Reports of racial violence in Libya


Apr 23, 2009
UNHCR said on Tuesday it was alarmed by a growing number of accounts it has been hearing of violence and discrimination in Libya against sub-Saharan Africans. Speaking at a press conference in Geneva, UNHCR Spokesman Adrian Edwards said these accounts were coming from people who had fled both eastern and western areas of Libya.
"Yesterday a UNHCR team at the Egypt border interviewed a group of Sudanese who arrived from eastern Libya who said that armed Libyans were going door to door, forcing sub-Saharan Africans to leave. In one instance a 12-year-old Sudanese girl was said to have been raped," Edwards said.
"They reported that many people had their documents confiscated or destroyed. We heard similar accounts from a group of Chadians who fled Benghazi, Al Bayda and Brega in the past few days," he added.
UNHCR - Sub-Saharan Africans fleeing Libya report serious intimidation, violence

Once again the question is raised: whom, exactly, are we supporting in Libya?
didn't you read the the transcripts from the Sunday shows and early reports this morning? ;)

a re-coup-

-apparently is all is right in the world now as to military ops in a Muslim country ala 2002 or 03 because the eu biggies and the arab league has signed on...

-what was going to take a days became a week, will now take much longer

- Nato is now saying they are deliberating a decision to also allow air strikes..yup, you read that right..

- no one apparently wants to make a big deal about who is really the rebellion oh wait , the freedom fighters ...because- see my first bullet.

- hillary actually siad because the eu biggies and arab league are on board and made protestations ala Libya BUT have not ala Syria we have no plans for Syria....

- reports have farsi speaking thugs putting down protesters in Syria, possibly Quds force. and hezbollah may be sending folks too...
UNHCR said on Tuesday it was alarmed by a growing number of accounts it has been hearing of violence and discrimination in Libya against sub-Saharan Africans. Speaking at a press conference in Geneva, UNHCR Spokesman Adrian Edwards said these accounts were coming from people who had fled both eastern and western areas of Libya.
"Yesterday a UNHCR team at the Egypt border interviewed a group of Sudanese who arrived from eastern Libya who said that armed Libyans were going door to door, forcing sub-Saharan Africans to leave. In one instance a 12-year-old Sudanese girl was said to have been raped," Edwards said.
"They reported that many people had their documents confiscated or destroyed. We heard similar accounts from a group of Chadians who fled Benghazi, Al Bayda and Brega in the past few days," he added.
UNHCR - Sub-Saharan Africans fleeing Libya report serious intimidation, violence

Once again the question is raised: whom, exactly, are we supporting in Libya?

JB asks a good question. Who ARE we supporting?

And, of course, the corollary to that question is "WHY are we supporting 'them?' "

What is our objective? Do we even HAVE an objective that can be coherently articulated?

When we went into Iraq, lots of people came to ask the famous question "what is our exit strategy?" Another way of asking that question is "what is the mission?"

Based on what the Administration has said about all of this to date, is it unfair to suggest that they have absolutely no answers to these questions? The rudder is not just broken. It fell off the ship of state.

I submit that we are acting randomly with no coherent plan of any kind whatsoever. I can only hope that I'm mistaken.
the whole of north Africa back to the roman empire which manipulated the factions against each has been tribal to the nth degree.
UNHCR said on Tuesday it was alarmed by a growing number of accounts it has been hearing of violence and discrimination in Libya against sub-Saharan Africans. Speaking at a press conference in Geneva, UNHCR Spokesman Adrian Edwards said these accounts were coming from people who had fled both eastern and western areas of Libya.
"Yesterday a UNHCR team at the Egypt border interviewed a group of Sudanese who arrived from eastern Libya who said that armed Libyans were going door to door, forcing sub-Saharan Africans to leave. In one instance a 12-year-old Sudanese girl was said to have been raped," Edwards said.
"They reported that many people had their documents confiscated or destroyed. We heard similar accounts from a group of Chadians who fled Benghazi, Al Bayda and Brega in the past few days," he added.
UNHCR - Sub-Saharan Africans fleeing Libya report serious intimidation, violence

Once again the question is raised: whom, exactly, are we supporting in Libya?

JB asks a good question. Who ARE we supporting?

And, of course, the corollary to that question is "WHY are we supporting 'them?' "

What is our objective? Do we even HAVE an objective that can be coherently articulated?

When we went into Iraq, lots of people came to ask the famous question "what is our exit strategy?" Another way of asking that question is "what is the mission?"

Based on what the Administration has said about all of this to date, is it unfair to suggest that they have absolutely no answers to these questions? The rudder is not just broken. It fell off the ship of state.

I submit that we are acting randomly with no coherent plan of any kind whatsoever. I can only hope that I'm mistaken.

you tell me man..another contradiction and mealy mouthed back track..

Defense Secretary: Libya Did Not Pose Threat to U.S., Was Not 'Vital National Interest' to Intervene

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that Libya did not pose a threat to the United States before the U.S. began its military campaign against the North African country.

On “This Week,” ABC News’ Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper asked Gates, “Do you think Libya posed an actual or imminent threat to the United States?”

“No, no,” Gates said in a joint appearance with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. “It was not -- it was not a vital national interest to the United States, but it was an interest and it was an interest for all of the reasons Secretary Clinton talked about. The engagement of the Arabs, the engagement of the Europeans, the general humanitarian question that was at stake,” he said.

Gates explained that there was more at stake, however. “There was another piece of this though, that certainly was a consideration. You've had revolutions on both the East and the West of Libya,” he said, emphasizing the potential wave of refugees from Libya could have destabilized Tunisia and Egypt.

“So you had a potentially significantly destabilizing event taking place in Libya that put at risk potentially the revolutions in both Tunisia and Egypt,” the Secretary said. “And that was another consideration I think we took into account.”

Defense Secretary: Libya Did Not Pose Threat to U.S., Was Not 'Vital National Interest' to Intervene - Political Punch

destabilizing to Egypt? Thats a new one....what a crock.

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