Report: Trump’s Sons Behind Nonprofit Selling Access To President-Elect For Millions

Will the Trumps continue to do these types of things after he is president?

Of course he will. He's going to run the office as if it's just another episode of the Apprentice. It's all a big joke to him. It's going to be one PR stunt after another for 4 years, making a mockery of the presidency and embarrassing the entire country in the process. We've elected a professional troll and clown for president.


He is an ORANGE clown!
Pay for play? Big!

It sure wasn't for you guys when the Clinton's or Obama did it. Why act like this is something Trump invented?

Idk, why act like this is something you were against a month ago? But now you like it a whole bunch?

When did I say I liked it a whole bunch? What I'm saying is that liberals are hypocrites for bringing up this story while all along, they supported Hillary who's organization is even being investigated by the FBI.

Trump is using the popularity of this event to raise money for conservation--not use the money so he can fly around on private planes and see the world on contributors dollars.

The "unnamed" conservative groups?
Will the Trumps continue to do these types of things after he is president?

Of course he will. He's going to run the office as if it's just another episode of the Apprentice. It's all a big joke to him. It's going to be one PR stunt after another for 4 years, making a mockery of the presidency and embarrassing the entire country in the process. We've elected a professional troll and clown for president.
Just think if Hillary would have won you could be posting glowing epitaphs.

But she wouldn't be selling access to the highest bidder...
Pay for play? Big!

It sure wasn't for you guys when the Clinton's or Obama did it. Why act like this is something Trump invented?

Idk, why act like this is something you were against a month ago? But now you like it a whole bunch?

When did I say I liked it a whole bunch?

Gotcha! Every time you're called out you can't deny it, you just ask how, why etc. Then follow up by claiming it's all about showing hypocrisy...not your own tho...liberals rofl.

Both parties raise money all the time. You're making an eight year old attempt at equating Hillary selling her time as SOS and general fundraising. No one said Democrats can't raise money, it's just a pathetic attempt at a false equivalency.

But then ... you are ... the klass klown! Nice driving in the kommunist klown kar, varoom, varoom, around the track again!!!
Pay for play? Big!

It sure wasn't for you guys when the Clinton's or Obama did it. Why act like this is something Trump invented?

Idk, why act like this is something you were against a month ago? But now you like it a whole bunch?

When did I say I liked it a whole bunch?

Gotcha! Every time you're called out you can't deny it, you just ask how, why etc. Then follow up by claiming it's all about showing hypocrisy...not your own tho...liberals rofl.

Both parties raise money all the time. You're making an eight year old attempt at equating Hillary selling her time as SOS and general fundraising. No one said Democrats can't raise money, it's just a pathetic attempt at a false equivalency.

But then ... you are ... the klass klown! Nice driving in the kommunist klown kar, varoom, varoom, around the track again!!!

says Comrade kaz....
Pay for play? Big!

It sure wasn't for you guys when the Clinton's or Obama did it. Why act like this is something Trump invented?

Idk, why act like this is something you were against a month ago? But now you like it a whole bunch?

When did I say I liked it a whole bunch? What I'm saying is that liberals are hypocrites for bringing up this story while all along, they supported Hillary who's organization is even being investigated by the FBI.

Trump is using the popularity of this event to raise money for conservation--not use the money so he can fly around on private planes and see the world on contributors dollars.

The "unnamed" conservative groups?

Not "conservative" groups, "conservation" groups. You're trying to read too fast.

The story just broke this week, and Trump's sons distanced themselves from the charity stating that these were only draft measures that were presented not approved or considered by the Trump family themselves. In other words, no story here because it's not happening and may not happen.
Wow, unbelievable ....:ack-1:

Donald Trump’s team on Tuesday sought to distance his adult children from a nonprofit offering top donors access to the president-elect Inauguration Weekend in exchange for $1 million donations.

An invitation for a Jan. 21 fundraiser, viewed by The Wall Street Journal, listed Donald Jr. and Eric Trump as “honorary co-chairmen” and said the event would be hosted by the Opening Day Foundation, a nonprofit where the younger Trumps were registered as directors, according to the Texas secretary of state, less than a week ago.

Nonprofit Linked to Trump Sons Offers Donors Access to President

Is there anything left on which the Trump mob has not been found to be utter and total hypocrites?
For one million dollars, you too can go on a fishing trip with the President.

An open solicitation of a bribe.

At this rate, Trump will be impeached before he even gets sworn in.
Will the Trumps continue to do these types of things after he is president?

