Rep. Rush Invokes Race in Defending Blagojevich Senate Appointment


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich faced the scornful objections of lawmakers Tuesday after he named a Senate replacement for Barack Obama, but Blagojevich has the support of at least one congressman.

U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush forcefully backed Blagojevich's decision on the basis of race, warning the public not to "lynch" Blagojevich's Senate pick, who is black.

Rush, an Illinois Democrat who also is black, for weeks had urged Blagojevich to name a black successor for Obama, who had been the only black official in the Senate before resigning his post to assume the presidency.

And on Tuesday, Rush joined Blagojevich's press conference to defend the selection of former state Attorney General Roland Burris for the job and to remind lawmakers that Burris would fill the racial void Obama left. Rush dared Senate leaders to try blocking Burris, after they issued a statement saying Blagojevich's appointment "will not be seated."

Rep. Rush Invokes Race in Defending Blagojevich Senate Appointment - Transition Tracker

whatta asshole! whatta asshole!
yep, asshole indeed. That was actually kind of reserved for you Willow.
Unless the Senate can show that some kind of illegal activity was involved in the selection, they have no business NOT seating the choice. By the State Constitution the Governor is the only one with the power to appoint to fill the vacancy. Unless the legislature changes the Constitution or successfully Impeaches the Governor the Senate has not got a leg to stand on.
Unless the Senate can show that some kind of illegal activity was involved in the selection, they have no business NOT seating the choice. By the State Constitution the Governor is the only one with the power to appoint to fill the vacancy. Unless the legislature changes the Constitution or successfully Impeaches the Governor the Senate has not got a leg to stand on.

Unfortunately, this is incorrect. The United States Senate has the Constitutional Right not to seat a member, which is given to each caucus.

Even before the name gets there, the Illinois Secretary of State has the right to not certify the Governor's Choice. They do NOT have to give a reason.

The reason is obvious, however. Blago was caught on TAPE discussing the sale of a senate seat. Even planning it is illegal. Lets not forget the other charges. Anyone he appoints is tainted, even if the nominee is clean.
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Unfortunately, this is incorrect. The United States Senate has the Constitutional Right not to seat a member, which is given to each caucus.

Even before the name gets there, the Illinois Secretary of State has the right to not certify the Governor's Choice. They do NOT have to give a reason.

The reason is obvious, however. Blago was caught on TAPE discussing the sale of a senate seat. Even planning it is illegal. Lets not forget the other charges. Anyone he appoints is tainted, even if the nominee is clean.

Provide evidence. The Senate has the right to not seat but they better have a damn good reason.
That's why Blago did this they intend for it to hit the Supreme Court.. Damn bad news for obamalama..
Constitution of the United States | Article 1, Section 5: "Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members"

Reading the entire article shows that there is no requirement for a reason, but usually a reason is given.

Here is the entire text from Section 5, which is Procedure for Congress:

Section 5
Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two-thirds, expel a Member.

Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal.

Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.
As for the Secretary of State of Illinois, he has the right not to certify the appointment. Most states have that rule, but usually there is no problem, since this position is an appointment by the incumbent anyway. You will need to dig in the Illinois Constitution to find the exact text, but it is being reported by all news organizations as being valid.
So, the black man who left will be the President of the United States, but it would be "racist" not make his replacement black?
I must say, it's more fun now that the whole country has become more familiar with Ill. politics. Some people to watch be called in impeachment/trials that will be forthcoming:

Blagojevich's legal counsel resigns - Chicago Breaking News

Blagojevich's legal counsel resigns
December 30, 2008 at 5:08 PM | Comments (9)
William J. Quinlan, general counsel to Gov. Rod Blagojevich for the last four years, resigned today to return to private practice.

"We should not let recent events diminish the pride in our accomplishments or the commitment to public service with which we approach our job each day," Quinlan wrote in a letter to his co-workers in the governor's legal office.

The resignation comes three weeks after FBI agents arrested Blagojevich at his North Side home on political corruption charges. Among them was an allegation Blagojevich tried to sell the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama to benefit himself and his family.

Quinlan is the latest high-level Blagojevich administration official to leave. John Harris, Blagojevich's co-defendant, resigned as chief of staff. Deputy Gov. Bob Greenlee and Jeff Daily, the new executive director of the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, also have resigned.

Will Burris be seated in the Senate? Looks like a yes:

The Volokh Conspiracy - Could Senate Refuse To Seat a Senator Appointed by Gov. Blagojevich?

