Republican Officials Partnering With Christian Extremists

so Lane is pushing pastors to get into public office....?

that probably scares the pants off the anti-God would they deal with honest God-fearing representatives of the people who have integrity....?

And where in the constitution does it prohibit people of faith from public service? Yeah, nowhere.

Absolutely. And, while we are at it, how about a Quaker military?
Probably more effective than a faggot military.
you ever serve? [emoji19]

that was a rhetorical question sugar shorts

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
that was a rhetorical question sugar shorts

Be that as it may... A Quaker Military would be preferable to a queer Military.

And the reason for that is simply that Quakers have a strong sense of sound principle... and the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy, shuts down the means to reason soundly.

As a result, the queer military is one void of principle... thus you have heavily armed fruit-cakes and one need go no farther than Chicago to see how that works out.

We're seeing the first signs of the rapid decay of the US Military due to the federal licensing of degeneracy, with the US Army and Marie Corps shoving NCOs and Officer out, because they refuse to turn their back on the victims of "Islamic Man/Boy Love".

As I said the day that the US Supreme Legislature voted to Federally License Degeneracy, that it was only a matter of time before the US Federal government started defending Pedophilia... and sure enough, not 3 months later, the stories begin tricklin' in, that new policy provides that US Forces must not interfere with the rape of lil' boys by Afghan men... .

And it begins... thus, it shouldn't be long now.
Bachmann: God May Destroy America Over Gay Marriage Just Like Sodom
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 9/28/2015 12:35 pm
Former Rep. Michele Bachmann is not backing away from her End Times prophecies about how President Obama and gay rights advocates are paving the way for America’s destruction and the Apocalypse, returning to “Understanding the Times with Janet Markell” this weekend to issue her latest warning.

Denouncing “Barack Obama’s dangerous policies,” Bachmann said that the president is putting America in God’s crosshairs:

- See more at: Bachmann: God May Destroy America Over Gay Marriage Just Like Sodom
More inane ranting from the VVS.......Who the hell is she anyway??? What horseshit!

Star Parker: Gay Marriage is 'Bringing Horrible Hostility Into The Public Squre' Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Monday, 9/28/2015 11:13 am

Star Parker spoke at the Values Voter Summit on Saturday afternoon, where she ranted about gay marriage and warned that its legalization is "bringing horrible hostility into the public square." "We have 500,000 orphans in our foster system," she said. "Most God-fearing Christians don't even know we have an orphan system, but those homosexuals know because now that they're married, that's where they're going to get their children, right out of our foster system!"

Liberals have "declared a war on marriage, weakened women and opened the door to this culture of meaningless," she warned. "The feminist movement was nothing more than the promotion of monism, the elimination of gender binary. It's an attack on the Creator, the created, the distinction. He said if we look at marriage, we see Him. Conjugal and sacramental marriage is the capstone of creation and, as a result of its collapse, homosexuality is now dividing us and bringing horrible hostility into the public square." "As the Apostle Paul defined in Romans," she said with disgust, "men leaving the natural use of the woman, burning in their lust for one another. Men with men, committing what is shameful." - See more at: Star Parker: Gay Marriage is 'Bringing Horrible Hostility Into The Public Squre'
Bachmann: God May Destroy America Over Gay Marriage Just Like Sodom
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 9/28/2015 12:35 pm
Former Rep. Michele Bachmann is not backing away from her End Times prophecies about how President Obama and gay rights advocates are paving the way for America’s destruction and the Apocalypse, returning to “Understanding the Times with Janet Markell” this weekend to issue her latest warning.

Denouncing “Barack Obama’s dangerous policies,” Bachmann said that the president is putting America in God’s crosshairs:

- See more at: Bachmann: God May Destroy America Over Gay Marriage Just Like Sodom

Well, that's less prophecy and more just a sound account of what God has already done, through his gift to us of 'Free Will'.

Ya see scamp, God allows humanity the means to reason, within a framework of natural laws, wherein the consequences for our decisions simply follow us to the inevitable conclusion.

Where we recognize, respect, defend and adhere to his law, we reap the benefit of having done so. Where we sow idiocy and subsequently choose poorly , we reap the chaos, calamity and catastrophe that naturally follows that mess.

Now for ... oh... the last 100 years, the US has been 'governed' largely by those who reject the objectivity which is otherwise essential to truth, trust, a soundly reasoned morality and the service of justice.

