Report: Aleppo terrorists entirely encircled

for those confused by the postings of CAPT. BLEI----his definition of "terrorist" is anyone who does not lick the asses of the ASSAD---murderers. At this point in HISTORY-----that includes those people who do not lick the asses of the Hezbollians who specialize in obscene mutilation/torture murder and those people who do not lick the asses of the IMPERIALIST RUSSIAN EXPLOITERS of middle east turmoil------
Warning: +18 Video. Aleppo rebels behead a child

irosie and co: Once busted they only start to blame others of their own regimes´ shit.
Syrian Army sappers begin demining captured district in southern Aleppo


"(TASS) Government sappers in Aleppo are examining residential headquarters in the Ramouseh district, which was captured by the Syrian Arab Army three weeks ago, as retreating militants left multiple mines here.

Specialists note that self-made bombs of custom design are the most complicated.

"This is a self-made mine on a so-called stretch. It will explode not only if you tear the stretch but also if you even pull it. That’s why we destroy those at the spot," Adnan Qasem from the Syrian government forces said when showing an explosive device he found near the entrance to what used to be a market.

Another self-made explosive device with a capacity of 0.5 kg of TNT was disguised as a tape recorder and equipped with a radio-controlled detonator. Militants use such devices to carry out terrorist attacks.

Sappers carefully extracted the device and exploded it at a nearest wasteland.

Sappers note that over the years of war, they have already learned the main methods of militants’ work and design of their self-made explosive devices.

Humanitarian cargoes with food and medicine go to Aleppo through Ramouseh.

The Syrian army is trying to oust all militants as far as possible and ensure the security of the region.

"Militants shell us every day. A shell fell near the checkpoint just yesterday. We managed to avoid casualties only thanks to the fact that it did not explode. We blocked the road and exploded it. There are still many mines around, so sappers will have a lot of work. We are trying to demine the region as fast as possible, so that people can return here," Rami Hasun, head of the local checkpoint said.

On Sunday, the Syrian army liberated the settlement of Handarat near Aleppo.

However, militants continue to deliver airstrikes (mortars and rocket launchers*) at Aleppo’s residential headquarters, and the intensity of the shelling has increased by at least two times lately, the Syrian forces said."

Syrian Army sappers begin demining captured district in southern Aleppo

*my adding
Latest battle map of Aleppo City


"ALEPPO, SYRIA (1:15 P.M.) - The Aleppo front has been the scene of the most intense clashes taking place across Syria, as both the government and opposition forces vie for control of this strategic city in northern city.

North Aleppo:

Over the weekend, the Syrian Armed Forces, primarily Liwaa Al-Quds (Palestinian paramilitary), launched a a powerful assault at the Handarat Refugee Camp, resulting in its subsequent capture after Fatah Halab withdrew to the west.

However, not long after seizing the Handarat Refugee Camp, Liwaa Al-Quds found themselves under attack by the jihadist rebels, who were eager to reclaim their lost territory.

Fatah Halab would recapture the Handarat Refugee Camp; however, their primary line of defense at this district has been exposed and fractured, thanks in large part to Liwaa Al-Quds' devastating attack this past weekend.

South Aleppo:

The Syrian Arab Army's Republican Guard and 4th Mechanized Division, alongside Hezbollah, are now targeting the Sheikh Sa'eed District that is completely under the control of the jihadist rebels.

While they have managed to reach the bridge at Sheikh Sa'eed, the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah still have quite some ways to go before they can establish full control over this imperative district.

Meanwhile, at the 1070 Al-Hamdaniyah Housing Project Hikmah Hill, the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah are engaged in a fierce battle for these sites, as the jihadist rebels of Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) refuse to concede an inch of this territory in southern Aleppo.

West Aleppo:

West Aleppo is rather quiet at the moment, with periodic bombings by the Syrian and Russian air forces when the jihadist rebels fire missiles at the government-controlled areas.

East Aleppo:

While both the northern and southern sectors of Aleppo City experience intense clashes, the eastern neighborhoods have been the primary target of the Russian and Syrian air forces.

Daily air raids are conducted over the Bab Al-Nayrab, Al-Sukkari, and Sakhour districts of east Aleppo, resulting in immense destruction and death.

Western nations like the United States have criticized the bombing campaign in east Aleppo, despite Russia's insistence that civilians are not targeted in these airstrikes."

Latest battle map of Aleppo City
Syrian Army advances to Kindi Hospital in northern Aleppo


"Led by the Syrian Arab Army's Republican Guard and Liwaa Al-Quds (Palestinian paramilitary), the Syrian Armed Forces have managed to capture most of the territory around the Kindi Hospital, leaving the jihadist rebels of Fatah Halab in serious trouble as they close-in on their positions.

The Syrian Armed Forces will need to capture the Kindi Hospital tonight in order to fortify their positions at the Handarat Refugee Camp; if they fail to do seize this site, they will ultimately retreat from the aforementioned district.

Kindi Hospital was seized by the jihadist rebels of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda franchise) in late 2013; they would later execute all of their prisoners from the Syrian Arab Army in front of the building."

Syrian Army advances to Kindi Hospital in northern Aleppo

Terrorists are destroying Syria´s infrastructure
Terrorists ridicule (head of) Syrian soldier
Al-Qaeda rejects UN proposal to leave Aleppo.

While western propaganda fires at Syria and Russia, the western press does not condemn the "rebels" for refusing to leave Aleppo and thus ending the war in this city.
In an official statement, the al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) vows to keep on fighting in Aleppo.
As the Syrian army advances, the terrorists are increasingly using booby traps and suicide attacks.

Jihadist rebels reject UN offer of safe pass from east Aleppo
Syrian Army unstoppable in Aleppo as troops advance from two flanks - Map update
When this war is gonna end?
These poor Syrians are in a living hell and they don't even know why:(
When this war is gonna end?
These poor Syrians are in a living hell and they don't even know why:(
Als long as massive support for the terrorists continue, the war will continue. "Rebel" units consist of between 40 and 70 % of foreigners and they have endless supply of arms and drugs. In the future, the army will have liberated more encircled areas, thus freed more soldiers for other front lines.
While the Syrian army advances, the "rebels" are busy to block the connections to west Aleppo. See a blockade in the video above.

"By the Syrian Army constantly shifting the front in East Aleppo, it does not allow the jihadist militants to form a stable line."

"RT reporter in Aleppo, Murad Gazdiev, has taken a personal video and uploaded it to his Twitter showing the dividing line between jihadist militant held East Aleppo, and government held West Aleppo."

Syrian Army liberate number of areas in east Aleppo
Video: Militants block humanitarian corridors in East Aleppo
Nice packages with flag, towel and toiletries are dropped onto the terrorists in eastern Aleppo. The message reads:
"Its not manhood to barricade behind civilians and use them for protection. Let the civilians go and we will care for them, we will shelter them, after all they are our families and siblings."


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