Reporter pulls gun on BLM winds up in Jail

That's really bad. We should ban all guns and keep reporters from covering any BLM events or demonstrations. BLM members should have the right to freely threaten reporters without having a gun pulled on them. Oh poor little reporter had his arm broken. Well I am sorry, but at least half of his race has not been murdered by bigoted police. His bond has been set a $250k, and I am guessing that the Koch brothers and Smith & Wesson will post his bond so he continue going to BLM demonstrations and threaten to write his bigoted bullshit. Black lives matter, reporters broken arms don't!
He wont be convicted of anything as long as he owns it legally. He had people approaching him and he felt threatened.

Anyone can be arrested for anything. That bond is ridiculous. I know people who were arrested for attempted murder not get a bond half that high.
Yep, the dumb fuck brought a gun into what he knew was going to be a confrontational situation. And he pulled that gun without adaquete reason. He will definately pay for that piece of idiocy.
He wont be convicted of anything as long as he owns it legally. He had people approaching him and he felt threatened.

Anyone can be arrested for anything. That bond is ridiculous. I know people who were arrested for attempted murder not get a bond half that high.
Well, you are wrong. He will be convicted, and, as a felon, not allowed to own a gun again.
We shall see. With video evidence of people walking up to him and confronting him, gonna be hard to find 12 people who will agree he went too far.

He was paid to cover these stupid nigga movements. I'd bring a gun too, obviously recent events would warrant the thought that these niggas can get violent quickly. He didn't just go there to start trouble, he's a fucking reporter, moron.
That would have been murder. He drew his weapon and put it away within 5 seconds.

Only he knows how he felt at the time.

As the saying goes, I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. And the best part is, nobody got hurt.

At least he didn't do like the WELL TRAINED POLICE OFFICER did in the video I posted in another thread. Shot a guy with his hands up.
This occurred in portland oregon a whacko politically correct town.

The reported had previously been assaulted and had his arm broken by blm protestors.

Journalist Pulls Gun On Black Lives Matter
What an idiot. Another irresponsible gun owner.

Yeah, he should have just accepted the fact that he might have his arm broke again while the police stood around with their hands in their pockets. You must be a troll because no one could be as utterly stupid as you come across here without it being an act.
He wont be convicted of anything as long as he owns it legally. He had people approaching him and he felt threatened.

Anyone can be arrested for anything. That bond is ridiculous. I know people who were arrested for attempted murder not get a bond half that high.
Well, you are wrong. He will be convicted, and, as a felon, not allowed to own a gun again.

Only in Leftardland are you prevented from defending are yet another blithering idiot.
This occurred in portland oregon a whacko politically correct town.

The reported had previously been assaulted and had his arm broken by blm protestors.

Journalist Pulls Gun On Black Lives Matter
What an idiot. Another irresponsible gun owner.

Yeah, he should have just accepted the fact that he might have his arm broke again while the police stood around with their hands in their pockets. You must be a troll because no one could be as utterly stupid as you come across here without it being an act.

Time and again you see the leftwing demonstrate their narrative....aka white folk do not have the right to defend themselves from negroid thugs aka George Zimmerman etc.etc. their beloved little darkies are just so oh so innocent and are the targets of hunter killer cops patrolling the ghettoes looking for innocent little darkies to gun down....dats it a nutshell.

BTW Nevermind the stark reality that more White Folk are killed by cops than Negroes.
Yep, the dumb fuck brought a gun into what he knew was going to be a confrontational situation. And he pulled that gun without adaquete reason. He will definately pay for that piece of idiocy.
you have no fucking idea what was going on, but act as if you do.

I hope you need a gun someday and only have your phone, dumb fucks, like you, deserve what you get.
He wont be convicted of anything as long as he owns it legally. He had people approaching him and he felt threatened.

He could have killed all those people... and it would have been completely okay as long as he said he felt threatened.
except he didn't

so another moronic post in a feeble attempt to prove your not a fucking idiot.
I don't blame the guy for doing what he did. In my opinion, no one should ever be punished for choosing to defend themselves. To me, dumping a punishment on their plate only adds more to what they have already experienced.

God bless you and him always!!!


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