Report: Trump’s Sons Behind Nonprofit Selling Access To President-Elect For Millions

Much of his spending was done in his first couple of years when he had the power. Yes, the Congress does control the spending, but in this instance, when the Congress cuts spending, the President threatens to veto and the government shuts down. When that happens, the Democrat machine kicks in and MSM reports it's the Republicans fault.

However if you look at the deficit chart, the deficit went on a decline after the Republicans gained leadership in Congress. Without DumBama, we may have had a balanced budget if Republicans had control of the Senate as well.

Well make up your mind. Either the economy is vastly improved during the Obama presidency, or it has not. You can't have it both ways.

We were discussing the deficit and not the economy. As far as the economy goes, it is better, but you can't pin that on Obama just because he happened to be there. The economy will always bounce back like it always does. If you want to credit somebody for the improvement, you have to show what they did exactly that created a better economy. Given the fact DumBama is the most anti-business President in our lifetime, you can't give him any credit at all.

So the deficit is in great shape. What are you whining about? Point out where you think Obama caused a bad economy, caused the big increase in the debt, or prevented the improvement in the deficit. You and the entire AltRight keep claiming Obama hurt us financially. Show me where and how.

For one was his tax increases. He increased taxes on our job creators and the wealthy. Two of course was Commie Care. Because there was so much air in the bill, job creators didn't know what was going to happen next. This person will be in charge of deciding this--that person will be in charge of deciding that, nobody knew what to think. Then there was the 50 employee limit. If you had under 50 employees, you were not subject to provide them healthcare. So businesses on that brink made sure to keep their staff under 50 even if it meant hiring foreigners (that don't count as employees), hiring part-time, and investments in automation which is the biggest threat to jobs in our country. There was absolutely no reason to encourage it.

Even today health insurance is costing an arm and a leg partly due to Commie Care. So employers that were not subject to providing healthcare insurance because they have smaller companies now find themselves in a very precarious position if they are currently giving their employees that benefit. In Arizona, the rates for next year will increase 110%.

Obama closed down the Gulf, he closed down cigarette shops across the country and put heavy restrictions on the Indians who made their living selling tobacco products. He closed down electric companies and forced the remaining open ones to invest millions of dollars in clean technology. He closed down auto dealerships when he first got in and threatened to close down Gibson Guitar which is one of the top guitar manufacturers in the country. He closed down coal mines. He placed a tax on medical devices which caused some to leave the country.

Then he decided to get into the banking industry. He made new restrictions on credit card and debit card companies costing them a fortune. He had the government takeover school loans which is a disaster now.

I could go on and on, but the point is he is the most anti-business President we've ever had. His actions did more to slow the economy than help it. And to be honest, we would still be in trouble today if not for our lower energy costs. Thanks to fracking (which Democrats are against) we now have an abundance of fuel and that puts a lot of money in the pockets of Americans between their gasoline, natural gas, and propane bills.

Try to stick to the subject. Shutting down the Gulf for the cleanup wasn't a tax, and Gibson Guitar being caught illegally importing banned material wasn't a tax either. Student loans actually saved us money and wasn't a tax .Credit card regulation protects the consumer, and is not a tax either. I guess the ACA can be considered a tax, but it has slowed the increase in premiums quite a lot.
Figures from the CBO and the Tax Policy Center show that average tax rates have risen under Obama, but part of the reason is that Obama also allowed some special tax cuts enacted during the recession to expire. If you go back to CBO figures before the recession and compare them with figures after it ended, the average household tax rate was about the same in 2006 as it was in 2013.
Now, Try again, and this time show how taxes are higher now than when he came into office.

Student loans actually saved us money and wasn't a tax

When they default and cost the government hundreds of billions, will it be a tax then?
Still can't let that old Solyndra whining point go, even after it has been shown to be bullshit so many times. Yes, Solyndra went broke, just as a large percentage of new businesses do, but the program that supplied their money absorbed the loss, and went on to make 5 to 6 BILLION in profit for the tax payers. That's a pretty good deal, and it makes your worn out whining point silly.

the program that supplied their money absorbed the loss, and went on to make 5 to 6 BILLION in profit for the tax payers

Solyndra Program Vilified by Republicans Turns a Profit

Based over. 20-25 years on expected profit, not realized profit. So it has yet to happen.