Of course he will. He's going to run the office as if it's just another episode of the Apprentice. It's all a big joke to him. It's going to be one PR stunt after another for 4 years, making a mockery of the presidency and embarrassing the entire country in the process. We've elected a professional troll and clown for president.
Just think if Hillary would have won you could be posting glowing epitaphs.
Why not? She has never been charged nor convicted of anything. After 30 years of GOP conspiracies. 8 Benghazi investigations and a whole litany of other investigations. And nothing.
Trump's Sons Offer Inauguration Access for $1 Million

A new Texas nonprofit led by Donald Trump’s grown sons is offering access to the freshly-minted president during inauguration weekend — all in exchange for million-dollar donations

I'm sure you've all heard this story by now.
Here is the filing statement with Trump's sons dtd 15 December:

'Opening Day Foundation' nonprofit registration

Here is the brochure:

Opening Day 2017 Redacted


So we know a little earlier today, the Trump's changed it a little.
But what do you think? With terrorists all over the world, does Trump have time to take photo ops for a million dollars? This was planned for after his inauguration. So he would have been president. Will the Trumps continue to do these types of things after he is president?

So come on right wingers. Are you OK with this? Forget Obama or Hillary. Trump will be president, they won't. Are you OK with Trump selling access to his office in this way?
I outline the entire scam and Republicans answer by attacking Hillary Clinton. How does she even matter. He's the one who will be president. They can't keep saying "but, but, but Hillary". That ship has sailed.
Now you are concerned about pay for access? What made it OK for the Clintons to amass a fortune selling access? I'm beginning to think you lack objectivity.
"B-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

And once again, the tards prove Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Is there anything left at which you Chumps and the Trumps have not been found to be total and utter hypocrites?
Now you are concerned about pay for access? What made it OK for the Clintons to amass a fortune selling access? I'm beginning to think you lack objectivity.
"B-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

And once again, the tards prove Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Is there anything left at which you Chumps and the Trumps have not been found to be total and utter hypocrites?

Sorry, but what office do any of the Trumps hold? Do tell!!!!
1 - no one can confirm Trumps kids have anything to do with it. All because of a pamphlet from an ENTERTAINMENT NEWS SOURCE that has already been declared as inaccurate.
2 - CPI is a Soros funded organization.
3 - Isnt this kind of like any other fundraiser?
Now you are concerned about pay for access? What made it OK for the Clintons to amass a fortune selling access? I'm beginning to think you lack objectivity.
"B-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

And once again, the tards prove Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Is there anything left at which you Chumps and the Trumps have not been found to be total and utter hypocrites?

Sorry, but what office do any of the Trumps hold? Do tell!!!!
None. Leave Uday and Ousay alone.
New Texas-based group not legally required to disclose its donors

A new Texas nonprofit led by Donald Trump’s grown sons is offering access to the freshly-minted president during inauguration weekend — all in exchange for million-dollar donations to unnamed “conservation” charities, according to interviews and documents reviewed by the Center for Public Integrity.

And the donors’ identities may never be known.

Prospective million-dollar donors to the “Opening Day 2017” event — slated for Jan. 21, the day after inauguration, at Washington, D.C.’s Walter E. Washington Convention Center — receive a “private reception and photo opportunity for 16 guests with President Donald J. Trump,” a “multi-day hunting and/or fishing excursion for 4 guests with Donald Trump, Jr. and/or Eric Trump, and team,” as well as tickets to other events and “autographed guitars by an Opening Day 2017 performer.”

Website first published a brochure hyping the happening. The brochure says that “all net proceeds from the Opening Day event will be donated to conservation charities,” but it does not name the charities or detail how net proceeds will be calculated.

Who’s behind the get-together?

More: Report: Trump’s Sons Behind Nonprofit Selling Access To President-Elect For Millions

Wow, talk about pay for play! Why is Trump almost always guilty of whatever he claims about others? He is a master of projection - which not a praiseworthy human trait.

shocking... but don't worry. trumpsters couldn't care less.

Just like you cared less when DumBama ran out to a fund raiser the day after Benghazi, or when you had no problem with he (or Hillary) charging $20,000 for a plate of spaghetti for their own campaigns.

Hil-liar raised 1.3 billion dollars for her campaign, and she didn't collect that money from homeless people. She spent over twice what Trump did, but now you're concerned about buying access. Deplorable!

Everybody charges large amounts a plate for campaigns... What Trumps son's did is Not ok..
Now you are concerned about pay for access? What made it OK for the Clintons to amass a fortune selling access? I'm beginning to think you lack objectivity.
"B-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

And once again, the tards prove Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Is there anything left at which you Chumps and the Trumps have not been found to be total and utter hypocrites?

Sorry, but what office do any of the Trumps hold? Do tell!!!!
None. Leave Uday and Ousay alone.

Uhm, what?

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