Consequently, the nation initially began to slide into a growing delusion... which has steadily increased, until today we are falling at terminal velocity into inescapable destruction.

We truly have little to do now but wait for the bottom to come up and finish us off; at least in terms of what the US was founded as.

What we will become will be predicated on the outcome of the looming civil war.

Now... my guess is that we will come out of that war, absent any sense of tolerance for anything which could be argued to represent a relativist rationalization; thus absent any tolerance for 'left-think'... ergo there will be no 'liberals', progressives, socialists... no LGBT. Meaning there will be no 'gender confusion', or fags, queers, fudge-packers, dandies, or same sex play going on anywhere above the reptiles... of any kind.

But I'm only basing that on human history and the pattern that has always followed the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality.
Last edited:
Do You Know David Lane? Every American Should

This is a name that few people know and that everyone should. He is a far right wing extremist who goal is to establish the U.S. as a Christian Theocracy and he has got the ear of many prominent and influential Republican.

I believe that we as a nation-not just liberals and Democrats- should be very concerned about this. I do not think that most Republican would be comfortable with so many of their politicians being in bed with this person. Most Republican and conservative want this county to be a fair and just country for everyone. David Lane want anything but that. That is why he has been operating under the radar Read more below

In pursuit of conservative evangelical voters, GOP candidates embrace far-right political operative who is raising an ‘army’ to fulfill his ‘Christian nation’ vision

On Saturday, June 13, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley will host a day-long, Christians-only prayer rally organized by political operative David Lane. Lane, who organized similar events for Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, is trying to recruit 1,000 conservative evangelical pastors to run for office, which he believes would mobilize hundreds of thousands of election volunteers and lead to conservative election victories in 2016.

Lane prefers to work outside the glare of the national media. Although his close connections to Republican officials and presidential candidates have drawn some notice, the extremism of the agenda he is promoting deserves far more attention than it has received to date. When one-third of the Republican National Committee took a nine-day junket to Israel in January with the American Family Association picking up the tab, things got a little ugly. Israeli media started asking questions about the extreme positions taken by AFA spokesman Bryan Fischer, including his claims that the First Amendment’s religious liberty protections apply only to Christians and that gays were responsible for the rise of the Nazi Party. In damage control mode, the AFA disavowed some of Fischer’s most inflammatory statements and took away his title – but not the radio show that continues to give him a bigotry-spewing platform. Meanwhile, the actual organizer of the trip, Christian nationalist David Lane, slipped out of the spotlight and got right back to building political alliances between high-level Republican politicians and conservative evangelical pastors, especially those in key primary states. - See more at: Why Do Republican Officials Keep Partnering With Christian-Nation Extremist David Lane Right Wing Watch

Phffffffft. ......
Do You Know David Lane? Every American Should

This is a name that few people know and that everyone should. He is a far right wing extremist who goal is to establish the U.S. as a Christian Theocracy and he has got the ear of many prominent and influential Republican.

I believe that we as a nation-not just liberals and Democrats- should be very concerned about this. I do not think that most Republican would be comfortable with so many of their politicians being in bed with this person. Most Republican and conservative want this county to be a fair and just country for everyone. David Lane want anything but that. That is why he has been operating under the radar Read more below

In pursuit of conservative evangelical voters, GOP candidates embrace far-right political operative who is raising an ‘army’ to fulfill his ‘Christian nation’ vision

On Saturday, June 13, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley will host a day-long, Christians-only prayer rally organized by political operative David Lane. Lane, who organized similar events for Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, is trying to recruit 1,000 conservative evangelical pastors to run for office, which he believes would mobilize hundreds of thousands of election volunteers and lead to conservative election victories in 2016.

Lane prefers to work outside the glare of the national media. Although his close connections to Republican officials and presidential candidates have drawn some notice, the extremism of the agenda he is promoting deserves far more attention than it has received to date. When one-third of the Republican National Committee took a nine-day junket to Israel in January with the American Family Association picking up the tab, things got a little ugly. Israeli media started asking questions about the extreme positions taken by AFA spokesman Bryan Fischer, including his claims that the First Amendment’s religious liberty protections apply only to Christians and that gays were responsible for the rise of the Nazi Party. In damage control mode, the AFA disavowed some of Fischer’s most inflammatory statements and took away his title – but not the radio show that continues to give him a bigotry-spewing platform. Meanwhile, the actual organizer of the trip, Christian nationalist David Lane, slipped out of the spotlight and got right back to building political alliances between high-level Republican politicians and conservative evangelical pastors, especially those in key primary states. - See more at: Why Do Republican Officials Keep Partnering With Christian-Nation Extremist David Lane Right Wing Watch


I'm not worried...;)
so Lane is pushing pastors to get into public office....?

that probably scares the pants off the anti-God would they deal with honest God-fearing representatives of the people who have integrity....?

