Report: Trump’s Sons Behind Nonprofit Selling Access To President-Elect For Millions

So how did Obama increase the debt that much and still decrease the deficit that much?

You understand that a single dollar of deficit will add a dollar to the debt? I guess not.

True, but the deficit had a steady decline, and was cut by 2/3, making the massive increase due to previous administrations.

You're ignoring again off book spending. You're also only counting the last year of W and the last year of O. And you're ignoring that O signed off on a bunch of W spending you're not counting.

No wonder they call you BULLSHIT, you're pegged

The economy was in free fall when Obama was elected. It took a while to stop that fall and reverse direction. Every economic chart ever made during that time shows that. Nothing but steady improvement since then. Bush's mid east wars were mostly off the books. That might be the biggest reason the economy crashed.

Nothing but steady improvement since then.

Weakest recovery since WWII.

Bush's mid east wars were mostly off the books.

What does that even mean?

The recovery could have been a lot better if the right hadn't blocked every effort to improve it. Infrastructure spending, blocked by the right, would have made a drastic difference. Trump is now trying to act like infrastructure spending is a new idea he came up with.
Off the books means it was not included in the budget. The cost was not considered when planning how much money the country needed to bring in.

The recovery could have been a lot better if the right hadn't blocked every effort to improve it.

You mean the congressmen elected on blocking Obama's agenda should have gone along with it? LOL!
And after over $9 trillion in deficit spending, why would a few trillion more have helped?
You know what would have helped, not adding tens of thousands of job killing regulations.
But that's what libs do.

Off the books means it was not included in the budget.

Supplemental spending isn't hidden. And impacts the debt and deficit just any other spending.

The cost was not considered when planning how much money the country needed to bring in.

So what? Once it's spent, everyone knows it was spent. Not a secret.
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So to be clear, you want Hillary prosecuted for doing that as SOS?

Sure. If she did. Well? did she?

That works, let's call on Trump to investigate and prove it

Clintons’ top 10 pay-to-play allegations

I'm happy with that as long as well investigate Trump University, Trump's stiffing of contractors, Trump releasing his tax returns, we investigate Trump buying a pic of himself with Trump foundation money and then hanging said portrait in one of his buildings (totally illegal) and a plethora of other dodgy deals.
Debt the day Bush left office....$10.626 trillion.
Debt yesterday....$19.878 trillion

So how did Obama increase the debt that much and still decrease the deficit that much? If it was debt he caused, the deficit would have had to have gone up. Please explain how that could happen?

So how did Obama increase the debt that much and still decrease the deficit that much?

You understand that a single dollar of deficit will add a dollar to the debt? I guess not.

True, but the deficit had a steady decline, and was cut by 2/3, making the massive increase due to previous administrations.

You're ignoring again off book spending. You're also only counting the last year of W and the last year of O. And you're ignoring that O signed off on a bunch of W spending you're not counting.

No wonder they call you BULLSHIT, you're pegged

The economy was in free fall when Obama was elected. It took a while to stop that fall and reverse direction. Every economic chart ever made during that time shows that. Nothing but steady improvement since then. Bush's mid east wars were mostly off the books. That might be the biggest reason the economy crashed.

Our ruling

"A Facebook posts says, "Bush ‘borrowed’ $1.37 trillion of Social Security surplus revenue to pay for his tax cuts for the rich and his war in Iraq and never paid it back."

By law, the Social Security surplus is converted into bonds, and the cash is used by the Treasury to pay for government expenses. If we agree that this is "borrowing," every president since 1935 has done it, to fund all sorts of things. Even if Bush "borrowed" from the surplus, the amount is more like $708 billion, and the borrowing wasn’t earmarked for a special purposes.

As for not "paying back," the bonds won’t need to be repaid until 2020.

Overall, the claim is misleading and confuses many points. So we rate it Mostly False."

Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?
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So how did Obama increase the debt that much and still decrease the deficit that much? If it was debt he caused, the deficit would have had to have gone up. Please explain how that could happen?

So how did Obama increase the debt that much and still decrease the deficit that much?

You understand that a single dollar of deficit will add a dollar to the debt? I guess not.

True, but the deficit had a steady decline, and was cut by 2/3, making the massive increase due to previous administrations.

You're ignoring again off book spending. You're also only counting the last year of W and the last year of O. And you're ignoring that O signed off on a bunch of W spending you're not counting.

No wonder they call you BULLSHIT, you're pegged

The economy was in free fall when Obama was elected. It took a while to stop that fall and reverse direction. Every economic chart ever made during that time shows that. Nothing but steady improvement since then. Bush's mid east wars were mostly off the books. That might be the biggest reason the economy crashed.

