Rep. Jason Chaffetz Threaten Government Ethics Official Who Criticized Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Leading the charge: Jason Chaffetz, who once said he’d be unable to look his daughter in the eye if he supported Trump.

President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to address potential conflicts is “meaningless,” the head of the Office of Government Ethics said Wednesday. But instead of asking the ethics chief how to fix Trump’s plan, House Republicans have their own idea: Threaten the ethics official.

Walter Shaub, the head of the OGE, is “blurring the line between public relations and official ethics guidance,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), the chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform committee, wrote in a sternly worded letter to Shaub Thursday. Chaffetz, the Republican who announced last year that he wouldn’t be able to look his daughter in the eye if he endorsed Trump and then went on to vote for Trump, demanded that Shaub show up for a private interview on Capitol Hill as soon as possible — or face a subpoena forcing him to do so.

“He’s coming in,” Chaffetz told Politico. “This is not going to be an optional exercise.”

Chaffetz noted in the letter that his committee has the power to reauthorize the ethics office. What Chaffetz didn’t have to say is that his committee could also push to shutter the office entirely. Earlier this month, House Republicans tried to gut another ethics watchdog, the Office of Congressional Ethics, before backing down.

Chaffetz is trying to punish Shaub for criticizing Trump, Richard Painter, former President George W. Bush’s ethics lawyer, told The New York Times Thursday.

“They are strong-arming them,” Painter said. “They are obviously very upset the Office of Government Ethics is leaning on Trump and not willing to jam through his nominees. It is political retaliation.”

More: Republicans Threaten Government Ethics Official Who Criticized Trump

Republicans are circling the wagons around Trump. Ethics be damned.

Leading the charge: Jason Chaffetz, who once said he’d be unable to look his daughter in the eye if he supported Trump.

It's pathetic how so many republicans --- like this hypocrite --- excoriated trump before he won the election, but are now on their knees sucking his dick for their own self-serving interests.

I have more respect for drug dealers and pimps. At least they are upfront and honest about what you will be getting from them.

Leading the charge: Jason Chaffetz, who once said he’d be unable to look his daughter in the eye if he supported Trump.

President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to address potential conflicts is “meaningless,” the head of the Office of Government Ethics said Wednesday. But instead of asking the ethics chief how to fix Trump’s plan, House Republicans have their own idea: Threaten the ethics official.

Walter Shaub, the head of the OGE, is “blurring the line between public relations and official ethics guidance,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), the chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform committee, wrote in a sternly worded letter to Shaub Thursday. Chaffetz, the Republican who announced last year that he wouldn’t be able to look his daughter in the eye if he endorsed Trump and then went on to vote for Trump, demanded that Shaub show up for a private interview on Capitol Hill as soon as possible — or face a subpoena forcing him to do so.

“He’s coming in,” Chaffetz told Politico. “This is not going to be an optional exercise.”

Chaffetz noted in the letter that his committee has the power to reauthorize the ethics office. What Chaffetz didn’t have to say is that his committee could also push to shutter the office entirely. Earlier this month, House Republicans tried to gut another ethics watchdog, the Office of Congressional Ethics, before backing down.

Chaffetz is trying to punish Shaub for criticizing Trump, Richard Painter, former President George W. Bush’s ethics lawyer, told The New York Times Thursday.

“They are strong-arming them,” Painter said. “They are obviously very upset the Office of Government Ethics is leaning on Trump and not willing to jam through his nominees. It is political retaliation.”

More: Republicans Threaten Government Ethics Official Who Criticized Trump

Republicans are circling the wagons around Trump. Ethics be damned.
Shaub is an Obama appointee who is on his way out the door and taking one last shot at the incoming Trump administration. We have already seen how Obama has corrupted the IRS and intelligence services by using them as political tools and now we have unethical behavior from Obama's ethical chief; no surprise here, just more evidence that everything Obama touched will have to be cleaned.
A threat by subpoena? That's not a threat, it's tough politics from the majority party that has a strong leader. Get used to it
A threat by subpoena? That's not a threat, it's tough politics from the majority party that has a strong leader. Get used to it

The House has the power to severely limit and even shut down the OGE. Recent public outcry is why that hasn't already happened.
A threat? LOL! You are a drama queen liberal! My oh my! What is the threat? A Subeona? LOL! you are a laugh a minute anymore. You need some mental help!

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