

Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Frankly, I think Democrats and the sycophant far-left and MSM owe the US reparations for their biased reporting while claiming to be objective. Democrats owe reparations for all the lies they have told about Republicans and Trump.

Also, their support of gender-bending along with paying women to have fatherless children. The boys of fatherless children are most at risk because while not having a father they are being taught (by the Democrats and main stream media) that their sex may not really be their sex. In addition breeding hatred for our duly elected President, teaching our children that humans are destroying the Earth and generally giving them a bleak outlook of the future.
So how many whites are going to get to bitch about reparations for blacks while they keep paying them to everybody else?
So how many whites are going to get to bitch about reparations for blacks while they keep paying them to everybody else?
So you want reparations???

Sue the party of slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws (the DEMOCRAT PARTY)...

And don't forget to sue the actual descendants of the slave owners (such as Obama, Biden, and ol' Kamaltoe Harris)...

Otherwise, you can forget it...
So how many whites are going to get to bitch about reparations for blacks while they keep paying them to everybody else?
By the way, there were also quite a few BLACK slave owners...

So what are your feelings on having any black who asks for reparations being required to have their family tree researched to determine eligibility, and if It's determined that THEIR ancestor owned slaves, requiring them to PAY reparations???
Blacks and Browns need to pay reparations for fucking up every single country Whitey set up for them. Free rent, free food, free medical, if the savages want more, they are going to actually have to earn it.
Blacks and Browns need to pay reparations for fucking up every single country Whitey set up for them. Free rent, free food, free medical, if the savages want more, they are going to actually have to earn it.

It must be exhausting for weaklings like you to live in abject fear every fucking day of your pointless life.

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