Our ruling

"A Facebook posts says, "Bush ‘borrowed’ $1.37 trillion of Social Security surplus revenue to pay for his tax cuts for the rich and his war in Iraq and never paid it back."

By law, the Social Security surplus is converted into bonds, and the cash is used by the Treasury to pay for government expenses. If we agree that this is "borrowing," every president since 1935 has done it, to fund all sorts of things. Even if Bush "borrowed" from the surplus, the amount is more like $708 billion, and the borrowing wasn’t earmarked for a special purposes.

As for not "paying back," the bonds won’t need to be repaid until 2020.

Overall, the claim is misleading and confuses many points. So we rate it Mostly False."

Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?

So? He still funded his wars off the books.
So how did Obama increase the debt that much and still decrease the deficit that much?

You understand that a single dollar of deficit will add a dollar to the debt? I guess not.

True, but the deficit had a steady decline, and was cut by 2/3, making the massive increase due to previous administrations.

You're ignoring again off book spending. You're also only counting the last year of W and the last year of O. And you're ignoring that O signed off on a bunch of W spending you're not counting.

No wonder they call you BULLSHIT, you're pegged

The economy was in free fall when Obama was elected. It took a while to stop that fall and reverse direction. Every economic chart ever made during that time shows that. Nothing but steady improvement since then. Bush's mid east wars were mostly off the books. That might be the biggest reason the economy crashed.

Our ruling

"A Facebook posts says, "Bush ‘borrowed’ $1.37 trillion of Social Security surplus revenue to pay for his tax cuts for the rich and his war in Iraq and never paid it back."

By law, the Social Security surplus is converted into bonds, and the cash is used by the Treasury to pay for government expenses. If we agree that this is "borrowing," every president since 1935 has done it, to fund all sorts of things. Even if Bush "borrowed" from the surplus, the amount is more like $708 billion, and the borrowing wasn’t earmarked for a special purposes.

As for not "paying back," the bonds won’t need to be repaid until 2020.

Overall, the claim is misleading and confuses many points. So we rate it Mostly False."

Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?

So? He still funded his wars off the books.

No, it was not off the books, nor was it "not funded" either.
New Texas-based group not legally required to disclose its donors

A new Texas nonprofit led by Donald Trump’s grown sons is offering access to the freshly-minted president during inauguration weekend — all in exchange for million-dollar donations to unnamed “conservation” charities, according to interviews and documents reviewed by the Center for Public Integrity.

And the donors’ identities may never be known.

Prospective million-dollar donors to the “Opening Day 2017” event — slated for Jan. 21, the day after inauguration, at Washington, D.C.’s Walter E. Washington Convention Center — receive a “private reception and photo opportunity for 16 guests with President Donald J. Trump,” a “multi-day hunting and/or fishing excursion for 4 guests with Donald Trump, Jr. and/or Eric Trump, and team,” as well as tickets to other events and “autographed guitars by an Opening Day 2017 performer.”

Website first published a brochure hyping the happening. The brochure says that “all net proceeds from the Opening Day event will be donated to conservation charities,” but it does not name the charities or detail how net proceeds will be calculated.

Who’s behind the get-together?

More: Report: Trump’s Sons Behind Nonprofit Selling Access To President-Elect For Millions

Wow, talk about pay for play! Why is Trump almost always guilty of whatever he claims about others? He is a master of projection - which not a praiseworthy human trait.

What are you whining about? You certainly had no problem with Hillary doing the exact same thing.
Exactly why when Libs talk I never listen. They are full of shit.
What's Obama up to? $10 trillion in deficit spending? Yeah, this is obviously a standard to you ..
View attachment 103485

Funny how with that chart, Obama's deficit was so much higher than W's. You sure don't see that in the chart ...

That's because you don't know the difference between the deficit and the debt. The deficit is the difference between what we bring in and what we spend. The debt is the cumulation of that difference. The only way to reduce the debt is to reduce the deficit. We cut the deficit by 2/3 under Obama, but it is taking a while for the debt to catch up. Finances always work that way.

Your typical idiotic babble. Obama doubled the debt, he ran deficits totalling W and every other President in history combined, which you call cutting "the deficit by 2/3." What a tool.

So how was your last meeting with your minister where you cried about those immoral Republicans allowing their women to parade around in sexy clothing making you hot? Obviously the holidays didn't help you pull the stick out

I'm sorry that you and math disagree, but that is not my problem.

My pointing out that the debt going up by more than the prior debt plus the deficits means that the deficits are a lie is me disagreeing with math. Hmm ...

