Republican Impeachment Report: Dems Have No Evidence On President Trump, No Crimes Committed

The Executive Branch does not have to Comply with ANYTHING any COMMITTEE requests of him.

Then why did Trumpybear file any appeal at all when they lost in court this last time? When they lose the final time will he order his SS to confine McGahn so he can't testify?

Only when this actually becomes an Impeachment in The Senate does The President have to comply

So when did you graduate from Trumpybear U @ St. Pete's'?

Again, I graduated Sum Cum Laude at The University of None of Your Business U with a 4.0 GPA.

Why would President Donald Trump and the Executive Branch challenge that appeal?

Because The DemNazi Party is trying to USURP the CO-EQUAL POWERS of The Executive Branch by abusing the COURTS and attempting to set New Precedents so as to Undermine The Power of The Executive Branch and make it Subservient to The Legislative Branch, thereby turning The Presidency in to a seat to be filled by Congressional Puppets with No Power serving only as a Figure Head, and Rubber Stamp for Congress.

So you have to challenge any and all Orewellian Overreaches by Congress when they are out of their lanes, and trying to USURP Executive Branch Authority, Rights and Privileges.

What The DemNazis are doing is called a Soft COUP or Bureaucratic COUP, but then again, they announced that this was their plan 19 minutes after President Trump was sworn in.

The COUP will most likely continue until people start getting prosecuted for participating in it.

Until then we are in a BLOODLESS CIVIL WAR.

Sorry Zippy, no matter how you cry and whine the Chief executive in this country is not a King who rules above the Congress and above the law. Trying to exercise a policy of blanket immunity is Trumpybear pronouncing that he is above the Law. Not once has any American president try to totally obstruct Congress in this way and the rule of law will prevail.
The House is the grand jury, they indict, write the articles of impeachment.

The Senators are the jury in the trial in the Senate, on the approved indictments/articles....

The indicting... the charges approved by a house vote, is an impeachment.

The trial held in the Senate chamber, determines the guilty or not guilty of the impeachment charges, and whether to remove him or not.
lord you just make shit up as you go.
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.

Witness opinions are not admissible evidence in a court of law, moron.
sure they are.....

And this is not a criminal trial... it is an impeachment.
It's not an Impeachment Either. That happens in The Senate if THE SENATE agrees holding an Impeachment is Worth their time.

It does not become an Impeachment until The House Writes Articles of Impeachment and The Senate votes to hold The Impeachment to dissprove or prove The Articles of Impeachment through Due Process

More of that Trumpbear U @ St Pete's coming through.

Yes they are that stupid.
Ukraine President Zelensky Says (Again) There Was No Quid Pro Quo: Why are we beating a dead horse?????

Once again, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has denied again that President Trump withheld military aid in order to pressure him to investigate the Bidens or Ukrainian election interference. In an interview with TIME magazine, Zelensky made this absolutely clear. "Look, I never talked to the President from the position of a quid pro quo. That’s not my thing," he said. "I don’t want us to look like beggars. But you have to understand. We’re at war. If you’re our strategic partner, then you can’t go blocking anything for us. I think that’s just about fairness. It’s not about a quid pro quo. It just goes without saying."

Zelensky made similar comments to the German magazine Der Spiegel. “I did not speak with U.S. President Trump in those terms: You give me this, I give you that,” he said. (Quote based on Google translation from German to English.)

President Trump reacted to the story on Twitter: "If the Radical Left Democrats were sane, which they are not, it would be case over!"

Breaking News: The President of Ukraine has just again announced that President Trump has done nothing wrong with respect to Ukraine and our interactions or calls. If the Radical Left Democrats were sane, which they are not, it would be case over!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 2, 2019

Let's consider the facts:

Zelensky is getting sick and tired of Comrade Trump saying his country is corrupt: Volodymyr Zelensky pushes back on Trump corruption criticism of Ukraine

"The United States of America is a signal, for the world, for everyone. When America says, for instance, that Ukraine is a corrupt country, that is the hardest of signals," he said.
Too fucking investigate biden and the adulterer father!!!
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.