Much of it has, and the majority is in utility companies who are quite safe.

And we lost how many billions investing in the auto industry.

I'm glad you are care free with government accountability, that should serve you well into the future.

The auto bailouts saved thousands of jobs and the entire auto industry in this county. That is a big old plus even if it did look pretty shaky at first.
the program that supplied their money absorbed the loss, and went on to make 5 to 6 BILLION in profit for the tax payers

Solyndra Program Vilified by Republicans Turns a Profit

Based over. 20-25 years on expected profit, not realized profit. So it has yet to happen.

Much of it has, and the majority is in utility companies who are quite safe.

And we lost how many billions investing in the auto industry.

I'm glad you are care free with government accountability, that should serve you well into the future.

The auto bailouts saved thousands of jobs and the entire auto industry in this county. That is a big old plus even if it did look pretty shaky at first.

And cost us billions and the auto industry that we bailed out isn't compelled to pay their debt to the country that saved them. Pretty sad.
Well make up your mind. Either the economy is vastly improved during the Obama presidency, or it has not. You can't have it both ways.

We were discussing the deficit and not the economy. As far as the economy goes, it is better, but you can't pin that on Obama just because he happened to be there. The economy will always bounce back like it always does. If you want to credit somebody for the improvement, you have to show what they did exactly that created a better economy. Given the fact DumBama is the most anti-business President in our lifetime, you can't give him any credit at all.

So the deficit is in great shape. What are you whining about? Point out where you think Obama caused a bad economy, caused the big increase in the debt, or prevented the improvement in the deficit. You and the entire AltRight keep claiming Obama hurt us financially. Show me where and how.

For one was his tax increases. He increased taxes on our job creators and the wealthy. Two of course was Commie Care. Because there was so much air in the bill, job creators didn't know what was going to happen next. This person will be in charge of deciding this--that person will be in charge of deciding that, nobody knew what to think. Then there was the 50 employee limit. If you had under 50 employees, you were not subject to provide them healthcare. So businesses on that brink made sure to keep their staff under 50 even if it meant hiring foreigners (that don't count as employees), hiring part-time, and investments in automation which is the biggest threat to jobs in our country. There was absolutely no reason to encourage it.

Even today health insurance is costing an arm and a leg partly due to Commie Care. So employers that were not subject to providing healthcare insurance because they have smaller companies now find themselves in a very precarious position if they are currently giving their employees that benefit. In Arizona, the rates for next year will increase 110%.

Obama closed down the Gulf, he closed down cigarette shops across the country and put heavy restrictions on the Indians who made their living selling tobacco products. He closed down electric companies and forced the remaining open ones to invest millions of dollars in clean technology. He closed down auto dealerships when he first got in and threatened to close down Gibson Guitar which is one of the top guitar manufacturers in the country. He closed down coal mines. He placed a tax on medical devices which caused some to leave the country.

Then he decided to get into the banking industry. He made new restrictions on credit card and debit card companies costing them a fortune. He had the government takeover school loans which is a disaster now.

I could go on and on, but the point is he is the most anti-business President we've ever had. His actions did more to slow the economy than help it. And to be honest, we would still be in trouble today if not for our lower energy costs. Thanks to fracking (which Democrats are against) we now have an abundance of fuel and that puts a lot of money in the pockets of Americans between their gasoline, natural gas, and propane bills.

Try to stick to the subject. Shutting down the Gulf for the cleanup wasn't a tax, and Gibson Guitar being caught illegally importing banned material wasn't a tax either. Student loans actually saved us money and wasn't a tax .Credit card regulation protects the consumer, and is not a tax either. I guess the ACA can be considered a tax, but it has slowed the increase in premiums quite a lot.
Figures from the CBO and the Tax Policy Center show that average tax rates have risen under Obama, but part of the reason is that Obama also allowed some special tax cuts enacted during the recession to expire. If you go back to CBO figures before the recession and compare them with figures after it ended, the average household tax rate was about the same in 2006 as it was in 2013.
Now, Try again, and this time show how taxes are higher now than when he came into office.

