Report Slams Turkey’s Human Rights Rollback


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Well we saw what was happening when people took to the streets to protest.


Kurds shout slogan on September 21,2014 against the Turkish government and the jihadist Islamic State (IS)group during a domonstration on Istiklal avenue in Istanbul.
Report slams Turkey’s human rights rollback
06.10.2014 - 01:13

Turkey is undergoing a worrying rollback of human rights, according to a new report issued by Human Right Watch.

The New York-based global advocacy group blames the leadership of Turkey’s former Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan – elected president in August – for 12 years of “increasing intolerance of political opposition, public protest, and critical media”.

“The erosion of human rights through limitations on media freedom, clampdown on protest, and further loss of trust in Turkey’s politicised criminal justice system have deepened political polarisation,” Human Rights Watch said in its 38-page report. More specifically, the report accuses Erdoğan’s Justice and Developmnet Party (AKP) of trying to curb the independence of the judiciary in order to suppress a corruption scandal. For instance, the government appointed new judge, prosecutors and police officers. According to Emma Sinclair-Webb, HRW’s senior Turkey researcher and the author of the report, the government needs to change course and protect rights instead of attacking them.

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