And where in the constitution does it prohibit people of faith from public service? Yeah, nowhere.

Absolutely. And, while we are at it, how about a Quaker military?
Probably more effective than a faggot military.
you ever serve? [emoji19]

that was a rhetorical question sugar shorts

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
You actually look like you have a dick in your mouth in your avatar. Is that intentional?
Yet another unknown the left has been introduced to by the liberal media.....who supposedly speaks for all Republicans.

"The Huffington & Puffington Post says that Melvin Pinkeyes said the other day that all queers must die......and he means it. Dr Pinkeyes is a "Well-Known" Tea Party member and child-molester."​
Yet another unknown the left has been introduced to by the liberal media.....who supposedly speaks for all Republicans.

"The Huffington & Puffington Post says that Melvin Pinkeyes said the other day that all queers must die......and he means it. Dr Pinkeyes is a "Well-Known" Tea Party member and child-molester."​
Care to provide a link so that someone might have an idea as to what your talking about?
so Lane is pushing pastors to get into public office....?

that probably scares the pants off the anti-God would they deal with honest God-fearing representatives of the people who have integrity....?

And where in the constitution does it prohibit people of faith from public service? Yeah, nowhere.

Absolutely. And, while we are at it, how about a Quaker military?
Probably more effective than a faggot military.
you ever serve? [emoji19]

that was a rhetorical question sugar shorts

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
You actually look like you have a dick in your mouth in your avatar. Is that intentional?
All you had to say was "no", you haven't served and have no idea what you are talking about. Save your playground taunts for your low-info brethren

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
David Lane is at it again!

Seven Mountains Dominionism At North Carolina's 'Response' Rally - See more at: Seven Mountains Dominionism At North Carolina's 'Response' Rally

Last Saturday’s five-and-a-half-hour “Response” rally in North Carolina was, like previous “Response rallies, a culture war rallying cry disguised as a nonpolitical prayer gathering. The event, organized by Christian-nation activist David Lane and emceed by “apostle” Doug Stringer, promoted Seven Mountains dominionism, the idea that the right kind of Christians are meant to control every sphere – or “mountain” – of cultural influence: business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, family, and religion.

While laying hands on North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory, who Lane said was put in place by God, Lane prayed that God could give McCrory “courage to fight.”

- See more at: Seven Mountains Dominionism At North Carolina's 'Response' Rally
More about David Lane:

David Lane: Frito-Lay Has 'Become An Apostle For Anarchy' By Selling Rainbow Doritos
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 10/13/2015 10:35 am
A few weeks ago, we noted that Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee had launched a boycott against Frito-Lay over the release of Rainbow Doritos, which benefited the anti-bullying It Gets Better Project, despite his previous stance that such boycotts were "economic terrorism."

Supporting Huckabee in this effort was extremist Christian nationalist David Lane of the American Renewal Project, who recently penned a column explaining the need for the boycott on the grounds that Frito-Lay had partnered with an organization that was founded by "anti-Christian bully Dan Savage."

By doing so, Lane said, Frito-Lay has proclaimed "solidarity with sexual anarchy" and is fueling America's "rebellion against God" by spreading "Carcinogenic Secularism":

- See more at: David Lane: Frito-Lay Has 'Become An Apostle For Anarchy' By Selling Rainbow Doritos
Ted Cruz And Ben Carson Appear In Film Promoting A Radically Anti-Gay Pastor And Slavery Defender
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Wednesday, 10/14/2015 12:22 pm
Pastor Douglas Wilson is a radically right-wing pastor from Idaho who defends slavery, calls for gays to be exiled and adulterers to be put to death. In 2012, he was invited to speak at Indiana University, which led to protests and confrontation and now, a right-wing documentary about the controversy called "The Free Speech Apocalypse."

