Trump slams Arizona right wing nuts for abortion ban

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This guy dodged Trump’s comment like a hot potato. Heheh

Evidently there are plenty of Republicans just fine with the Arizona court invoking 1860 law.
PHOENIX (AP) — The Arizona Legislature devolved into shouts of “Shame! Shame!” on Wednesday as Republican lawmakers quickly shut down discussion on a proposed repeal of the state’s newly revived 1864 law that criminalizes abortion throughout pregnancy unless a woman’s life is at risk.

The state Supreme Court cleared the way on Tuesday for enforcement of the pre-statehood law. Arizona abortion providers vowed Wednesday to continue service until they’re forced to stop, possibly within weeks.

State legislators convened as pressure mounted from Democrats and some Republicans, including former President Donald Trump, for them to intervene.

House Democrats and at least one Republican tried to open discussion on a repeal of the 1864 abortion ban, which holds no exceptions for rape or incest. GOP leaders, who command the majority, cut it off twice and quickly adjourned for the week. Outraged Democrats erupted in finger-waving chants of “Shame! Shame!”

Republican state Rep. Teresa Martinez, of Casa Grande, said there was no reason to rush the debate. She accused Democrats of “screaming at us and engaging in extremist and insurrectionist behavior on the House floor.” The GOP-led Senate briefly convened without debate on abortion

Seems to lean red, no?
Ask the governor. Lets see what happens in November! I am so excited.
I am very proud of Trump for standing up to the right wing nuts who just came up with his abortion ban in Arizona . The law is very draconian and we need to be more moderate in our approach to things as Republicans.

Thank you, Donald Trump for your moderation and centrism. Trump is growing on me:

The people around Trump are telling him that he could lose the election based on abortion.

So of course he is ducking as best he can.

But just days ago he was saying how PROUD he was of installing Supreme Court Justices that over turned Roe
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The people around Trump are telling him that he could lose the election based on abortion.

So of course he ducking as best he can.

But just days ago he was saying how PROUD he was of installing Supreme Court Justices that over turned Roe
Yeah pandering. Like senile incestuous joe changing stances on israel and menthol cigs :thup:
Trump is not “changing his mind” here.


His “people” want to end abortion in all forms for all reasons and he knows how politically unpopular that is so he pretends to be against it… for now
BS. Just like xiden can't force abortion on the whole nation, Trump couldn't force a ban on the whole nation. The supreme court has ruled it an issue for the States, that's where the decisions will be made.


Wondering why Arizona is so late to the party since the Supreme Court ruling? They're just now looking at their own state's laws regarding the matter?
The 6 week ban just made into law in Florida is essentially a complete abortion ban as most women do not know they are pregnant at 6 week.

And as I said Arizona has apparently done nothing. So left wing 'news' runs with their typical bullshit propaganda and tries to smear Trump with it when he had nothing to do with it.
And as I said Arizona has apparently done nothing. So left wing 'news' runs with their typical bullshit propaganda and tries to smear Trump with it when he had nothing to do with it.

Az SC upheld a law that orders prosecution for “a person who provides, supplies or administers to a pregnant woman, or procures such woman to take any medicine, drugs or substance, or uses or employs any instrument or other means whatever, with intent thereby to procure the miscarriage of such woman, unless it is necessary to save her life. The law carries a sentence of two to five years in prison upon conviction.

No rape or incest exclusion, no "after so many weeks"....just do it and be prosecuted.
And as I said Arizona has apparently done nothing. So left wing 'news' runs with their typical bullshit propaganda and tries to smear Trump with it when he had nothing to do with it.
Yes it was an opinion from the courts of where the state will be if legislation wasn't written... this is the only way a court could warn a state government... and the court gave them two weeks... so lets see if the phony AZ governor will put up or shut up...
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