Republican voters found to have larger 'primitive' lobe in brain


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
They are on to something here an may explain the differences in Political outlooks.

More studys like this are needed

"The amygdala is a part of the brain which is very old and very ancient and thought to be very primitive and to do with the detection of emotions. The right amygdala was larger in those people who described themselves as conservative".

Brain study reveals right-wing conservatives have larger 'primitive' amygdala | Mail Online

Serious science and why people think the way they do.

Seriously, maybe this is why they hate science an are predisposed to primitive thinking?

"It turns out your crazy, right-wing uncle has a genetic reason why he shrieks like Chicken Little. Two new studies find specific differences in the brains of liberals and conservatives. The most notable conclusion is that conservative brains are wired toward simple, emotional decision-making. This may explain why so many conservatives can only see two answers for any question, good or bad"

The Republican Reptile Brain, Now with Science! - Technorati Politics.
Berry interesting. And here I thought the Rethugs were just stupid. Now I got to cut them some slack. They can't help how their brain is wired.
Who would have guessed that the UK's cyber rag Mail Online was a serious scientific journal?? . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Remember these left-wing losers callling people primitive are the very same morons who INSIST that mean ol "primitive" people are able to foil the best and brightest Progressive minds in the nation; i.e their "brilliant" Dear Leader and constitutional scholar Obama; and the oh-so-caring Progressives in Congress!

lol libs are losers who lie to themselves
Oh please spare us this partisan idiocy.

Have you ever spoken to a serious rank and file DEM partisan?

Emotionalism is not merely a GOP partisan issue, mate.
so liberals evolved away from being able to take care of themselves like any adult should be able to?

Guess yall are an evolutionary dead end

Mommy Mommy!! people i consider primitive are :"holding hostage" and "obstructing" Progressives!!!!

i dont understand Mommy!!!!????!!!!

You really hate science, oh well caulk it up to the reptilian brain

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! mommy mommy i tired being mean to right-wingers but it backfired!! they keep reminding me i'm a liberal failure who blames my failures on people i'm insisting are stupid!!!


"Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice/Racism, Bias & Politics"

I could have told them that :p

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