Well, they don't call you BULLSHIT for nothing ...
What's Obama up to? $10 trillion in deficit spending? Yeah, this is obviously a standard to you ..
View attachment 103485

Debt the day Bush left office....$10.626 trillion.
Debt yesterday....$19.878 trillion

So how did Obama increase the debt that much and still decrease the deficit that much? If it was debt he caused, the deficit would have had to have gone up. Please explain how that could happen?

Because that he reduced the deficit is a lie. Large parts of deficit spending weren't counted. A CEO who did what Obama did would be in jail now

You just can't accept facts. Good luck with that.

I can't? What "fact" can I not accept? Be specific, BULLSHIT
Debt the day Bush left office....$10.626 trillion.
Debt yesterday....$19.878 trillion

So how did Obama increase the debt that much and still decrease the deficit that much? If it was debt he caused, the deficit would have had to have gone up. Please explain how that could happen?

So how did Obama increase the debt that much and still decrease the deficit that much?

You understand that a single dollar of deficit will add a dollar to the debt? I guess not.

True, but the deficit had a steady decline, and was cut by 2/3, making the massive increase due to previous administrations.

You're ignoring again off book spending. You're also only counting the last year of W and the last year of O. And you're ignoring that O signed off on a bunch of W spending you're not counting.

No wonder they call you BULLSHIT, you're pegged

The economy was in free fall when Obama was elected. It took a while to stop that fall and reverse direction. Every economic chart ever made during that time shows that. Nothing but steady improvement since then. Bush's mid east wars were mostly off the books. That might be the biggest reason the economy crashed.

Right, because of course recessions never ended before Obama pulled it off. Deepest recession and slowest recovery since WWII with historically low labor participation. Yep, Obama did a great job ... not ...
So how did Obama increase the debt that much and still decrease the deficit that much? If it was debt he caused, the deficit would have had to have gone up. Please explain how that could happen?

So how did Obama increase the debt that much and still decrease the deficit that much?

You understand that a single dollar of deficit will add a dollar to the debt? I guess not.

True, but the deficit had a steady decline, and was cut by 2/3, making the massive increase due to previous administrations.

You're ignoring again off book spending. You're also only counting the last year of W and the last year of O. And you're ignoring that O signed off on a bunch of W spending you're not counting.

No wonder they call you BULLSHIT, you're pegged

The economy was in free fall when Obama was elected. It took a while to stop that fall and reverse direction. Every economic chart ever made during that time shows that. Nothing but steady improvement since then. Bush's mid east wars were mostly off the books. That might be the biggest reason the economy crashed.

Nothing but steady improvement since then.

Weakest recovery since WWII.

Bush's mid east wars were mostly off the books.

What does that even mean?

It means we spent the money and it counts as debt but the government pretends it wasn't deficit spending.

Interesting as he keeps telling me he doesn't grasp that when Obama did the same thing

So to be clear, you want Hillary prosecuted for doing that as SOS?

Sure. If she did. Well? did she?

That works, let's call on Trump to investigate and prove it

Clintons’ top 10 pay-to-play allegations

I'm happy with that as long as well investigate Trump University, Trump's stiffing of contractors, Trump releasing his tax returns, we investigate Trump buying a pic of himself with Trump foundation money and then hanging said portrait in one of his buildings (totally illegal) and a plethora of other dodgy deals.

I've said all along I want both parties bogged down in investigating each other and prosecuting prior administrations to keep them from doing anything since everything they are doing it bad. So if you think you got me somehow dream again.

And again you're an idiot Democrat who thinks not Democrat = Republican. I don't sully my good name by belonging to either of your moronic parties and I voted for Gary Johnson, not Hillary like you did if you bothered to fly to Mexico and walk across the border to vote for her
So how did Obama increase the debt that much and still decrease the deficit that much?

You understand that a single dollar of deficit will add a dollar to the debt? I guess not.

True, but the deficit had a steady decline, and was cut by 2/3, making the massive increase due to previous administrations.

You're ignoring again off book spending. You're also only counting the last year of W and the last year of O. And you're ignoring that O signed off on a bunch of W spending you're not counting.

No wonder they call you BULLSHIT, you're pegged

The economy was in free fall when Obama was elected. It took a while to stop that fall and reverse direction. Every economic chart ever made during that time shows that. Nothing but steady improvement since then. Bush's mid east wars were mostly off the books. That might be the biggest reason the economy crashed.

Our ruling

"A Facebook posts says, "Bush ‘borrowed’ $1.37 trillion of Social Security surplus revenue to pay for his tax cuts for the rich and his war in Iraq and never paid it back."