Witness opinions are not admissible evidence in a court of law, moron.
sure they are.....

And this is not a criminal trial... it is an impeachment.

Trump should stop obstructing and put up his first hand witnesses to defend himself, if he has any that could...
It doesn't matter. Due process will be observed in the Senate trial. That means all of Schiff's testimony goes into the trashcan.

Isn't that up to the presiding judge, Chief Justice Roberts?
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.

Witness opinions are not admissible evidence in a court of law, moron.
sure they are.....

And this is not a criminal trial... it is an impeachment.
It's not an Impeachment Either. That happens in The Senate if THE SENATE agrees holding an Impeachment is Worth their time.

It does not become an Impeachment until The House Writes Articles of Impeachment and The Senate votes to hold The Impeachment to dissprove or prove The Articles of Impeachment through Due Process

More of that Trumpbear U @ St Pete's coming through.

Yes they are that stupid.
I see you got someone to interpret for you the DNC lying points of the day.....pathetic fool!
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.

Witness opinions are not admissible evidence in a court of law, moron.
sure they are.....

And this is not a criminal trial... it is an impeachment.

Trump should stop obstructing and put up his first hand witnesses to defend himself, if he has any that could...
No they aren't, shit for brains. Why should Trump contribute to his own lynching?
Psst. Not one of these Commie-Socialist-Jihadists are Americans. Once you realize that, it's more fun to abuse them.
They always cry when I abuse them. That just makes it more fun.
I love abusing these Foreign Posters and Calling them out. You can tell when you have them cornered because like the Effeminate Cowards they are, they deflect, retreat, running like little girls with their tail tucked between their legs and try to change the subject.
Don't forget they keep repeating the same shit over and over again although it was answered 3 maybe 4 times in this thread!
They are here for one reason:

To Stifle Debate, Disrupt Threads, Suppress Information and Facts, and Promote Propaganda and Disinformation.

These are Bad People with Evil Agendas and Bad Intentions.

Confession time again I C.

You might have evil intent here but you're just to ignorant to carry out your agenda very well.
The House is the grand jury, they indict, write the articles of impeachment.

The Senators are the jury in the trial in the Senate, on the approved indictments/articles....

The indicting... the charges approved by a house vote, is an impeachment.

The trial held in the Senate chamber, determines the guilty or not guilty of the impeachment charges, and whether to remove him or not.
You can "Indict" a ham sandwich.

Therefore, Your definition of impeachment then can be paraphrased as simply accusing a President of "Something" "Someone" says he did. You don't really need evidence. You can do what Adam Schiff did and just lie your ass off and enter that in to the record as part of an argument to level false charges against The President.

An indictment is a one sided proceeding where a 'Grand Jury' hears only evidence (in our case, gossip, opinion, and hearsay) from a prosecutor that a "Crime" may have occurred. When a Grand Jury renders a verdict it is not one of guilt, but simply one that says, "this may bear further investigation"

You can Indict an Innocent Man, then, so Indictments, like Impeachment Inquiries mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

The Actual Impeachment in my view takes place in The Senate as that is the ONLY PLACE Due Process is GUARANTEED the Accused who is Presumed INNOCENT of the charges leveled against him.
Last edited:
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.

Witness opinions are not admissible evidence in a court of law, moron.
sure they are.....

And this is not a criminal trial... it is an impeachment.

Trump should stop obstructing and put up his first hand witnesses to defend himself, if he has any that could...
It doesn't matter. Due process will be observed in the Senate trial. That means all of Schiff's testimony goes into the trashcan.
The witnesses are all relevant and most will be used in the trial, and can be used in the trial, yes Bolton, Perry, Giulliani, Pompeo, Mulveney would all be better witnesses, and that is why Trump is preventing them from testifying.....