Student loans actually saved us money and wasn't a tax

When they default and cost the government hundreds of billions, will it be a tax then?

I thought we were talking about how Obama has hurt us financially during his term, not what Hannity says might happen somewhere in the future. Come on. Even I can come up with a couple of things that might help your argument a little. Is that all you got?
We were discussing the deficit and not the economy. As far as the economy goes, it is better, but you can't pin that on Obama just because he happened to be there. The economy will always bounce back like it always does. If you want to credit somebody for the improvement, you have to show what they did exactly that created a better economy. Given the fact DumBama is the most anti-business President in our lifetime, you can't give him any credit at all.

So the deficit is in great shape. What are you whining about? Point out where you think Obama caused a bad economy, caused the big increase in the debt, or prevented the improvement in the deficit. You and the entire AltRight keep claiming Obama hurt us financially. Show me where and how.

For one was his tax increases. He increased taxes on our job creators and the wealthy. Two of course was Commie Care. Because there was so much air in the bill, job creators didn't know what was going to happen next. This person will be in charge of deciding this--that person will be in charge of deciding that, nobody knew what to think. Then there was the 50 employee limit. If you had under 50 employees, you were not subject to provide them healthcare. So businesses on that brink made sure to keep their staff under 50 even if it meant hiring foreigners (that don't count as employees), hiring part-time, and investments in automation which is the biggest threat to jobs in our country. There was absolutely no reason to encourage it.

Even today health insurance is costing an arm and a leg partly due to Commie Care. So employers that were not subject to providing healthcare insurance because they have smaller companies now find themselves in a very precarious position if they are currently giving their employees that benefit. In Arizona, the rates for next year will increase 110%.

Obama closed down the Gulf, he closed down cigarette shops across the country and put heavy restrictions on the Indians who made their living selling tobacco products. He closed down electric companies and forced the remaining open ones to invest millions of dollars in clean technology. He closed down auto dealerships when he first got in and threatened to close down Gibson Guitar which is one of the top guitar manufacturers in the country. He closed down coal mines. He placed a tax on medical devices which caused some to leave the country.

Then he decided to get into the banking industry. He made new restrictions on credit card and debit card companies costing them a fortune. He had the government takeover school loans which is a disaster now.

I could go on and on, but the point is he is the most anti-business President we've ever had. His actions did more to slow the economy than help it. And to be honest, we would still be in trouble today if not for our lower energy costs. Thanks to fracking (which Democrats are against) we now have an abundance of fuel and that puts a lot of money in the pockets of Americans between their gasoline, natural gas, and propane bills.

Try to stick to the subject. Shutting down the Gulf for the cleanup wasn't a tax, and Gibson Guitar being caught illegally importing banned material wasn't a tax either. Student loans actually saved us money and wasn't a tax .Credit card regulation protects the consumer, and is not a tax either. I guess the ACA can be considered a tax, but it has slowed the increase in premiums quite a lot.
Figures from the CBO and the Tax Policy Center show that average tax rates have risen under Obama, but part of the reason is that Obama also allowed some special tax cuts enacted during the recession to expire. If you go back to CBO figures before the recession and compare them with figures after it ended, the average household tax rate was about the same in 2006 as it was in 2013.
Now, Try again, and this time show how taxes are higher now than when he came into office.

Student loans actually saved us money and wasn't a tax

When they default and cost the government hundreds of billions, will it be a tax then?

I thought we were talking about how Obama has hurt us financially during his term, not what Hannity says might happen somewhere in the future. Come on. Even I can come up with a couple of things that might help your argument a little. Is that all you got?

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments
New figure raises worries that millions of them may never repay more than $200 billion owed

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments
Still can't let that old Solyndra whining point go, even after it has been shown to be bullshit so many times. Yes, Solyndra went broke, just as a large percentage of new businesses do, but the program that supplied their money absorbed the loss, and went on to make 5 to 6 BILLION in profit for the tax payers. That's a pretty good deal, and it makes your worn out whining point silly.

the program that supplied their money absorbed the loss, and went on to make 5 to 6 BILLION in profit for the tax payers

Solyndra Program Vilified by Republicans Turns a Profit

Based over. 20-25 years on expected profit, not realized profit. So it has yet to happen.

