Reporter Has Details of Cesar Sayoc’s 2002 Chilling Bomb Threat!

Yes, definitely true that they never let a “perfectly good crisis” go to waste, but that sort of implies that much of what has been going on is genuine, just random acts. But that’s not the case. Certain powers behind the scenes have been very successful with their “Problem – Reaction – Solution” tactic.... and since gullible American sheep have fallen for it time and time again, why would they stop? They are slowly but surely achieving their goals.

I'm of the view that this guy mailing the fake bombs acted on his own.But the intelligence agencies let him do it. That's concerning. And we get back to the Hegelian dialect you mentioned.

But it's expected that the fake two party system politicians and, by extention, the mainstream media, would use the event to start popularizing the foolish notion of unity and the 'our Democracy'' narrative. They want most Americans in the extreme middle and broadly consenting to all of the bad, anti-liberty legislation coming from both parties in Washington. They don't want division because division gets in the way of broad moderate consent of all of that bad legislation coming from both parties.

I was speaking in general. I haven’t looked into the latest event enough to say too much about it. But it wouldn’t surprise me at all if what you said is true, that they knew about him and purposely let him do it. They always use low IQ, mentally unstable people as patsys.

As for what you said about unity, I see it differently. But that’s a big topic, so I’ll talk to you about that off of this thread. :)
So they threaten to cut off his electricity and he promises an attack on such a grand scale, worse than 9/11?

Yeah, he doesn't seem to have much appreciation for perspective it seems. He also seems to have a 'roid head history.

Roids.... Known a few cops that lost their jobs cuz of roids.
As for what you said about unity, I see it differently. But that’s a big topic, so I’ll talk to you about that off of this thread. :)

Well, you're going to have to explain what you see differently. Unity got us the Patriot Act.
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They were dead, and he didn't mail them to anybody important. Go wet yourself and take a nap. The Dems will be running ads for thugs around election time and you can pick up some change beating up old ladies and what not. You Democrats have been promoting violence for years now, so dion't worry, your traitor leaders are getting it done.
Really? If you and your imaginary friends say so. Okay. None were important people. okay you believe all these jackass black criminals that resist/ATTACK the cops were not influenced by Obama? believe Obama didn't influence the BLACK sniper that shot cops?
How many blacks have attacked how many cops? and why would they all have to be criminals? Obama was seriously pro LE. Unlike Trump, Obama was truly empathetic towards the plight of LE and Blacks
They were dead, and he didn't mail them to anybody important. Go wet yourself and take a nap. The Dems will be running ads for thugs around election time and you can pick up some change beating up old ladies and what not. You Democrats have been promoting violence for years now, so dion't worry, your traitor leaders are getting it done.
Really? If you and your imaginary friends say so. Okay. None were important people. okay

That's right, just Democratic Party leaders,people who themselves were all for encouraging violence, racist hate crimes, and endorsed police assassinations and their Party's hiring street thugs to attack legal rallies. See such scumbag as various speeches by Maxine Waters and others, Maxine is the Democrats' front runner for the Prez nomination in 2020. So no, my 'freinds' aren't imaginary at all, they're your favorite Democrats, you dumbass traitor racist..
They were dead, and he didn't mail them to anybody important. Go wet yourself and take a nap. The Dems will be running ads for thugs around election time and you can pick up some change beating up old ladies and what not. You Democrats have been promoting violence for years now, so dion't worry, your traitor leaders are getting it done.
Really? If you and your imaginary friends say so. Okay. None were important people. okay

That's right, just Democratic Party leaders,people who themselves were all for encouraging violence, racist hate crimes, and endorsed police assassinations and their Party's hiring street thugs to attack legal rallies. See such scumbag as various speeches by Maxine Waters and others, Maxine is the Democrats' front runner for the Prez nomination in 2020. So no, my 'freinds' aren't imaginary at all, they're your favorite Democrats, you dumbass traitor racist..

Can you name these Democrats who -- were encouraging violence, racist hate crimes, and endorsed police assassinations and their Party's hiring street thugs to attack legal rallies?
They were dead, and he didn't mail them to anybody important. Go wet yourself and take a nap. The Dems will be running ads for thugs around election time and you can pick up some change beating up old ladies and what not. You Democrats have been promoting violence for years now, so dion't worry, your traitor leaders are getting it done.
Really? If you and your imaginary friends say so. Okay. None were important people. okay

That's right, just Democratic Party leaders,people who themselves were all for encouraging violence, racist hate crimes, and endorsed police assassinations and their Party's hiring street thugs to attack legal rallies. See such scumbag as various speeches by Maxine Waters and others, Maxine is the Democrats' front runner for the Prez nomination in 2020. So no, my 'freinds' aren't imaginary at all, they're your favorite Democrats, you dumbass traitor racist..

Can you name these Democrats who -- were encouraging violence, racist hate crimes, and endorsed police assassinations and their Party's hiring street thugs to attack legal rallies?

Yes, and so can you. you believe all these jackass black criminals that resist/ATTACK the cops were not influenced by Obama? believe Obama didn't influence the BLACK sniper that shot cops?
How many blacks have attacked how many cops? and why would they all have to be criminals? Obama was seriously pro LE. Unlike Trump, Obama was truly empathetic towards the plight of LE and Blacks
...bullshit ---he did not say anything about Michael Brown--he sent his AG to comfort the family of a black criminal that attacked a white cop
....he did not say MBrown got what he deserved

Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
etc etc
Obama loves criminals more than cops you believe all these jackass black criminals that resist/ATTACK the cops were not influenced by Obama? believe Obama didn't influence the BLACK sniper that shot cops?
How many blacks have attacked how many cops? and why would they all have to be criminals? Obama was seriously pro LE. Unlike Trump, Obama was truly empathetic towards the plight of LE and Blacks
...bullshit ---he did not say anything about Michael Brown--he sent his AG to comfort the family of a black criminal that attacked a white cop
....he did not say MBrown got what he deserved

Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
etc etc
Obama loves criminals more than cops
what are you responding to?

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