Republican lawmaker calls for Kyle Rittenhouse, who is on trial for murder, to be elected to Congress

He was with several adults, pervert.
He wasn’t.
Yes he was. Later, he gets separated from them while fleeing an angry mob.

But that is not actually relevant. Possessing an illegal weapon or even firing it does not mean you are guilty of murder - that is a different charge. The videos of the incident blatantly show a mob running him down and then trying to assault him. After slamming him in the back of the head he falls to the ground then turns and fires on those assaulting him.

He may be guilty of several crimes or he may not. The footage is not totally clear there. It really is no surprise crap like this happens when you pull the cops back, refuse to actually protect people from violent mobs and then make demands that people cannot protect themselves either. I am not sure what you expected - people to just lie down and let their property be smashed, burned and looted? To allow violent mobs to kill them?

You have to be a special kind of stupid to chase down and assault someone fleeing with a rifle.

He should not have been there, it was a moronic decision for him to go there even if he did so with good intent and he is going to pay for that. Guilty of murder though - not a chance.

I got as far as the producer of that video misidentifying the guy in a green shirt at the gas station as Kyle Rittenhouse.

Who give a damn what the 'producer' states. It is not remotely relevant. The actual events are there to see. I care not for the surrounding messaging - I skipped it anyway.

The actual events include Kyle Rittenhouse illegally in possession of a firearm that he used to shoot someone in the back and then shoot others trying to enforce a citizens arrest.

He show the guy straight in the chest and head. as he was being chased, he turned and fired at his pursuer. The other 2 who were shot were actively attacking him.
If you want to blame rittenhouse, you do that. But don’t lie. It doesn’t help your argument.

He shot Rosenbaum in the back. That's not self defense.

Wrong......the convicted felon was shot in the front and hit in the back as he spun from the first shot....
Poor 17 year old child, what ever happens his life is ruined. He drank the cool aid, that says it ok to do the wrong thing because its for the right reason? makes zero sense.
He was with several adults, pervert.
He wasn’t.
Yes he was. Later, he gets separated from them while fleeing an angry mob.

But that is not actually relevant. Possessing an illegal weapon or even firing it does not mean you are guilty of murder - that is a different charge. The videos of the incident blatantly show a mob running him down and then trying to assault him. After slamming him in the back of the head he falls to the ground then turns and fires on those assaulting him.

He may be guilty of several crimes or he may not. The footage is not totally clear there. It really is no surprise crap like this happens when you pull the cops back, refuse to actually protect people from violent mobs and then make demands that people cannot protect themselves either. I am not sure what you expected - people to just lie down and let their property be smashed, burned and looted? To allow violent mobs to kill them?

You have to be a special kind of stupid to chase down and assault someone fleeing with a rifle.

He should not have been there, it was a moronic decision for him to go there even if he did so with good intent and he is going to pay for that. Guilty of murder though - not a chance.

I got as far as the producer of that video misidentifying the guy in a green shirt at the gas station as Kyle Rittenhouse.

Who give a damn what the 'producer' states. It is not remotely relevant. The actual events are there to see. I care not for the surrounding messaging - I skipped it anyway.

The actual events include Kyle Rittenhouse illegally in possession of a firearm that he used to shoot someone in the back and then shoot others trying to enforce a citizens arrest.

Hahahahahaha... a citizens arrest!!!
Holy shit that’s rich!!
This is the first I’ve heard anybody make such an absurd claim.
citizens arrest... lol.
Oh man, that was good. I haven’t laughed that hard in at least a week.
I’d attempt to “debonked” your absurd claim, but it wouldn’t matter. No one making such a ridiculous claim is remotely serious. It wouldn’t matter how demonstrably wrong you are.

A white supremacist lawmaker calling for a teen murderer to be elected to Congress, such is the soul of the GOP and its far right, fascist element.
The people who Rittenhouse shot chase him and attacked him.When he ran to get away from them they went after him. In my opinion both Rittenhouse and the people he shot share equal responsibility for what happen in that altercation
And this. I personally disagree with the “equal responsibility”, but I get it. If he hadn’t gone there, his circumstances wouldn’t have occurred. I disagree because free men can go where they want, and others committing illegal activities doesn’t mean you can’t go there. But I totally get what you are saying.
Here we have a disagreement, but a rational one. Laferia has a different view on it, but not a bat shit biased one.
Again, integrity.
Thank you.
He was with several adults, pervert.
He wasn’t.
Yes he was. Later, he gets separated from them while fleeing an angry mob.

But that is not actually relevant. Possessing an illegal weapon or even firing it does not mean you are guilty of murder - that is a different charge. The videos of the incident blatantly show a mob running him down and then trying to assault him. After slamming him in the back of the head he falls to the ground then turns and fires on those assaulting him.

He may be guilty of several crimes or he may not. The footage is not totally clear there. It really is no surprise crap like this happens when you pull the cops back, refuse to actually protect people from violent mobs and then make demands that people cannot protect themselves either. I am not sure what you expected - people to just lie down and let their property be smashed, burned and looted? To allow violent mobs to kill them?