Much of it has, and the majority is in utility companies who are quite safe.

And we lost how many billions investing in the auto industry.

I'm glad you are care free with government accountability, that should serve you well into the future.
For starters, the bailout of the auto industry started in the waning weeks of President George W. Bush's tenure. It continued during the early months of the Obama administration. All told, the Treasury Department reported that the program cost taxpayers $79.7 billion, of which $70.4 billion was recovered.Jan 22, 2015
the program that supplied their money absorbed the loss, and went on to make 5 to 6 BILLION in profit for the tax payers

Solyndra Program Vilified by Republicans Turns a Profit

Based over. 20-25 years on expected profit, not realized profit. So it has yet to happen.

Much of it has, and the majority is in utility companies who are quite safe.

And we lost how many billions investing in the auto industry.

I'm glad you are care free with government accountability, that should serve you well into the future.
For starters, the bailout of the auto industry started in the waning weeks of President George W. Bush's tenure. It continued during the early months of the Obama administration. All told, the Treasury Department reported that the program cost taxpayers $79.7 billion, of which $70.4 billion was recovered.Jan 22, 2015

So we lost 9.3 billion, thanks for confirming it. Also Bush only started because Obama wanted it done, Bush was against it and did it for Obama.

Based over. 20-25 years on expected profit, not realized profit. So it has yet to happen.

Much of it has, and the majority is in utility companies who are quite safe.

And we lost how many billions investing in the auto industry.

I'm glad you are care free with government accountability, that should serve you well into the future.
For starters, the bailout of the auto industry started in the waning weeks of President George W. Bush's tenure. It continued during the early months of the Obama administration. All told, the Treasury Department reported that the program cost taxpayers $79.7 billion, of which $70.4 billion was recovered.Jan 22, 2015

So we lost 9.3 billion, thanks for confirming it. Also Bush only started because Obama wanted it done, Bush was against it and did it for Obama.

Bush never did anything he didn't want to do. Is that it? Is that all you can come up with? Obama continued the auto bailouts that Bush started, and saved the auto industry and all those jobs, so you claim Obama was bad for us financially? Pretty pathetic effort on your part.
So the deficit is in great shape. What are you whining about? Point out where you think Obama caused a bad economy, caused the big increase in the debt, or prevented the improvement in the deficit. You and the entire AltRight keep claiming Obama hurt us financially. Show me where and how.

For one was his tax increases. He increased taxes on our job creators and the wealthy. Two of course was Commie Care. Because there was so much air in the bill, job creators didn't know what was going to happen next. This person will be in charge of deciding this--that person will be in charge of deciding that, nobody knew what to think. Then there was the 50 employee limit. If you had under 50 employees, you were not subject to provide them healthcare. So businesses on that brink made sure to keep their staff under 50 even if it meant hiring foreigners (that don't count as employees), hiring part-time, and investments in automation which is the biggest threat to jobs in our country. There was absolutely no reason to encourage it.

Even today health insurance is costing an arm and a leg partly due to Commie Care. So employers that were not subject to providing healthcare insurance because they have smaller companies now find themselves in a very precarious position if they are currently giving their employees that benefit. In Arizona, the rates for next year will increase 110%.

Obama closed down the Gulf, he closed down cigarette shops across the country and put heavy restrictions on the Indians who made their living selling tobacco products. He closed down electric companies and forced the remaining open ones to invest millions of dollars in clean technology. He closed down auto dealerships when he first got in and threatened to close down Gibson Guitar which is one of the top guitar manufacturers in the country. He closed down coal mines. He placed a tax on medical devices which caused some to leave the country.

Then he decided to get into the banking industry. He made new restrictions on credit card and debit card companies costing them a fortune. He had the government takeover school loans which is a disaster now.

I could go on and on, but the point is he is the most anti-business President we've ever had. His actions did more to slow the economy than help it. And to be honest, we would still be in trouble today if not for our lower energy costs. Thanks to fracking (which Democrats are against) we now have an abundance of fuel and that puts a lot of money in the pockets of Americans between their gasoline, natural gas, and propane bills.

