Republican Joe Wilson of SC called President a liar during the joint session

Wilson sounds like the poster boy for the GOP.

When Strom Thurmond's illegitimate daughter came out he claimed she should have kept the information to herself because she was besmirching Thurmond's memory.


Maybe he and Palin can team up for a run for the presidency next time around.
The liberal media is in an uproar over Republican Joe Wilson yelling "liar" to Obama when he said illegals would not be covered under Obamacare

Well, how did Dems react when Pres Bush wanted to reform Social Security and told the truth about it?

Did any Democrat yell, "You lie"?
so obviously he should have booed then...cause that would have been more respectful to do to the President during a speech.

What wilson did was retarded cause like obama or not hes still the President and there has to be a level of respect to the office not so much the man.

However, its cute how you try to defend democrats booing Bush.

Get a life

Wilson's heckle raises hackles on Facebook, Twitter
CNN - 9-10-09
(CNN) -- Two words, delivered with index finger punctuating the air and directed at the president of the United States, made a little-known South Carolina congressman one of the most reviled men on the Internet -- at least Wednesday heading into Thursday.
Joe Wilson's disrespect was the same as the shoe being thrown at former President Bush. I hope he is thoroughly ostracized ! He has medical coverage when so many do not. Joe Wilson's obvious lack of control is dangerous.
there's that word "dangerous" free speech is now "dangerous" run hide under the bed asshole.
Funny.. nobody's actually arguing that Obama wasn't lying... we're instead bickering over decorum issues. Which is even sillier given the antics of the left over the past eight years.
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Funny.. nobody's actually arguing that Obama wasn't lying... we're instead bickering of decorum issues. Which is even sillier given the antics of the left over the past eight years.

Wrong again. Obama was NOT lying. Just because you don't like something, that doesn't it make it lie.
Wrong again. Obama was NOT lying. Just because you don't like something, that doesn't it make it lie.

So, you think statements that what's being proposed won't add to the federal deficit and that Medicare cuts will not result in reduction of services are truthful?
Ok, go smoke some more pot.
Obama is a demonstrable liar.
The liberal media is in an uproar over Republican Joe Wilson yelling "liar" to Obama when he said illegals would not be covered under Obamacare

Well, how did Dems react when Pres Bush wanted to reform Social Security and told the truth about it?

Did any Democrat yell, "You lie"?

Booing is the nutless, gutless way of saying your lying.
there's that word "dangerous" free speech is now "dangerous" run hide under the bed asshole.

Wilson's lack of control is dangerous ! Dont get it twisted. You certainly show us how much control you have of yourself when you chose to call ppl names instead of just simply expressing your views. A clear sign of immaturity !
Wilson's lack of control is dangerous ! Dont get it twisted. You certainly show us how much control you have of yourself when you chose to call ppl names instead of just simply expressing your views. A clear sign of immaturity !

Does it get lonely up there?
Wrong again. Obama was NOT lying. Just because you don't like something, that doesn't it make it lie.

So, you think statements that what's being proposed won't add to the federal deficit and that Medicare cuts will not result in reduction of services are truthful?
Ok, go smoke some more pot.
Obama is a demonstrable liar.

Oddly, I didn't hear you complain about senseless wars adding to the deficit ! President Clinton didn't leave a deficit for Bush to deal with. Immediately when President Obama took office. He was blamed for everything.

Instead of complaining. Lets hear your plan. Whats your suggestion regarding repairing the US health issue?
Wrong again. Obama was NOT lying. Just because you don't like something, that doesn't it make it lie.

So, you think statements that what's being proposed won't add to the federal deficit and that Medicare cuts will not result in reduction of services are truthful?
Ok, go smoke some more pot.
Obama is a demonstrable liar.

Oddly, I didn't hear you complain about senseless wars adding to the deficit ! President Clinton didn't leave a deficit for Bush to deal with. Immediately when President Obama took office. He was blamed for everything.

Instead of complaining. Lets hear your plan. Whats your suggestion regarding repairing the US health issue?

You're a day late and a dollar short into this conversation.

WTF??? Barry has been blaming BUSH for 8 months. He blamed him at least 3 times in his speechy-speech.

Go look up HR3400 if you want to know what the GOP is offering.
funny.. Nobody's actually arguing that obama wasn't lying... We're instead bickering of decorum issues. Which is even sillier given the antics of the left over the past eight years.

wrong again. Obama was not lying. Just because you don't like something, that doesn't it make it lie.


Among three House committees to pass bills for health reform, only one expressly bans federal funding for proving health coverage to illegal immigrants.

"The Congressional Research Service has indicated that indeed the bills that are before Congress would include illegal aliens," Wilson said. "And I think this is wrong."

Indeed, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service study found that the House health care bill does not restrict illegal immigrants from receiving health care coverage.

House Republican Minority Leader John Boehner amplified the complaint that without proof of citizenship, illegal immigrants could be insured.

"There were two opportunities for House Democrats to make clear that illegal immigrants wouldn't be covered by putting in requirements to show citizenships," he said. "Both of those amendments were, in fact, rejected."

In the Senate, Democrats in the so called "Gang of Six," a group of bipartisan senators on the Senate Finance Committee which is the last panel yet to release its bill, began moving quickly to close the loophole that Wilson helped bring greater attention to.
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