What is the President's actual defense, other than mudslinging process and hoping something sticks???
Ukraine President Zelensky Says (Again) There Was No Quid Pro Quo: Why are we beating a dead horse?????

Once again, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has denied again that President Trump withheld military aid in order to pressure him to investigate the Bidens or Ukrainian election interference. In an interview with TIME magazine, Zelensky made this absolutely clear. "Look, I never talked to the President from the position of a quid pro quo. That’s not my thing," he said. "I don’t want us to look like beggars. But you have to understand. We’re at war. If you’re our strategic partner, then you can’t go blocking anything for us. I think that’s just about fairness. It’s not about a quid pro quo. It just goes without saying."

Zelensky made similar comments to the German magazine Der Spiegel. “I did not speak with U.S. President Trump in those terms: You give me this, I give you that,” he said. (Quote based on Google translation from German to English.)

President Trump reacted to the story on Twitter: "If the Radical Left Democrats were sane, which they are not, it would be case over!"

Breaking News: The President of Ukraine has just again announced that President Trump has done nothing wrong with respect to Ukraine and our interactions or calls. If the Radical Left Democrats were sane, which they are not, it would be case over!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 2, 2019

Let's consider the facts:

Zelensky is getting sick and tired of Comrade Trump saying his country is corrupt: Volodymyr Zelensky pushes back on Trump corruption criticism of Ukraine

"The United States of America is a signal, for the world, for everyone. When America says, for instance, that Ukraine is a corrupt country, that is the hardest of signals," he said.
Too fucking investigate biden and the adulterer father!!!
Nothing to investigate, useful idiot. Ukraine has said so.

Former Ukraine prosecutor says Hunter Biden ‘did not violate anything’
“Hunter Biden cannot be responsible for violations of the management of Burisma that took place two years before his arrival,” Lutsenko said.

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

It Doesn’t Take a Genius to Interfere in the U.S. Presidential Election

As the whistleblower’s report notes, even before Trump was repeating Lutsenko’s lines to Zelensky, the prosecutor was already walking them back. And since the release of the whistleblower report, Lutsenko has told multiple major U.S. newspapers that, regardless of what he said earlier, he doesn’t have dirt on Biden of any consequence whatsoever.

What To Know About The Ukrainian Company At The Heart Of Trump's Biden Allegations

On Friday, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, Ukraine's newly appointed chief prosecutor, told reporters his office will review all investigations shelved by his predecessors, including those involving Burisma and Zlochevsky. Those investigations were into activities that took place before Hunter Biden joined the board in 2014.


Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.

Witness opinions are not admissible evidence in a court of law, moron.
sure they are.....

And this is not a criminal trial... it is an impeachment.

Trump should stop obstructing and put up his first hand witnesses to defend himself, if he has any that could...
It doesn't matter. Due process will be observed in the Senate trial. That means all of Schiff's testimony goes into the trashcan.
The witnesses are all relevant and most will be used in the trial, and can be used in the trial, yes Bolton, Perry, Giulliani, Pompeo, Mulveney would all be better witnesses, and that is why Trump is preventing them from testifying.....

What is the President's actual defense, other than mudslinging process and hoping something sticks???
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.

Witness opinions are not admissible evidence in a court of law, moron.
sure they are.....

And this is not a criminal trial... it is an impeachment.

Trump should stop obstructing and put up his first hand witnesses to defend himself, if he has any that could...
It doesn't matter. Due process will be observed in the Senate trial. That means all of Schiff's testimony goes into the trashcan.
The witnesses are all relevant and most will be used in the trial, and can be used in the trial, yes Bolton, Perry, Giulliani, Pompeo, Mulveney would all be better witnesses, and that is why Trump is preventing them from testifying.....

What is the President's actual defense, other than mudslinging process and hoping something sticks???
Wrong. None of the people who testified in Schiff's show trial are witnesses to anything. Futheremore, I didn't comment on whether their testimony was "relevant." I said it wasn't admissible.