Try to stick to the subject. Shutting down the Gulf for the cleanup wasn't a tax, and Gibson Guitar being caught illegally importing banned material wasn't a tax either. Student loans actually saved us money and wasn't a tax .Credit card regulation protects the consumer, and is not a tax either. I guess the ACA can be considered a tax, but it has slowed the increase in premiums quite a lot.
Figures from the CBO and the Tax Policy Center show that average tax rates have risen under Obama, but part of the reason is that Obama also allowed some special tax cuts enacted during the recession to expire. If you go back to CBO figures before the recession and compare them with figures after it ended, the average household tax rate was about the same in 2006 as it was in 2013.
Now, Try again, and this time show how taxes are higher now than when he came into office.

Student loans actually saved us money and wasn't a tax

When they default and cost the government hundreds of billions, will it be a tax then?

I thought we were talking about how Obama has hurt us financially during his term, not what Hannity says might happen somewhere in the future. Come on. Even I can come up with a couple of things that might help your argument a little. Is that all you got?

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments
New figure raises worries that millions of them may never repay more than $200 billion owed

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments

So how many of that 40% are still in school, and are not even due to start paying their loans yet? That is a good point for another discussion though. The student loan program is much better than it was, but education is still way too expensive.
For one was his tax increases. He increased taxes on our job creators and the wealthy. Two of course was Commie Care. Because there was so much air in the bill, job creators didn't know what was going to happen next. This person will be in charge of deciding this--that person will be in charge of deciding that, nobody knew what to think. Then there was the 50 employee limit. If you had under 50 employees, you were not subject to provide them healthcare. So businesses on that brink made sure to keep their staff under 50 even if it meant hiring foreigners (that don't count as employees), hiring part-time, and investments in automation which is the biggest threat to jobs in our country. There was absolutely no reason to encourage it.

Even today health insurance is costing an arm and a leg partly due to Commie Care. So employers that were not subject to providing healthcare insurance because they have smaller companies now find themselves in a very precarious position if they are currently giving their employees that benefit. In Arizona, the rates for next year will increase 110%.

Obama closed down the Gulf, he closed down cigarette shops across the country and put heavy restrictions on the Indians who made their living selling tobacco products. He closed down electric companies and forced the remaining open ones to invest millions of dollars in clean technology. He closed down auto dealerships when he first got in and threatened to close down Gibson Guitar which is one of the top guitar manufacturers in the country. He closed down coal mines. He placed a tax on medical devices which caused some to leave the country.

Then he decided to get into the banking industry. He made new restrictions on credit card and debit card companies costing them a fortune. He had the government takeover school loans which is a disaster now.

I could go on and on, but the point is he is the most anti-business President we've ever had. His actions did more to slow the economy than help it. And to be honest, we would still be in trouble today if not for our lower energy costs. Thanks to fracking (which Democrats are against) we now have an abundance of fuel and that puts a lot of money in the pockets of Americans between their gasoline, natural gas, and propane bills.

Try to stick to the subject. Shutting down the Gulf for the cleanup wasn't a tax, and Gibson Guitar being caught illegally importing banned material wasn't a tax either. Student loans actually saved us money and wasn't a tax .Credit card regulation protects the consumer, and is not a tax either. I guess the ACA can be considered a tax, but it has slowed the increase in premiums quite a lot.
Figures from the CBO and the Tax Policy Center show that average tax rates have risen under Obama, but part of the reason is that Obama also allowed some special tax cuts enacted during the recession to expire. If you go back to CBO figures before the recession and compare them with figures after it ended, the average household tax rate was about the same in 2006 as it was in 2013.
Now, Try again, and this time show how taxes are higher now than when he came into office.

Student loans actually saved us money and wasn't a tax

When they default and cost the government hundreds of billions, will it be a tax then?

I thought we were talking about how Obama has hurt us financially during his term, not what Hannity says might happen somewhere in the future. Come on. Even I can come up with a couple of things that might help your argument a little. Is that all you got?

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments
New figure raises worries that millions of them may never repay more than $200 billion owed

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments

So how many of that 40% are still in school, and are not even due to start paying their loans yet? That is a good point for another discussion though. The student loan program is much better than it was, but education is still way too expensive.

So how many of that 40% are still in school

None of them.

