Report: Most Signatories Are ‘Ignoring’ or ‘Abandoning’ Paris Climate Commitments

America was the only reason everyone was in this "agreement". It was the benevolence of the American taxpayer that was going to support the economies of other nations, all while enjoying the exporting of American jobs and individual liberty.

Obama should get into a debate with the GOP on what a great deal this was for America. He would look like a traitor.

Every industrial nation was pitching in you stupid shit.

At least, please, become informed instead of constantly make an ass out of you with every one of your posts.

Can you even fucking think?

The GOP doesn't believe in MMGW, they want their children to suffer a more difficult future.

Such foul language really weakens your argument and makes you appear like a wee lad.

Please explain how this agreement was going to decrease global warming, when the prediction was a fraction of 1% by 2050, and of course, these are all estimates, all former agreements have failed and quietly noone in the media talks about them, as businesses made out like bandits. With this latest con job, China, India, Russia, every other country in the world happily buzzing along for a few more years, polluting to their hearts content.

You can still contribute to climate issues through donations and personal choice. Not one dollar from an American taxpayer to some global slush fund should be used.
Donald Trump was the only world leader with the balls to call out the Paris Accord for what it was: A global scam set up perfectly for cheating and for playing America for a chump...again. Donald Trump said "NOT ON MY WATCH". Thank you President Trump. Liberals will thank you many years from now when they finally figure it out.
I don't know much about the science, so I have to go with people's behavior. That is the reason I have my doubts. If Algore trule believed in Global warming he would be living in an environmental house, instead of the pig mansion he lives in. The same with all the other chicken littles. If they believed it, they would live it. Most of them live in variations of pig mansions, drive SUVs and zip around in private jets. They don't believe it, neither should I.

That said, I don't believe in messing up my nest, so I recycle, live with the thermostat low in the winter and high in the summer, walk and take the bus everywhere. (for exercise and being cheap more than the environmental reasons)
CO2 based climate change is 100% fraud/fudge/bullshit

Why does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other?

Please enlighten us Oh Wise One.

90% of Earth ice on land mass Antarctica
7% of Earth ice on land mass Greenland

97% of Earth ice on the two land masses closest to an Earth pole.... and land MOVES....

How much ice would Earth have if it had two polar oceans???

Just as I thought. If the U.S. hadn't backed out of this monstrosity, we would be one of the few countries complying with its terms. International agreements with no enforcement mechanism are as worthless as the paper they are written on.

Following President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord, a number of other nations have quietly begun ignoring the Paris energy goals, according to a new report out of Canada. According to Lawrence Solomon of Energy Probe, a Toronto-based environmental organization, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is one of the only signers of the Paris agreement who is actually abiding by the exacting demands of the accord. Meanwhile, Solomon notes in an essay in Friday’s Financial Post, “most signatories are ignoring, if not altogether abandoning Paris commitments, undoubtedly because voters in large part put no stock in scary...
Your orange buddy fucked up the Paris accord.

Other countries are saying if the US won't do shit, why should they.

It is a LACK of leadership from the asshole Trump & I find it really stupid that you think it is a good thing.

Why do you hate your children?

What kind of real man would condemn their children & grandchildren to a more difficult future? I mean beside asswipes like you & Trump.
/—-/ Oh quiet down woman. You’re hysterical. Take a Mydol.
Donald Trump was the only world leader with the balls to call out the Paris Accord for what it was: A global scam set up perfectly for cheating and for playing America for a chump...again. Donald Trump said "NOT ON MY WATCH". Thank you President Trump. Liberals will thank you many years from now when they finally figure it out.

Right there is the problem. They will never figure it out.
Just as I thought. If the U.S. hadn't backed out of this monstrosity, we would be one of the few countries complying with its terms. International agreements with no enforcement mechanism are as worthless as the paper they are written on.

Following President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord, a number of other nations have quietly begun ignoring the Paris energy goals, according to a new report out of Canada. According to Lawrence Solomon of Energy Probe, a Toronto-based environmental organization, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is one of the only signers of the Paris agreement who is actually abiding by the exacting demands of the accord. Meanwhile, Solomon notes in an essay in Friday’s Financial Post, “most signatories are ignoring, if not altogether abandoning Paris commitments, undoubtedly because voters in large part put no stock in scary...
Your orange buddy fucked up the Paris accord.

Other countries are saying if the US won't do shit, why should they.

It is a LACK of leadership from the asshole Trump & I find it really stupid that you think it is a good thing.

Why do you hate your children?

What kind of real man would condemn their children & grandchildren to a more difficult future? I mean beside asswipes like you & Trump.
But you insisted the other countries would man up.
Your orange buddy fucked up the Paris accord.

Other countries are saying if the US won't do shit, why should they.

It is a LACK of leadership from the asshole Trump & I find it really stupid that you think it is a good thing.