By law, the Social Security surplus is converted into bonds, and the cash is used by the Treasury to pay for government expenses. If we agree that this is "borrowing," every president since 1935 has done it, to fund all sorts of things. Even if Bush "borrowed" from the surplus, the amount is more like $708 billion, and the borrowing wasn’t earmarked for a special purposes.

As for not "paying back," the bonds won’t need to be repaid until 2020.

Overall, the claim is misleading and confuses many points. So we rate it Mostly False."

Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?

So? He still funded his wars off the books.

It's hilarious how you get that when we are discussing W and you don't get it when we discuss O. You are BULLSHIT for sure
True, but the deficit had a steady decline, and was cut by 2/3, making the massive increase due to previous administrations.

You're ignoring again off book spending. You're also only counting the last year of W and the last year of O. And you're ignoring that O signed off on a bunch of W spending you're not counting.

No wonder they call you BULLSHIT, you're pegged

The economy was in free fall when Obama was elected. It took a while to stop that fall and reverse direction. Every economic chart ever made during that time shows that. Nothing but steady improvement since then. Bush's mid east wars were mostly off the books. That might be the biggest reason the economy crashed.

Our ruling

"A Facebook posts says, "Bush ‘borrowed’ $1.37 trillion of Social Security surplus revenue to pay for his tax cuts for the rich and his war in Iraq and never paid it back."

By law, the Social Security surplus is converted into bonds, and the cash is used by the Treasury to pay for government expenses. If we agree that this is "borrowing," every president since 1935 has done it, to fund all sorts of things. Even if Bush "borrowed" from the surplus, the amount is more like $708 billion, and the borrowing wasn’t earmarked for a special purposes.

As for not "paying back," the bonds won’t need to be repaid until 2020.

Overall, the claim is misleading and confuses many points. So we rate it Mostly False."

Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?

So? He still funded his wars off the books.

No, it was not off the books, nor was it "not funded" either.

The term "off the books" is too ambiguous.

It is debt.

It was not counted as deficit spending. Just like Social Security is not counted as deficit spending while it is counted as debt. Just as TARP was not counted as deficit spending but it is counted as debt.

Again what's hilarious is if you switch to Obama, who did all the same things, he suddenly agrees with you ...

Funny how with that chart, Obama's deficit was so much higher than W's. You sure don't see that in the chart ...

That's because you don't know the difference between the deficit and the debt. The deficit is the difference between what we bring in and what we spend. The debt is the cumulation of that difference. The only way to reduce the debt is to reduce the deficit. We cut the deficit by 2/3 under Obama, but it is taking a while for the debt to catch up. Finances always work that way.

Your typical idiotic babble. Obama doubled the debt, he ran deficits totalling W and every other President in history combined, which you call cutting "the deficit by 2/3." What a tool.

So how was your last meeting with your minister where you cried about those immoral Republicans allowing their women to parade around in sexy clothing making you hot? Obviously the holidays didn't help you pull the stick out

I'm sorry that you and math disagree, but that is not my problem.

My pointing out that the debt going up by more than the prior debt plus the deficits means that the deficits are a lie is me disagreeing with math. Hmm ...

Well, they don't call you BULLSHIT for nothing ...

The fact that the deficit has been cut by 2/3 is a fact. Sorry if it doesn't match right wing rhetoric.
Funny how with that chart, Obama's deficit was so much higher than W's. You sure don't see that in the chart ...

That's because you don't know the difference between the deficit and the debt. The deficit is the difference between what we bring in and what we spend. The debt is the cumulation of that difference. The only way to reduce the debt is to reduce the deficit. We cut the deficit by 2/3 under Obama, but it is taking a while for the debt to catch up. Finances always work that way.

Your typical idiotic babble. Obama doubled the debt, he ran deficits totalling W and every other President in history combined, which you call cutting "the deficit by 2/3." What a tool.

So how was your last meeting with your minister where you cried about those immoral Republicans allowing their women to parade around in sexy clothing making you hot? Obviously the holidays didn't help you pull the stick out

I'm sorry that you and math disagree, but that is not my problem.

My pointing out that the debt going up by more than the prior debt plus the deficits means that the deficits are a lie is me disagreeing with math. Hmm ...

Well, they don't call you BULLSHIT for nothing ...

The fact that the deficit has been cut by 2/3 is a fact. Sorry if it doesn't match right wing rhetoric.

The fact that the debt has doubled is a fact. Sorry if it doesn't match left wing rhetoric.

Remember how when we were talking about W you grasped off budget spending and I kept saying how when the topic switches to O you suddenly don't? You're really full of it, BULLSHIT
Funny how with that chart, Obama's deficit was so much higher than W's. You sure don't see that in the chart ...