Try to stick to the subject. Shutting down the Gulf for the cleanup wasn't a tax, and Gibson Guitar being caught illegally importing banned material wasn't a tax either. Student loans actually saved us money and wasn't a tax .Credit card regulation protects the consumer, and is not a tax either. I guess the ACA can be considered a tax, but it has slowed the increase in premiums quite a lot.
Figures from the CBO and the Tax Policy Center show that average tax rates have risen under Obama, but part of the reason is that Obama also allowed some special tax cuts enacted during the recession to expire. If you go back to CBO figures before the recession and compare them with figures after it ended, the average household tax rate was about the same in 2006 as it was in 2013.
Now, Try again, and this time show how taxes are higher now than when he came into office.

Student loans actually saved us money and wasn't a tax

When they default and cost the government hundreds of billions, will it be a tax then?

I thought we were talking about how Obama has hurt us financially during his term, not what Hannity says might happen somewhere in the future. Come on. Even I can come up with a couple of things that might help your argument a little. Is that all you got?

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments
New figure raises worries that millions of them may never repay more than $200 billion owed

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments

So how many of that 40% are still in school, and are not even due to start paying their loans yet? That is a good point for another discussion though. The student loan program is much better than it was, but education is still way too expensive.

So how many of that 40% are still in school

None of them.

View attachment 103706

So, is Obama responsible for repayment of all student loans now? Exactly what did he do to cause that?
Student loans actually saved us money and wasn't a tax

When they default and cost the government hundreds of billions, will it be a tax then?

I thought we were talking about how Obama has hurt us financially during his term, not what Hannity says might happen somewhere in the future. Come on. Even I can come up with a couple of things that might help your argument a little. Is that all you got?

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments
New figure raises worries that millions of them may never repay more than $200 billion owed

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments

So how many of that 40% are still in school, and are not even due to start paying their loans yet? That is a good point for another discussion though. The student loan program is much better than it was, but education is still way too expensive.

So how many of that 40% are still in school

None of them.

View attachment 103706

So, is Obama responsible for repayment of all student loans now? Exactly what did he do to cause that?

It wasn't his idea for the government to take over the student loan business?
If he puts the government on the hook, massively expands student loans and then
defaults end us costing the taxpayers big bucks.....who would you say was responsible?
I thought we were talking about how Obama has hurt us financially during his term, not what Hannity says might happen somewhere in the future. Come on. Even I can come up with a couple of things that might help your argument a little. Is that all you got?

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments
New figure raises worries that millions of them may never repay more than $200 billion owed

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments

So how many of that 40% are still in school, and are not even due to start paying their loans yet? That is a good point for another discussion though. The student loan program is much better than it was, but education is still way too expensive.

So how many of that 40% are still in school

None of them.

View attachment 103706

So, is Obama responsible for repayment of all student loans now? Exactly what did he do to cause that?

It wasn't his idea for the government to take over the student loan business?
If he puts the government on the hook, massively expands student loans and then
defaults end us costing the taxpayers big bucks.....who would you say was responsible?

So it's his fault that education costs are rising so fast?
More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments
New figure raises worries that millions of them may never repay more than $200 billion owed

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments

So how many of that 40% are still in school, and are not even due to start paying their loans yet? That is a good point for another discussion though. The student loan program is much better than it was, but education is still way too expensive.

So how many of that 40% are still in school

None of them.

View attachment 103706

So, is Obama responsible for repayment of all student loans now? Exactly what did he do to cause that?

It wasn't his idea for the government to take over the student loan business?
If he puts the government on the hook, massively expands student loans and then
defaults end us costing the taxpayers big bucks.....who would you say was responsible?

So it's his fault that education costs are rising so fast?

So it's his fault that education costs are rising so fast?

When the government throws tons of money at something, the price goes up.
They should stop.
Based over. 20-25 years on expected profit, not realized profit. So it has yet to happen.

Much of it has, and the majority is in utility companies who are quite safe.

And we lost how many billions investing in the auto industry.

I'm glad you are care free with government accountability, that should serve you well into the future.
For starters, the bailout of the auto industry started in the waning weeks of President George W. Bush's tenure. It continued during the early months of the Obama administration. All told, the Treasury Department reported that the program cost taxpayers $79.7 billion, of which $70.4 billion was recovered.Jan 22, 2015

So we lost 9.3 billion, thanks for confirming it. Also Bush only started because Obama wanted it done, Bush was against it and did it for Obama.