Directed by Darren Doane, perhaps best known for directing Kirk Cameron's "Saving Christmas," which is literally one of the worst films ever made, the new movie presents Wilson's experience of going up against the left-wing "tolerance buzzsaw" and, amazingly, features appearances by Ted Cruz and Ben Carson

Earlier this year, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee and various Republican members of Congress appeared in another right-wing anti-gay documentary alongside a Religious Right activist who openly calls for gays and all those how refuse to submit to Christianity to be put to death. Are GOP presidential hopefuls utterly incapable of doing any research or vetting before agreeing to appear in these sorts of films? - See more at: Ted Cruz And Ben Carson Appear In Film Promoting A Radically Anti-Gay Pastor And Slavery Defender
always amusing when left-wingnuts try to keep their failing posts about their failed ideology alive
always amusing when left-wingnuts try to keep their failing posts about their failed ideology alive
Failed? Really? The entire Republican field are a bunch of failures. They are not in touch with the sensibilities of the country or, for that matter, reality. Here is another one.

Jeb Bush Courts The Pat Robertson Vote Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 10/8/2015 4:05 pm

Televangelist Pat Robertson has invited presidential candidates to a series of candidate forums at Regent University, the school he founded and for which he still serves as dean. The first to take him up on the invitation is Jeb Bush, who will speak later this month at a forum that will include an interview with Robertson and a session moderated by Jay Sekulow, the head of the Regent-affiliated American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). Jay’s son, Jordan Sekulow, is the former executive director the ACLJ and is Bush’s liaison to the Religious Right. -

Robertson has built a career out of being one of the most intolerant voices in America.

Robertson has blamed gay people for natural disasters, a possible meteor strike, problems in the stock market, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and America’s ultimate destruction.

He also believes that gay people wear special rings that cut people’s fingers in order to spread HIV/AIDS and compares them to terrorists, warning that they are carrying out a Satanic agenda.

- See more at:

The company that they keep tell you a lot about them and it also tell us a lot about those who rush to defend them

Jeb’s scary new adviser: Meet Jordan Sekulow, global attorney for the religious right

............ while Sekulow’s credibility in conservative circles will likely prove an asset for the Bush campaign, he has also been at the forefront of his organization’s work to keep homosexuality criminalized in Africa, opposed abortion even when a mother’s health is endangered, and espoused incendiary anti-Muslim views, a record that hardly conveys the “inclusive conservative” message his candidate professes to support.

As Mother Jones documented, the ACLJ also sought to maintain the criminalization of homosexuality in Zimbabwe, a country ruled by the iron-fisted dictator Robert Mugabe since 1987. Unlike the Kenyan campaign, this lobbying campaign paid off, with the leaders of Zimbabwe’s short-lived unity government agreeing that homosexuality should remain illegal.

The unity government, established shortly after Mugabe’s fraud-tainted re-election in 2008, received enthusiastic support from Sekulow’s corner. Jeb’s scary new adviser: Meet Jordan Sekulow, global attorney for the religious right
Frightening!! :mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:
Christian fundamentalists’ plot against the Constitution: What Kim Davis’s newly unearthed emails reveal Christian fundamentalists’ plot against the Constitution: What Kim Davis’s newly unearthed emails reveal -

Thanks to Kentucky’s open records law, the Associated Press has obtained the emails county clerk Kim Davis sent just before she went to jail late this summer. And yes, they are every bit as unhinged as you imagined they’d be.

"The battle has just begun…It has truly been a firestorm here and the days are pretty much a blur, but I am confident that God is in control of all of this!! I desire your prayers, I will need strength that only God can supply and I need a backbone like a saw log!!…They are going to try and make a whipping post out of me!! I know it, but God is still alive and on the throne!!! He IS in control and knows exactly where I am!!…September 1 will be the day to prepare for, if the Lord doesn’t return before then. I have weighted the cost, and will stay the course."

Davis is likely more deranged than your average dominionist, and her persecution mania was surely amplified by all the attention she received, but she’s a product of an ascendant and genuinely theocratic movement. I doubt Ben Carson thinks Jesus will return next Tuesday, as Davis evidently does, but, like Huckabee and Jindal and Cruz, he’s fighting the same battle as Davis.

Carson has said, in effect, that America is a Christian nation and that we should have something like a religious test for office. What Carson and other Republicans defend under the guise of “religious liberty” is often just an attempt to elevate God’s law over secular law.


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