Trump doesn't need a defense because no one has testified to any crime he has committed.
Last edited:
Ukraine President Zelensky Says (Again) There Was No Quid Pro Quo: Why are we beating a dead horse?????

Once again, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has denied again that President Trump withheld military aid in order to pressure him to investigate the Bidens or Ukrainian election interference. In an interview with TIME magazine, Zelensky made this absolutely clear. "Look, I never talked to the President from the position of a quid pro quo. That’s not my thing," he said. "I don’t want us to look like beggars. But you have to understand. We’re at war. If you’re our strategic partner, then you can’t go blocking anything for us. I think that’s just about fairness. It’s not about a quid pro quo. It just goes without saying."

Zelensky made similar comments to the German magazine Der Spiegel. “I did not speak with U.S. President Trump in those terms: You give me this, I give you that,” he said. (Quote based on Google translation from German to English.)

President Trump reacted to the story on Twitter: "If the Radical Left Democrats were sane, which they are not, it would be case over!"

Breaking News: The President of Ukraine has just again announced that President Trump has done nothing wrong with respect to Ukraine and our interactions or calls. If the Radical Left Democrats were sane, which they are not, it would be case over!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 2, 2019

Let's consider the facts:

Zelensky is getting sick and tired of Comrade Trump saying his country is corrupt: Volodymyr Zelensky pushes back on Trump corruption criticism of Ukraine

"The United States of America is a signal, for the world, for everyone. When America says, for instance, that Ukraine is a corrupt country, that is the hardest of signals," he said.
Too fucking investigate biden and the adulterer father!!!
Nothing to investigate, useful idiot. Ukraine has said so.

Former Ukraine prosecutor says Hunter Biden ‘did not violate anything’
“Hunter Biden cannot be responsible for violations of the management of Burisma that took place two years before his arrival,” Lutsenko said.

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

It Doesn’t Take a Genius to Interfere in the U.S. Presidential Election

As the whistleblower’s report notes, even before Trump was repeating Lutsenko’s lines to Zelensky, the prosecutor was already walking them back. And since the release of the whistleblower report, Lutsenko has told multiple major U.S. newspapers that, regardless of what he said earlier, he doesn’t have dirt on Biden of any consequence whatsoever.

What To Know About The Ukrainian Company At The Heart Of Trump's Biden Allegations

On Friday, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, Ukraine's newly appointed chief prosecutor, told reporters his office will review all investigations shelved by his predecessors, including those involving Burisma and Zlochevsky. Those investigations were into activities that took place before Hunter Biden joined the board in 2014.


You lie like the scum you are DAMMIT!....

Oh another fact comes out..

Turns out Adam Schiff hired whistleblower's best buddy right after that famous phone call....Read all about it!
Psst. Not one of these Commie-Socialist-Jihadists are Americans. Once you realize that, it's more fun to abuse them.
They always cry when I abuse them. That just makes it more fun.
I love abusing these Foreign Posters and Calling them out. You can tell when you have them cornered because like the Effeminate Cowards they are, they deflect, retreat, running like little girls with their tail tucked between their legs and try to change the subject.
Don't forget they keep repeating the same shit over and over again although it was answered 3 maybe 4 times in this thread!
They are here for one reason:

To Stifle Debate, Disrupt Threads, Suppress Information and Facts, and Promote Propaganda and Disinformation.

These are Bad People with Evil Agendas and Bad Intentions.

Confession time again I C.

You might have evil intent here but you're just to ignorant to carry out your agenda very well.
Being Lazy and Stupid are not the character traits you need to challenge me in a debate. You might want to do something about those two deficits next time you try to take me on and I boot stomp your ass in to oblivion.
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.

Witness opinions are not admissible evidence in a court of law, moron.
sure they are.....

And this is not a criminal trial... it is an impeachment.

