Zone1 Reparations vs Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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Maybe you grow up and face the history of this country.

lol you're the one who can't face reality; white people don't need you, most never did, and it is because of white peoples' generosity you're even here sniveling and begging for money, and fine with relying on extortion and violence to line your worthless pockets.
It is a sad reality that between them the two bombs saved at least a million Japanese civilians who were slated to be used as cannon fodder by the Japanese dictator, Tojo.
Tojo was no longer in power when the bombs were dropped on civilians.
Tojo was no longer in power when the bombs were dropped on civilians.

His minions were. They fought to keep the war going. The battle lasted for three days.

The Nagasaki bomb fell, and finally even those hard cases gave up.

This is well documented history, as are the tactics they were planning on using which consisted of arming the civilians with spears and sending them against the Marines on the beaches in an effort to get close enough that the US superiority in firepower would not be a factor.

This too is well known.
lol you're the one who can't face reality; white people don't need you, most never did, and it is because of white peoples' generosity you're even here sniveling and begging for money, and fine with relying on extortion and violence to line your worthless pockets.
Lol! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Extortion has nothing to do with it and whites own the violence in America.
The same people saying how reparations is evil and is literally one of the seven deadly sins, are the same people rationalizing killing thousands of Japanese children on their way to preschool.

Know your enemy; love your people.
This argument lacks merit. It and the Russian invasion of Manchuria ended the war.
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