You have to be a special kind of stupid to chase down and assault someone fleeing with a rifle.

He should not have been there, it was a moronic decision for him to go there even if he did so with good intent and he is going to pay for that. Guilty of murder though - not a chance.

I got as far as the producer of that video misidentifying the guy in a green shirt at the gas station as Kyle Rittenhouse.

Who give a damn what the 'producer' states. It is not remotely relevant. The actual events are there to see. I care not for the surrounding messaging - I skipped it anyway.

The actual events include Kyle Rittenhouse illegally in possession of a firearm that he used to shoot someone in the back and then shoot others trying to enforce a citizens arrest.

“Trying to enforce a citizens arrest”
Get bent, you lying sack of shit. They were chasing him down because they thought he was a “right winger” who was trying to put out fires and calm people down. The convicted child molester was suicidal, earlier was screaming “shoot me nigga”. He got his wish when he was chasing Kyle and assaulted him. Then the BLM mob starting attacking Kyle again, one man pointing his handgun at his head, Kyle nearly blew his arm off in self defense.


They were chasing him because he shot someone.

And the guy he shot attacked him first....

Trying to enforce a citizen's arrest since Rittenhouse had already shot someone and the police were standing back.
He was with several adults, pervert.
He wasn’t.
Yes he was. Later, he gets separated from them while fleeing an angry mob.

But that is not actually relevant. Possessing an illegal weapon or even firing it does not mean you are guilty of murder - that is a different charge. The videos of the incident blatantly show a mob running him down and then trying to assault him. After slamming him in the back of the head he falls to the ground then turns and fires on those assaulting him.

He may be guilty of several crimes or he may not. The footage is not totally clear there. It really is no surprise crap like this happens when you pull the cops back, refuse to actually protect people from violent mobs and then make demands that people cannot protect themselves either. I am not sure what you expected - people to just lie down and let their property be smashed, burned and looted? To allow violent mobs to kill them?

You have to be a special kind of stupid to chase down and assault someone fleeing with a rifle.

He should not have been there, it was a moronic decision for him to go there even if he did so with good intent and he is going to pay for that. Guilty of murder though - not a chance.

I got as far as the producer of that video misidentifying the guy in a green shirt at the gas station as Kyle Rittenhouse.

Who give a damn what the 'producer' states. It is not remotely relevant. The actual events are there to see. I care not for the surrounding messaging - I skipped it anyway.

The actual events include Kyle Rittenhouse illegally in possession of a firearm that he used to shoot someone in the back and then shoot others trying to enforce a citizens arrest.

Hahahahahaha... a citizens arrest!!!
Holy shit that’s rich!!
This is the first I’ve heard anybody make such an absurd claim.
citizens arrest... lol.
Oh man, that was good. I haven’t laughed that hard in at least a week.
I’d attempt to “debonked” your absurd claim, but it wouldn’t matter. No one making such a ridiculous claim is remotely serious. It wouldn’t matter how demonstrably wrong you are.

Your concession is duly noted and graciously accepted.

A white supremacist lawmaker calling for a teen murderer to be elected to Congress, such is the soul of the GOP and its far right, fascist element.
Imagine how safe Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, NYC and Los Angeles would be if Kyle Rittenhouse types displaced the savage barely humans you love and respect?
He was with several adults, pervert.
He wasn’t.
Yes he was. Later, he gets separated from them while fleeing an angry mob.

But that is not actually relevant. Possessing an illegal weapon or even firing it does not mean you are guilty of murder - that is a different charge. The videos of the incident blatantly show a mob running him down and then trying to assault him. After slamming him in the back of the head he falls to the ground then turns and fires on those assaulting him.

He may be guilty of several crimes or he may not. The footage is not totally clear there. It really is no surprise crap like this happens when you pull the cops back, refuse to actually protect people from violent mobs and then make demands that people cannot protect themselves either. I am not sure what you expected - people to just lie down and let their property be smashed, burned and looted? To allow violent mobs to kill them?

You have to be a special kind of stupid to chase down and assault someone fleeing with a rifle.

He should not have been there, it was a moronic decision for him to go there even if he did so with good intent and he is going to pay for that. Guilty of murder though - not a chance.

I got as far as the producer of that video misidentifying the guy in a green shirt at the gas station as Kyle Rittenhouse.

Who give a damn what the 'producer' states. It is not remotely relevant. The actual events are there to see. I care not for the surrounding messaging - I skipped it anyway.

The actual events include Kyle Rittenhouse illegally in possession of a firearm that he used to shoot someone in the back and then shoot others trying to enforce a citizens arrest.

He show the guy straight in the chest and head. as he was being chased, he turned and fired at his pursuer. The other 2 who were shot were actively attacking him.
If you want to blame rittenhouse, you do that. But don’t lie. It doesn’t help your argument.