Trump should stop obstructing and put up his first hand witnesses to defend himself, if he has any that could...
It doesn't matter. Due process will be observed in the Senate trial. That means all of Schiff's testimony goes into the trashcan.
The witnesses are all relevant and most will be used in the trial, and can be used in the trial, yes Bolton, Perry, Giulliani, Pompeo, Mulveney would all be better witnesses, and that is why Trump is preventing them from testifying.....

What is the President's actual defense, other than mudslinging process and hoping something sticks???

impeachment isnt a criminal trial -

youre a f'n moron.
Ukraine President Zelensky Says (Again) There Was No Quid Pro Quo: Why are we beating a dead horse?????

Once again, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has denied again that President Trump withheld military aid in order to pressure him to investigate the Bidens or Ukrainian election interference. In an interview with TIME magazine, Zelensky made this absolutely clear. "Look, I never talked to the President from the position of a quid pro quo. That’s not my thing," he said. "I don’t want us to look like beggars. But you have to understand. We’re at war. If you’re our strategic partner, then you can’t go blocking anything for us. I think that’s just about fairness. It’s not about a quid pro quo. It just goes without saying."

Zelensky made similar comments to the German magazine Der Spiegel. “I did not speak with U.S. President Trump in those terms: You give me this, I give you that,” he said. (Quote based on Google translation from German to English.)

President Trump reacted to the story on Twitter: "If the Radical Left Democrats were sane, which they are not, it would be case over!"

Breaking News: The President of Ukraine has just again announced that President Trump has done nothing wrong with respect to Ukraine and our interactions or calls. If the Radical Left Democrats were sane, which they are not, it would be case over!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 2, 2019

Let's consider the facts:

Zelensky is getting sick and tired of Comrade Trump saying his country is corrupt: Volodymyr Zelensky pushes back on Trump corruption criticism of Ukraine

"The United States of America is a signal, for the world, for everyone. When America says, for instance, that Ukraine is a corrupt country, that is the hardest of signals," he said.
Too fucking investigate biden and the adulterer father!!!
Nothing to investigate, useful idiot. Ukraine has said so.

Former Ukraine prosecutor says Hunter Biden ‘did not violate anything’
“Hunter Biden cannot be responsible for violations of the management of Burisma that took place two years before his arrival,” Lutsenko said.

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

It Doesn’t Take a Genius to Interfere in the U.S. Presidential Election

As the whistleblower’s report notes, even before Trump was repeating Lutsenko’s lines to Zelensky, the prosecutor was already walking them back. And since the release of the whistleblower report, Lutsenko has told multiple major U.S. newspapers that, regardless of what he said earlier, he doesn’t have dirt on Biden of any consequence whatsoever.

What To Know About The Ukrainian Company At The Heart Of Trump's Biden Allegations

On Friday, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, Ukraine's newly appointed chief prosecutor, told reporters his office will review all investigations shelved by his predecessors, including those involving Burisma and Zlochevsky. Those investigations were into activities that took place before Hunter Biden joined the board in 2014.


You lie like the scum you are DAMMIT!....

Oh another fact comes out..

Turns out Adam Schiff hired whistleblower's best buddy right after that famous phone call....Read all about it!
Ukraine President Zelensky Says (Again) There Was No Quid Pro Quo: Why are we beating a dead horse?????

Once again, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has denied again that President Trump withheld military aid in order to pressure him to investigate the Bidens or Ukrainian election interference. In an interview with TIME magazine, Zelensky made this absolutely clear. "Look, I never talked to the President from the position of a quid pro quo. That’s not my thing," he said. "I don’t want us to look like beggars. But you have to understand. We’re at war. If you’re our strategic partner, then you can’t go blocking anything for us. I think that’s just about fairness. It’s not about a quid pro quo. It just goes without saying."

Zelensky made similar comments to the German magazine Der Spiegel. “I did not speak with U.S. President Trump in those terms: You give me this, I give you that,” he said. (Quote based on Google translation from German to English.)