Could Senate Refuse To Seat a Senator Appointed by Gov. Blagojevich?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senator Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) seem to say "yes":

Please understand that should you decide to ignore the request of the Senate Democratic Caucus and make an appointment we would be forced to exercise our Constitutional authority under Article I, Section 5, to determine whether such a person should be seated.​

But Supreme Court precedent suggests "no": The Court held in Powell v. McCormack (1969), that "in judging the qualifications of its members Congress is limited to the standing qualifications prescribed in the Constitution," such as age and citizenship. Now perhaps the Senators are right and the Court was wrong, and perhaps today's Court would overrule Powell....

and Blago didn't get where he is by being stupid, unethical, yes; stupid, no:

For sheer brazenness, nobody surpasses Rod --

For sheer brazenness, nobody surpasses Rod

John Kass

December 31, 2008

Since he was federally charged with trying to sell President-elect Barack Obama's Senate seat to the highest bidder, Gov. Rod Blagojevich has been wrongly caricatured as some kind of hapless jester prancing on the edge of madness.

Jesters hold rattles with a likeness of their heads on the end of a stick, and they hop off into a corner, prattling to themselves. That's what jesters do.

Jesters don't pick up the race card in a nationally televised news conference and slam it into the face of every Democrat in the U.S. Senate, a palm heel strike to the tip of the nose, leaving all of them watery-eyed, their lips stinging.

Yet that's what Blagojevich—aided by former Black Panther-turned-Daley-machine-functionary Bobby Rush—did at that stupendous news conference in Chicago on Tuesday. That's when the governor appointed Democratic empty suit Roland Burris, an African-American, to fill the Senate seat vacated by Obama.


Senate Democrats are talking tough now, saying they won't seat Burris, but that won't hold. The debate has been framed. The only African-American in the Senate leaves for the White House, another African-American is appointed to fill that spot, and Democratic politicians know they owe their livelihoods to African-American voters.

That talk about transcending race was just talk. Skin pigment trumps ideas, and Blagojevich, who may be facing a jury soon, wants all the friends he can get.

Of course, Tuesday's fiasco could have been avoided. Democrats in the state legislature could have stripped Blagojevich of his appointment powers and imposed a special election. Obama also could have demanded it. But as he has done so often in his career, Obama avoided a confrontation and looked the other way.

Democrats tried to finesse this, and they allowed Blagojevich the opening he needed, to hold that news conference and defy everybody. And so I'm forced to tip my hat to Gov. Dead Meat on this one, for sheer brazenness.

He's no jester. And it takes guts to keep a straight face while Democrats about you are losing theirs.

As for Jesse White's stand regarding signature:

Is Jesse White's Stand Just Symbolic? | Progress Illinois

...CQ noted as much in an article yesterday:
Although the secretary of state typically signs the certification letter — and a Senate-suggested template for the letter leaves a spot for the signature in addition to that of the governor — there appears to be no requirement under the federal or state constitution, Illinois law or Senate rules that the secretary of State sign off on the pick.​

So White's refusal to sign the certificate seems to be a matter of principle, not an effort to actually block the appointment.

In short, if there is ultimately going to be a legal battle surrounding the appointment, it's more likely to be triggered when the Senate Democrats refuse to seat Burris.

And why the 'race card' plays in Chicago:,0,976255.story

Chicago, America's most segregated big city

Racial lines were drawn over the city's history and remain entrenched by people's choice, economics

By Azam Ahmed and Darnell Little

Tribune reporters

December 26, 2008

First of three parts
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So, the black man who left will be the President of the United States, but it would be "racist" not make his replacement black?

That's how Bobby Rush sees it.

Your mileage may vary depending on driving conditions.
Provide evidence. The Senate has the right to not seat but they better have a damn good reason.

Apparently you havent heard about the big scandal, involving an Illinois Senator named Blagojevich, who tried to sell a Senate seat.

If its not obvious, im being sarcastic. What friggin better reason do they need!!!???

The only people who will want Burris to become the new Senator, are going to be people who are motivated by the fact that he is black. Regardless of how qualified Burris is, you cant allow Blago to choose the seat right in the middle of the biggest political scandal of our lifetime (arguably). A scandal that involves him selling the seat he is appointing! If you cant see the reason for not allowing Blago to make the choice, then you are just basing your opinion on race, which is deplorable.
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Apparently you havent heard about the big scandal, involving an Illinois Senator named Blagojevich, who tried to sell a Senate seat.

If its not obvious, im being sarcastic. What friggin better reason do they need!!!???

The only people who will want Burris to become the new Senator, are going to be people who are motivated by the fact that he is black. Regardless of how qualified Burris is, you cant allow Blago to choose the seat right in the middle of the biggest political scandal of our lifetime (arguably). A scandal that involves him selling the seat he is appointing! If you cant see the reason for not allowing Blago to make the choice, then you are just basing your opinion on race, which is deplorable.

Once again, for the slow. He is Governor and NO ONE has impeached him or changed the State Constitution. Now as the previous post points out the Secretary of State can not,in fact, block his appointment. But hey nice try.

As for Congress, a 1969 Court ruling means the Senate can not block him as he IS qualified per the Constitution.

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