He shot Rosenbaum in the back. That's not self defense.

Wrong......the convicted felon was shot in the front and hit in the back as he spun from the first shot....


I like how you say I'm wrong before you agree with me that he shot Rosenbaum in the back.
Well this should provide ample opportunity for some other nut job(s) to go play judge, juror and executioner. Well
Kyle did it, so can I....
I’m sure some whack job is eyeballing his AR15 right now.
What a joke, he should be behind bars where he belongs.

A white supremacist lawmaker calling for a teen murderer to be elected to Congress, such is the soul of the GOP and its far right, fascist element.
Imagine how safe Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, NYC and Los Angeles would be if Kyle Rittenhouse types displaced the savage barely humans you love and respect?
He was with an adult, therefore it was not illegal for him to possess the rifle.
He wasn't. That's how he wound up alone shooting into a crowd around him.
Wrong again, slave. He wasnt shooting into a crowd, he shot those that were attacking him, he is quite good at being a marksman, he should join the Green Berets or Navy Seals for his accuracy.
The video games just didn’t do it for Kyle anymore. He saw an opportunity and took it. I’m sure he got off on it.

A white supremacist lawmaker calling for a teen murderer to be elected to Congress, such is the soul of the GOP and its far right, fascist element.
Imagine how safe Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, NYC and Los Angeles would be if Kyle Rittenhouse types displaced the savage barely humans you love and respect?
He was with an adult, therefore it was not illegal for him to possess the rifle.
He wasn't. That's how he wound up alone shooting into a crowd around him.
Wrong again, slave. He wasnt shooting into a crowd, he shot those that were attacking him, he is quite good at being a marksman, he should join the Green Berets or Navy Seals for his accuracy.
The video games just didn’t do it for Kyle anymore. He saw his opportunity and took it. I’m sure he got off on it.

The scary fact is...Kyle, just like officer Derek Chauvin, took action against filth and made this nation a better place as a result of their heroics.
Praise and medals of honor for both are in order.
The scary fact is...Kyle, just like officer Derek Chauvin, took action against filth and made this nation a better place as a result of their heroics.

Two heroes of the right. Rittenhouse who illegally carried an illegal firearm and Chauvin who hasn't paid taxes in years and illegally voted absentee Florida in 2016 for Trump.

Sounds about right.

A white supremacist lawmaker calling for a teen murderer to be elected to Congress, such is the soul of the GOP and its far right, fascist element.
Imagine how safe Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, NYC and Los Angeles would be if Kyle Rittenhouse types displaced the savage barely humans you love and respect?
He was with an adult, therefore it was not illegal for him to possess the rifle.
He wasn't. That's how he wound up alone shooting into a crowd around him.
Wrong again, slave. He wasnt shooting into a crowd, he shot those that were attacking him, he is quite good at being a marksman, he should join the Green Berets or Navy Seals for his accuracy.
The video games just didn’t do it for Kyle anymore. He saw his opportunity and took it. I’m sure he got off on it.

The scary fact is...Kyle, just like officer Derek Chauvin, took action against filth and made this nation a better place as a result of their heroics.
Praise and medals of honor for both are in order.
No worries, he'll get praise and medals in both ends once he goes to prison.
The scary fact is...Kyle, just like officer Derek Chauvin, took action against filth and made this nation a better place as a result of their heroics.

Two heroes of the right. Rittenhouse who illegally carried an illegal firearm and Chauvin who hasn't paid taxes in years and illegally voted absentee Florida in 2016 for Trump.

Sounds about right.
Your hero is a pedophile felon illegally carrying an illegal firearm while illegally shooting it at an underage kid who then shot the arm off your hero pedophile felon illegally carrying an illegal firearm while illegally shooting it at an underage kid.
Your hero is a pedophile felon illegally carrying an illegal firearm while illegally shooting it at an underage kid who then shot the arm off your hero pedophile felon illegally carrying an illegal firearm while illegally shooting it at an underage kid.
I never called any such person a hero.

You're a disgusting liar.
Your hero is a pedophile felon illegally carrying an illegal firearm while illegally shooting it at an underage kid who then shot the arm off your hero pedophile felon illegally carrying an illegal firearm while illegally shooting it at an underage kid.
I never called any such person a hero.

You're a disgusting liar.
You have been defending your pedo hero this entire thread. Own it.
The scary fact is...Kyle, just like officer Derek Chauvin, took action against filth and made this nation a better place as a result of their heroics.

Two heroes of the right. Rittenhouse who illegally carried an illegal firearm and Chauvin who hasn't paid taxes in years and illegally voted absentee Florida in 2016 for Trump.

Sounds about right.

Let me get this're asshurt over REAL American kids carrying guns and protecting themselves and other good Americans from child molesting savages but you're not asshurt at all about illegal wetbacks killing little farm girls in Iowa? OR...did you post something detesting wetbacks when Mollie Tibbetts was murdered? Maybe you can link us to your know, for credibility and all?

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