repeal the First Amendment

Has anyone noticed that it seems OK to remove the first amendment when it protects what liberals have defined as a social evil such as hate speech or corporation political activities? Its like you can the words "hate speech" and people immediatly want to scrap anything to destroy it.

Corporations are only humans in the limited sense so they can be a entity with certain rights that are given to humans. Corporations are no more human in reality than the chair you're sitting on.

And I hope you enjoy China being able to influence our elections. You cry Communism now? Just wait until they start funneling money to Communist candidates. :thup:

Ohh LOOK Dogbert LYING as well. The law was NOT changed barring Foreign Corporations from interfering in US elections. Why do you lefties keep claiming it was? To stupid to know the law?

The quesition is do we really need a first amendment to protect our freedom of speech? If the government follows the rules and there is no rule allowing the government to limit any speech then why do you need another amendment protecting it?

Yes we want to protect freedom of speech, even for absolute luntics like Eots!

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