any big ideas. They would really prefer that minorities stay in their place and do as they are told. They minimize the success of minorities by claiming that they are traitors to their race. Seriously, they are traitors because they had the nerve to bypass the nanny politicians and just do things like any other American. How dare they act as if they have the same rights and opportunities as their white counterparts. Liberals hate this!!!!!

Liberals were against freeing the slaves. Once they lost that battle, they immediately looked for ways to use them to their advantage. They created the welfare state and encouraged minorities to turn to them. They were against equal rights for minorities because they feared that independent minorities would turn away from nanny government. They lost that battle, so they ramped up efforts to keep them on the doles and keep them angry by fueling race wars. Nothing has changed to this day. They started infiltrating schools to teach minorities early on that they are entitled to things because of what happened to their ancestors. Anything to keep the anger going. Liberals need their victims and they'll never give up trying to keep minorities down, under their control and afraid of even trying to be really equal. The only way to do that is to keep them angry at whites for the sins of the past, claiming that no one will allow them to be equal and vowing to make it up to them by redistributing money from the evil whites. Now, they've added things, like demanding that whites be ashamed of being white and privileged. No white can be considered safe. Even those who aren't racist are still guilty just because they are white. Always must make sure that minorities are angry about something. Elect a black president. Not good enough. Millions of minorities doing well in middle class or upper class jobs. Not good enough. Minorities elected and respected by the right. Must be an illusion and not something to take seriously. The left ignores proof that minorities really do have equal opportunity in this country and it burns them that the right cheers minorities on. No, they need their victims, so there is no end to the propaganda they'll put out to keep minorities in their place and in need of assistance. Nothing else is acceptable to the left.

When I hear them calling blacks traitors, puppets, Uncle Toms or chastising them for not voting their race, I know I am right in everything I said. It's clear what their agenda is and they should be ashamed of their racist ways.
The same people who embrace Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson have the nerve to question the integrity of Tim Scott and Clarence Thomas? Liberals are pathetic:cuckoo:
I have not seen any liberal come on and defend the Clyburn comments then again how could you conversely I have also not seen any condemn them as they surly would call for the right to do if a Republican had made equally offensive comments about Clyburn.
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