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Republican, or Democrat?

I am new here and just curious of the political make up of this site...

For example: I am a registered Republican, but tend to lean more moderate democrat in some views...

So what do you politically identify yourself as?

Well, I am not registered and never plan to be. By the time the primary arrives its over anyway.

I am staunchly anti democrat, not real fond of repubs either. However I lean towards fiscal responsibility. That has labeled me a terrorist and racist.

I am new here and just curious of the political make up of this site...

For example: I am a registered Republican, but tend to lean more moderate democrat in some views...

So what do you politically identify yourself as?

Your best bet is to run. Run fast and run far. Don't look back. :eek:

As a Republican you are sunk. As a moderate democrat you will be hated above all else.

I identify myself as a person who thinks for themself.

Good luck, you've been warned.:badgrin:
I am new here and just curious of the political make up of this site...

For example: I am a registered Republican, but tend to lean more moderate democrat in some views...

So what do you politically identify yourself as?

Well, I am not registered and never plan to be. By the time the primary arrives its over anyway.

I am staunchly anti democrat, not real fond of repubs either. However I lean towards fiscal responsibility. That has labeled me a terrorist and racist.


I think primaries are over exaggerated because the media thinks whoever wins the Iowa caucus is going to be the nominee, well, in 2008 huckabee was the winner in Iowa but McCain won the nomination... point being.... maybe we should get rid of primaries and just do a general election to pick the nominee for the party; why drag it out for months with different elections in different states (primaries)?
You will learn not to identify with any group of Washington criminals if for no other reason then to never be in a position of having to defend their actions.
I find the Democrats slightly less disgusting than the other guys so I usually vote Democrat.
Small "l" libertarian with a perception that, on the issues and values that matter to me, Democrats and Republicans are essentially the same.
I am new here and just curious of the political make up of this site...

For example: I am a registered Republican, but tend to lean more moderate democrat in some views...

So what do you politically identify yourself as?

Your best bet is to run. Run fast and run far. Don't look back. :eek:

As a Republican you are sunk. As a moderate democrat you will be hated above all else.

I identify myself as a person who thinks for themself.

Good luck, you've been warned.:badgrin:

haha thanks for the advice :) curious, if I identified as a regular democrat and not a moderate democrat would I still have to run? Let me put it this way: I registered as a Republican for two reasons, a. When I registered I was surrounded by tons of republicans and marked republican because I wanted to avoid the awkward discussions associated with selecting democrat; b. I would have honestly selected to be an Independent, but in my state that means you can't vote in the primaries.

So here are my views and you tell me what you would label me as:

Abortion: Legal if the woman was raped or a victim of incest, but shouldn't be gov funded
Gun control: Allow people to lawfully own/purchase guns, but restrict the ability to buy assault rifles in gun shows or black market type of sales.
DADT: gays who choose to defend their country should be allowed to; if you were dying on the battlefield and a gay solider weighing 210 offered to carry you to safety, would you say no because you're gay?
Gay Marriage: I believe we shouldn't say no to a gay couple wanting to marry, but we shouldn't just allow it on a state-by-state basis; instead, make it nationally legal.
Immigration: I believe we should offer incentives for immigrants that want to bring skills to America, such as joining the military or going to college; however, immigration does need to be regulated so the legal immigrants can come to the country and illegal immigrants are stopped at the border.
Iraq War: At first President Bush made sense of Iraq having WMD's, but should the war have lasted this long? No.
Defense: Our government is pouring money into defense programs that aren't even doing anything... instead why not invest it in keeping NASA running?
Healthcare: I believe something needs to be done with our healthcare system to make healthcare more affordable; however, it should be more carefully put together.
Taxes: I agree with taxing the rich, but when I tell my dad this he says well then jobs will go overseas... I am not saying tax the rich who create jobs, but those that are the doctors and lawyers and lawmakers, or any job that makes over 250k dollars, i.e. the job HOLDERS that are rich and take advantage of the tax system, and in some more recent cases in the news, have also been found to be abusing our welfare system... Job creators that can show they create jobs (instead of having a loophole where you can claim you are a job creator when you're not) should be given tax credits.
Welfare: I agree that those who struggle should be given assistance, however, there should be a term limit on how long you can remain on programs such as food stamps and medicaid... for example, where I live, I have seen those who are on food stamps and don't go out and get jobs, open a ton of credit cards and max them out, and use their food stamps on not meals but instead things like candy and soda.
I am new here and just curious of the political make up of this site...

For example: I am a registered Republican, but tend to lean more moderate democrat in some views...

So what do you politically identify yourself as?

I'm a registered republican. But most here refer to me as nutter, wacko, liberal big spender, con$, dipshit, loon or any other descriptive word when they are at a loss on the topic.

Ps. Welcome to the board and get your hip waders.

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