That's because you don't know the difference between the deficit and the debt. The deficit is the difference between what we bring in and what we spend. The debt is the cumulation of that difference. The only way to reduce the debt is to reduce the deficit. We cut the deficit by 2/3 under Obama, but it is taking a while for the debt to catch up. Finances always work that way.

Your typical idiotic babble. Obama doubled the debt, he ran deficits totalling W and every other President in history combined, which you call cutting "the deficit by 2/3." What a tool.

So how was your last meeting with your minister where you cried about those immoral Republicans allowing their women to parade around in sexy clothing making you hot? Obviously the holidays didn't help you pull the stick out

I'm sorry that you and math disagree, but that is not my problem.

My pointing out that the debt going up by more than the prior debt plus the deficits means that the deficits are a lie is me disagreeing with math. Hmm ...

Well, they don't call you BULLSHIT for nothing ...

The fact that the deficit has been cut by 2/3 is a fact. Sorry if it doesn't match right wing rhetoric.

Here you go stupid fucktard. I own your bitch ass

So? He still funded his wars off the books.

It's hilarious how you get that when we are discussing W and you don't get it when we discuss O. You are BULLSHIT for sure

Just like you suddenly grasp selling access when we stop talking about Hillary. You're a flaming hypocrite
The fact that the deficit has been cut by 2/3 is a fact. Sorry if it doesn't match right wing rhetoric.

The fact that it's the Congress and not the President that controls the deficit doesn't match your left-wing rhetoric is what's a fact.
The fact that the deficit has been cut by 2/3 is a fact. Sorry if it doesn't match right wing rhetoric.

The fact that it's the Congress and not the President that controls the deficit doesn't match your left-wing rhetoric is what's a fact.

Remember, Republicans create deficits. It doesn't matter if they own the Presidency, Congress or neither. It's them.

Yes, BULLSHIT is that stupid ...
That's because you don't know the difference between the deficit and the debt. The deficit is the difference between what we bring in and what we spend. The debt is the cumulation of that difference. The only way to reduce the debt is to reduce the deficit. We cut the deficit by 2/3 under Obama, but it is taking a while for the debt to catch up. Finances always work that way.

Your typical idiotic babble. Obama doubled the debt, he ran deficits totalling W and every other President in history combined, which you call cutting "the deficit by 2/3." What a tool.

So how was your last meeting with your minister where you cried about those immoral Republicans allowing their women to parade around in sexy clothing making you hot? Obviously the holidays didn't help you pull the stick out

I'm sorry that you and math disagree, but that is not my problem.

My pointing out that the debt going up by more than the prior debt plus the deficits means that the deficits are a lie is me disagreeing with math. Hmm ...

Well, they don't call you BULLSHIT for nothing ...

The fact that the deficit has been cut by 2/3 is a fact. Sorry if it doesn't match right wing rhetoric.

The fact that the debt has doubled is a fact. Sorry if it doesn't match left wing rhetoric.

Remember how when we were talking about W you grasped off budget spending and I kept saying how when the topic switches to O you suddenly don't? You're really full of it, BULLSHIT

Debt is cumulative. Deficit is a comparison of income vs. money being spent. The deficit has been cut by 2/3.
That's because you don't know the difference between the deficit and the debt. The deficit is the difference between what we bring in and what we spend. The debt is the cumulation of that difference. The only way to reduce the debt is to reduce the deficit. We cut the deficit by 2/3 under Obama, but it is taking a while for the debt to catch up. Finances always work that way.

Your typical idiotic babble. Obama doubled the debt, he ran deficits totalling W and every other President in history combined, which you call cutting "the deficit by 2/3." What a tool.

So how was your last meeting with your minister where you cried about those immoral Republicans allowing their women to parade around in sexy clothing making you hot? Obviously the holidays didn't help you pull the stick out

I'm sorry that you and math disagree, but that is not my problem.

My pointing out that the debt going up by more than the prior debt plus the deficits means that the deficits are a lie is me disagreeing with math. Hmm ...

Well, they don't call you BULLSHIT for nothing ...

The fact that the deficit has been cut by 2/3 is a fact. Sorry if it doesn't match right wing rhetoric.

Here you go stupid fucktard. I own your bitch ass

I doubt you own the computer you are typing on. I know you don't own me.

So? He still funded his wars off the books.

It's hilarious how you get that when we are discussing W and you don't get it when we discuss O. You are BULLSHIT for sure

Just like you suddenly grasp selling access when we stop talking about Hillary. You're a flaming hypocrite
Calm down. Take a breath. Check with Hannity to see what you should say next, because you're circling the drain.

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