Correct. That is leadership from Trump. If the US thinks it's a bad idea, then it must be a bad idea.
Just as I thought. If the U.S. hadn't backed out of this monstrosity, we would be one of the few countries complying with its terms. International agreements with no enforcement mechanism are as worthless as the paper they are written on.

Following President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord, a number of other nations have quietly begun ignoring the Paris energy goals, according to a new report out of Canada. According to Lawrence Solomon of Energy Probe, a Toronto-based environmental organization, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is one of the only signers of the Paris agreement who is actually abiding by the exacting demands of the accord. Meanwhile, Solomon notes in an essay in Friday’s Financial Post, “most signatories are ignoring, if not altogether abandoning Paris commitments, undoubtedly because voters in large part put no stock in scary...

Oh fuck me running. When one of you pinheads can quote a legitimate source besides Breitbart, I just might read your posts.
FAKE NEWS, honey.
Just as I thought. If the U.S. hadn't backed out of this monstrosity, we would be one of the few countries complying with its terms. International agreements with no enforcement mechanism are as worthless as the paper they are written on.

Following President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord, a number of other nations have quietly begun ignoring the Paris energy goals, according to a new report out of Canada. According to Lawrence Solomon of Energy Probe, a Toronto-based environmental organization, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is one of the only signers of the Paris agreement who is actually abiding by the exacting demands of the accord. Meanwhile, Solomon notes in an essay in Friday’s Financial Post, “most signatories are ignoring, if not altogether abandoning Paris commitments, undoubtedly because voters in large part put no stock in scary...

Oh fuck me running. When one of you pinheads can quote a legitimate source besides Breitbart, I just might read your posts.
FAKE NEWS, honey.
Brietbart is far more ceridble than the fake news sources you are so fond of.
Just as I thought. If the U.S. hadn't backed out of this monstrosity, we would be one of the few countries complying with its terms. International agreements with no enforcement mechanism are as worthless as the paper they are written on.

Following President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord, a number of other nations have quietly begun ignoring the Paris energy goals, according to a new report out of Canada. According to Lawrence Solomon of Energy Probe, a Toronto-based environmental organization, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is one of the only signers of the Paris agreement who is actually abiding by the exacting demands of the accord. Meanwhile, Solomon notes in an essay in Friday’s Financial Post, “most signatories are ignoring, if not altogether abandoning Paris commitments, undoubtedly because voters in large part put no stock in scary...

Oh fuck me running. When one of you pinheads can quote a legitimate source besides Breitbart, I just might read your posts.
FAKE NEWS, honey.

"These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America"

These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America

And you think you're getting the truth?
America was the only reason everyone was in this "agreement". It was the benevolence of the American taxpayer that was going to support the economies of other nations, all while enjoying the exporting of American jobs and individual liberty.

Obama should get into a debate with the GOP on what a great deal this was for America. He would look like a traitor.

Every industrial nation was pitching in you stupid shit.

At least, please, become informed instead of constantly make an ass out of you with every one of your posts.

Can you even fucking think?

The GOP doesn't believe in MMGW, they want their children to suffer a more difficult future.

You are correct! How could I have been so wrong-( Show us the way there REALDUMB, you be the 1st to turn of your heat, air, and quit driving cars or taking planes. Be an example for America! You da mania.......errrr, I mean da man-)
Doesn't it indicate America's leadership in the world? The U.S. has been a pushover for climate nazis for too long.
Notice none of our "Warmers" here want to answer the question about why the Antarctic circle has 9 times the ice of the other....


see "Real Dave" avoid the question again below....
America was the only reason everyone was in this "agreement". It was the benevolence of the American taxpayer that was going to support the economies of other nations, all while enjoying the exporting of American jobs and individual liberty.

Obama should get into a debate with the GOP on what a great deal this was for America. He would look like a traitor.

Every industrial nation was pitching in you stupid shit.

At least, please, become informed instead of constantly make an ass out of you with every one of your posts.

Can you even fucking think?

The GOP doesn't believe in MMGW, they want their children to suffer a more difficult future.

You are correct! How could I have been so wrong-( Show us the way there REALDUMB, you be the 1st to turn of your heat, air, and quit driving cars or taking planes. Be an example for America! You da mania.......errrr, I mean da man-)

Who said anyone had to turn off their heat, not drive their cars or fly anywhere?

Who? Assfucks like you.

OMG OMG OMG Al Gore's mansion !!!!!!!! Irrelevant if he buys his energy from clean sources.

Of course, you assfucks hate your own children & allow yourselves to be duped by people like Trump.

Funny chit.
You know what, dumbfuck, we don't have to eliminate all emissions, we just need to reduce them.

To what level? Give us some numbers and what it would cost us.
Right now, we are trying to get to 2005 levels. And then go from there.

I cut my emissions and save money.

What would you spend to try to give your children a better future?

What would you spend to prevent a catastrophic rise in temperatures?

Wat you you spend to keep your children safe from wars due to drought & famine?

This is what you are asking because SCIENCE says deep shit can happen if assholes like you do nothing.,

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