President Trump reacted to the story on Twitter: "If the Radical Left Democrats were sane, which they are not, it would be case over!"

Breaking News: The President of Ukraine has just again announced that President Trump has done nothing wrong with respect to Ukraine and our interactions or calls. If the Radical Left Democrats were sane, which they are not, it would be case over!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 2, 2019

Let's consider the facts:

Zelensky is getting sick and tired of Comrade Trump saying his country is corrupt: Volodymyr Zelensky pushes back on Trump corruption criticism of Ukraine

"The United States of America is a signal, for the world, for everyone. When America says, for instance, that Ukraine is a corrupt country, that is the hardest of signals," he said.
Too fucking investigate biden and the adulterer father!!!
Nothing to investigate, useful idiot. Ukraine has said so.

Former Ukraine prosecutor says Hunter Biden ‘did not violate anything’
“Hunter Biden cannot be responsible for violations of the management of Burisma that took place two years before his arrival,” Lutsenko said.

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

It Doesn’t Take a Genius to Interfere in the U.S. Presidential Election

As the whistleblower’s report notes, even before Trump was repeating Lutsenko’s lines to Zelensky, the prosecutor was already walking them back. And since the release of the whistleblower report, Lutsenko has told multiple major U.S. newspapers that, regardless of what he said earlier, he doesn’t have dirt on Biden of any consequence whatsoever.

What To Know About The Ukrainian Company At The Heart Of Trump's Biden Allegations

On Friday, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, Ukraine's newly appointed chief prosecutor, told reporters his office will review all investigations shelved by his predecessors, including those involving Burisma and Zlochevsky. Those investigations were into activities that took place before Hunter Biden joined the board in 2014.


Lutsenko is the stooge they put in place after they canned the guy Biden wanted removed to prevent Burisma from being investigated.

It's astounding that you would even bring him up.
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
OMG republicans exonerated Trump?! Shit I didn’t see that coming! Well, I guess that’s it then. Trump has the utmost integrity and sense of morality. Just ask republicans.
OMG Democrats exonerated Clinton?! Shit I don't know why!
He lied in his Paula Jones deposition
He lied to the nation on television
He manipulated his testimony to the grand jury
He was screwing around with an intern in the White House

Then we have all the perversions and passions
Democrats support and try to force society to accept

Well, I guess that's it then
The Democrats don't know a damn thing
when it comes to integrity and moral standards

He lied about a blow job. Big deal.
Funny how times have changed

In the #MeToo era of today the big deal would have been
the POTUS getting head from an intern AND lying about it

Well, no. Not if it was consensual.
The House is the grand jury, they indict, write the articles of impeachment.

The Senators are the jury in the trial in the Senate, on the approved indictments/articles....

The indicting... the charges approved by a house vote, is an impeachment.

The trial held in the Senate chamber, determines the guilty or not guilty of the impeachment charges, and whether to remove him or not.
I suspect Nadler is even intelligent enough NOT to allow a 'Guilty' verdict and vote to Impeach the President, choosing to Censure instead - preventing the Senate from unleashing hell on the Democrats by conducting a trial that will see Vice President Biden, Hunter Biden, D-Adam Schiff, and other high-profile Democratic Party traitors / criminals called to testify under oath before the Senate....and in front of the whole world on TV.
I'm pretty sure they will take the cowardly way out, but honestly I want to see The DemNazis SKEWERED in The Senate. They've been asking for it for three straight years and it needs to happen. The Senate has way more power in a proceeding like this and they can even call Obama Bin Lying on the Carpet and roast his Lying Ass in front of America.

They can call Assange if they want, Podesta, Clinton, Paul Manfort, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, Susan Powers, Clapper, General Flynn, Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Ohr, Baker, Rosenstein, Weismann, Eric Ciaramella, Brennan, Clapper. Perp walk The Entire Traitorous Lot.
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