Bush never did anything he didn't want to do. Is that it? Is that all you can come up with? Obama continued the auto bailouts that Bush started, and saved the auto industry and all those jobs, so you claim Obama was bad for us financially? Pretty pathetic effort on your part.

I was against bailouts then and now. Too big to fail are dangerous for our nation. Your partisan BS is pathetic.
So how many of that 40% are still in school, and are not even due to start paying their loans yet? That is a good point for another discussion though. The student loan program is much better than it was, but education is still way too expensive.

So how many of that 40% are still in school

None of them.

View attachment 103706

So, is Obama responsible for repayment of all student loans now? Exactly what did he do to cause that?

It wasn't his idea for the government to take over the student loan business?
If he puts the government on the hook, massively expands student loans and then
defaults end us costing the taxpayers big bucks.....who would you say was responsible?

So it's his fault that education costs are rising so fast?

So it's his fault that education costs are rising so fast?

When the government throws tons of money at something, the price goes up.
They should stop.

Of course. Right wingers don't care much for education, even if it is the only way to keep America as the major power that it is.
Much of it has, and the majority is in utility companies who are quite safe.

And we lost how many billions investing in the auto industry.

I'm glad you are care free with government accountability, that should serve you well into the future.
For starters, the bailout of the auto industry started in the waning weeks of President George W. Bush's tenure. It continued during the early months of the Obama administration. All told, the Treasury Department reported that the program cost taxpayers $79.7 billion, of which $70.4 billion was recovered.Jan 22, 2015

So we lost 9.3 billion, thanks for confirming it. Also Bush only started because Obama wanted it done, Bush was against it and did it for Obama.

Bush never did anything he didn't want to do. Is that it? Is that all you can come up with? Obama continued the auto bailouts that Bush started, and saved the auto industry and all those jobs, so you claim Obama was bad for us financially? Pretty pathetic effort on your part.

I was against bailouts then and now. Too big to fail are dangerous for our nation. Your partisan BS is pathetic.

The auto bailouts worked. You're pathetic, and trying to blame Obama for all your imagined troubles is proof.
And we lost how many billions investing in the auto industry.

I'm glad you are care free with government accountability, that should serve you well into the future.
For starters, the bailout of the auto industry started in the waning weeks of President George W. Bush's tenure. It continued during the early months of the Obama administration. All told, the Treasury Department reported that the program cost taxpayers $79.7 billion, of which $70.4 billion was recovered.Jan 22, 2015

So we lost 9.3 billion, thanks for confirming it. Also Bush only started because Obama wanted it done, Bush was against it and did it for Obama.

Bush never did anything he didn't want to do. Is that it? Is that all you can come up with? Obama continued the auto bailouts that Bush started, and saved the auto industry and all those jobs, so you claim Obama was bad for us financially? Pretty pathetic effort on your part.

I was against bailouts then and now. Too big to fail are dangerous for our nation. Your partisan BS is pathetic.

The auto bailouts worked. You're pathetic, and trying to blame Obama for all your imagined troubles is proof.

I don't blame Obama for my troubles, never did I say that. It is your way of personalizing the argument, it is an old and shitty tactic when you are losing an argument. The bailouts didn't need to be granted. Bankruptcy would have put the pressure on the business sector instead of increasing our debt.
So how many of that 40% are still in school

None of them.

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So, is Obama responsible for repayment of all student loans now? Exactly what did he do to cause that?

It wasn't his idea for the government to take over the student loan business?
If he puts the government on the hook, massively expands student loans and then
defaults end us costing the taxpayers big bucks.....who would you say was responsible?

So it's his fault that education costs are rising so fast?

So it's his fault that education costs are rising so fast?

When the government throws tons of money at something, the price goes up.
They should stop.

Of course. Right wingers don't care much for education, even if it is the only way to keep America as the major power that it is.

Education is great. Why don't we have the government spend even more money on it,
so it can be even more expensive?

Back to the original point, when hundreds of billions in defaults occur, will Obama get any of the blame?

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