Republican goal to balance budget and Destroy America Making it Look European

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Republican goal to balance budget and Destroy America Making it Look European

The conservative plan is austerity. Austerity = European failure :eusa_shhh:

“They are going to be doubling down on a budget that slashes investment in education and infrastructure, violates important commitments to our seniors and the middle class, and keeps tax breaks for the wealthiest people in the country,” said Rep. Chris Van Hollen (Md.), the ranking Democrat on the Budget Committee. “Doubling down on that is not just a mistake for the country but also bad politics.”

Democrats are working on their own 10-year budget framework, which would replace the sequester in part with higher taxes on the wealthy, according to the new Senate Budget Committee chairman, Patty Murray (Wash.). For three years, Senate Democrats have not offered a budget. Now, Murray is urging them to embrace the fight against an “extreme, economically irresponsible” Republican vision.

Republican goal to balance budget could mean deep cuts to health programs
If the media was honest the words the president said when he signed the spending cuts would resonate as long as Nixon's "I am not a crook". The freaking whiner in chief actually said "I am not a dictator". WTF kind of leader is he when he whines about having the majority in only 2/3 of the federal government? Now you can bet your ass(ets) that the release of the 3,000 illegal felons in Arizona is just the first step. Hussein is pissed and he will make damn sure Americans suffer just like he promised them before the sequester.
Republican goal to balance budget and Destroy America Making it Look European

The conservative plan is austerity. Austerity = European failure :eusa_shhh:

“They are going to be doubling down on a budget that slashes investment in education and infrastructure, violates important commitments to our seniors and the middle class, and keeps tax breaks for the wealthiest people in the country,” said Rep. Chris Van Hollen (Md.), the ranking Democrat on the Budget Committee. “Doubling down on that is not just a mistake for the country but also bad politics.”

Democrats are working on their own 10-year budget framework, which would replace the sequester in part with higher taxes on the wealthy, according to the new Senate Budget Committee chairman, Patty Murray (Wash.). For three years, Senate Democrats have not offered a budget. Now, Murray is urging them to embrace the fight against an “extreme, economically irresponsible” Republican vision.

Republican goal to balance budget could mean deep cuts to health programs

Austerity wasn't what helped America under FDR.. He didn't mind doing something bold, but he also appointed progressives. We have Obama, never anything bold from him. He has been interested in austerity and entitlement reform since before being president. Like I always say, look at his appointments, free traders, ceo's and wall streeters. Certainly no FDR, not even a liberal. If democrats come up with a good plan I believe Obama will sabatoge it. Sorry, but I have no faith in this guy.
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that is what happens when you elect people to governemnt who say they hate government.

You dont hire the perspon who hates kids to watch your kids either.

Its a really stupid thing to do
Republican goal to balance budget and Destroy America Making it Look European

The conservative plan is austerity. Austerity = European failure :eusa_shhh:

“They are going to be doubling down on a budget that slashes investment in education and infrastructure, violates important commitments to our seniors and the middle class, and keeps tax breaks for the wealthiest people in the country,” said Rep. Chris Van Hollen (Md.), the ranking Democrat on the Budget Committee. “Doubling down on that is not just a mistake for the country but also bad politics.”

Democrats are working on their own 10-year budget framework, which would replace the sequester in part with higher taxes on the wealthy, according to the new Senate Budget Committee chairman, Patty Murray (Wash.). For three years, Senate Democrats have not offered a budget. Now, Murray is urging them to embrace the fight against an “extreme, economically irresponsible” Republican vision.

Republican goal to balance budget could mean deep cuts to health programs

Just curious, do you borrow 40 cents of every dollar you spend and spend more than you take in per year? How is that working out for you? Do you think you could maybe cut your borrowing and spending back a mere 2% without putting yourself in hardship? A 2% cut in increased spending is NOT austerity. What an asshat.
that is what happens when you elect people to governemnt who say they hate government.

You dont hire the perspon who hates kids to watch your kids either.

Its a really stupid thing to do

Let me fix that for you.

That is what happens when you elect a president who hates America.

It's a really stupid thing to do.
that is what happens when you elect people to governemnt who say they hate government.

You dont hire the perspon who hates kids to watch your kids either.

Its a really stupid thing to do

So do you think we have any choice in who to vote for? It was either Hillary or Obama, not much choice.
that is what happens when you elect people to governemnt who say they hate government.

You dont hire the perspon who hates kids to watch your kids either.

Its a really stupid thing to do

So do you think we have any choice in who to vote for? It was either Hillary or Obama, not much choice.

Why is it always kids who know nothing about whats going on try to sound smart by saying nothing matters?
Here is an example of how there is a differance.

Bill Clinton presided over the largest peacetime expansion.

Bush took us to war on lies and crashed the world wide economy.

Yes you dumb kid there is a differance
that is what happens when you elect people to governemnt who say they hate government.

You dont hire the perspon who hates kids to watch your kids either.

Its a really stupid thing to do

So do you think we have any choice in who to vote for? It was either Hillary or Obama, not much choice.

Why is it always kids who know nothing about whats going on try to sound smart by saying nothing matters?

well I guess I'm not understanding your response, have a nice day.
Here is an example of how there is a differance.

Bill Clinton presided over the largest peacetime expansion.

Bush took us to war on lies and crashed the world wide economy.

Yes you dumb kid there is a differance

We were talking about Obama but now you shift to Clinton. Clinton, like Obama, also accomplished what republicans probably wouldn't do. Trade deals like nafta which most Americans were against. He also signed the repeal of Glass Steagal which republicans wanted but probably couldn't do on their own. This dumb kid is putting this to you. If you've got a response without an insult lets hear it. Otherwise, have a nice day 2x
[/QUOTE]Austerity wasn't what helped America under FDR.. He didn't mind doing something bold, but he also appointed progressives. We have Obama, never anything bold from him. He has been interested in austerity and entitlement reform since before being president. Like I always say, look at his appointments, free traders, ceo's and wall streeters. Certainly no FDR, not even a liberal. If democrats come up with a good plan I believe Obama will sabatoge it. Sorry, but I have no faith in this guy.[/QUOTE]

One thing I'd like to ensure everyone hears is that FDR's policies (based on Keynesian Economic theory) PROLONGED the Great Depression by sucking so much money out of the private sectore to ensure government spending.

I'd also like to say the Republicans are NOT advocating austerity. They merely are trying to slow the GROWTH of government. NO money has been cut from any government agency. All that has been cut is some of the increase in the Federal budget. That is one reason why the American people are basically ignoring this faux-crisis.

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