Republican won't pass a middle class tax cut....


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
.....without a payoff to their oil company masters!

Washington (CNN) -- Ensuring a pre-holiday collision course with the Senate, House Republicans Friday ignored criticism from President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats and formally unveiled a bill that extends the payroll tax cut and benefits for jobless Americans, but ties those items to a provision that clears a path toward approving the Keystone XL pipeline.

Pipeline showdown escalates payroll tax cut fight -
For once, I just wish you would be honest. Is it really that difficult to accept that not all Republicans are evil and not all Democrats are good? Is it difficult to admit that people have different thoughts within parties?

You know, I actually like you. I think you mean well. But You are seriously selling yourself short with this bullcrap.
[ame=]Rep. Joe Barton Apologizes To BP For $20 Billion Claims Fund - YouTube[/ame]
For once, I just wish you would be honest. Is it really that difficult to accept that not all Republicans are evil and not all Democrats are good? Is it difficult to admit that people have different thoughts within parties?

You know, I actually like you. I think you mean well. But You are seriously selling yourself short with this bullcrap.

I am old enough to remember when the Republican Party actually stood for something.

But that was a long time ago....before Reagan screwed it up.
For once, I just wish you would be honest. Is it really that difficult to accept that not all Republicans are evil and not all Democrats are good? Is it difficult to admit that people have different thoughts within parties?

You know, I actually like you. I think you mean well. But You are seriously selling yourself short with this bullcrap.

I am old enough to remember when the Republican Party actually stood for something.

But that was a long time ago....before Reagan screwed it up.

And the Dem's??? wait not much difference now is there,just wondering who is that insists we roll back the bush tax cuts,and by the way which tax brackets received the largest cut percentages.??
.....without a payoff to their oil company masters!

Washington (CNN) -- Ensuring a pre-holiday collision course with the Senate, House Republicans Friday ignored criticism from President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats and formally unveiled a bill that extends the payroll tax cut and benefits for jobless Americans, but ties those items to a provision that clears a path toward approving the Keystone XL pipeline.

Pipeline showdown escalates payroll tax cut fight -

Fine by me.

Let's get that pipeline approved!
Chris, what exactly is wrong with approving a project that will bring in thousands of jobs and more tax revenue?

I thought you Democrats wanted us to build infrastructure. And the unions to have jobs.
From the U.S. Department of State website:

Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued

The Department found that the addition of crude oil pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States will advance a number of strategic interests of the United States. These included increasing the diversity of available supplies among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources in a time of considerable political tension in other major oil producing countries and regions; shortening the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies; and increasing crude oil supplies from a major non-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries producer. Canada is a stable and reliable ally and trading partner of the United States, with which we have free trade agreements which augment the security of this energy supply.

Approval of the permit sends a positive economic signal, in a difficult economic period, about the future reliability and availability of a portion of United States’ energy imports, and in the immediate term, this shovel-ready project will provide construction jobs for workers in the United States.

That was from 3 YEARS AGO.

What gives, Chirs? What gives?
More from Department of State re: Alberta Clipper...

U.S. Department of State

Construction in the United States will consist of two components that would have independent utility: the Alberta Clipper Pipeline and the Southern Lights Diluent Pipeline (view project map, 93 kb). The 36-inch Alberta Clipper Pipeline will carry up to 450,000 barrels of crude oil a day from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin in Canada to refineries in the U.S. In the U.S., the Alberta Clipper Pipeline will extend 326 miles from the U.S.-Canadian border near Neche, North Dakota across northern Minnesota to an Enbridge terminal in Superior, Wisconsin. The Southern Lights Diluent Project will consist of a new 20-inch pipeline extending 191 miles from Superior, Wisconsin to an Enbridge terminal in Clearbrook, Minnesota. In the U.S., these pipelines will be constructed at approximately the same time in the same right-of-way, and this right-of way would almost entirely be located along an existing Enbridge pipeline right-of-way.

So, Chris- tell us why Obama would green light THIS pipeline, yet stall on the Keystone XL pipline.

I think you owe us a response- it's your thread.
For once, I just wish you would be honest. Is it really that difficult to accept that not all Republicans are evil and not all Democrats are good? Is it difficult to admit that people have different thoughts within parties?

You know, I actually like you. I think you mean well. But You are seriously selling yourself short with this bullcrap.

You do realize you are arguing with a Bot, at least in Spirit. ;) :):):)
For once, I just wish you would be honest. Is it really that difficult to accept that not all Republicans are evil and not all Democrats are good? Is it difficult to admit that people have different thoughts within parties?

You know, I actually like you. I think you mean well. But You are seriously selling yourself short with this bullcrap.

I am old enough to remember when the Republican Party actually stood for something.

But that was a long time ago....before Reagan screwed it up.

lets see , you're 14, so that means...minus oh 5, = got it!

great, Bush actually stood for something? Nice to hear you admit it.
More from Department of State re: Alberta Clipper...

U.S. Department of State

Construction in the United States will consist of two components that would have independent utility: the Alberta Clipper Pipeline and the Southern Lights Diluent Pipeline (view project map, 93 kb). The 36-inch Alberta Clipper Pipeline will carry up to 450,000 barrels of crude oil a day from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin in Canada to refineries in the U.S. In the U.S., the Alberta Clipper Pipeline will extend 326 miles from the U.S.-Canadian border near Neche, North Dakota across northern Minnesota to an Enbridge terminal in Superior, Wisconsin. The Southern Lights Diluent Project will consist of a new 20-inch pipeline extending 191 miles from Superior, Wisconsin to an Enbridge terminal in Clearbrook, Minnesota. In the U.S., these pipelines will be constructed at approximately the same time in the same right-of-way, and this right-of way would almost entirely be located along an existing Enbridge pipeline right-of-way.

So, Chris- tell us why Obama would green light THIS pipeline, yet stall on the Keystone XL pipline.

I think you owe us a response- it's your thread.

Obama is a cherry-pickin' President. Directionless, pointless, irrelevant. No rhyme or reason.
Yet he tells us "do as I say, don't do as I do".

"To be is to do"-Socrates
"To do is to be"-Sartre
"Do Be Do Be Do"-Sinatra
"Yaba Daba Doo!"-Fred Flintstone

"Duh bu ddo doo"- Obama
It's sad that some people are unable to grasp the idea that Keystone XL would benefit someone other than the CEO's of petroleum companies.
In Chris's Utopia we do not need gas, Oil, Energy. We can just shit in the streets, right? Why even bother with in door plumbing, or toilet paper. Hygiene is over rated, right? It's just part of a Capitalist Plot to steal wealth. Shit... I bet that in Chris's Utopia the State pays each of us to buy Lottery Tickets. It makes sense, right? We should also know before buying each ticket, how much we win. That makes about as much sense as Don Quixote Obama blaming ATM Machines for the fall of Western Civilization.
For once, I just wish you would be honest. Is it really that difficult to accept that not all Republicans are evil and not all Democrats are good? Is it difficult to admit that people have different thoughts within parties?

You know, I actually like you. I think you mean well. But You are seriously selling yourself short with this bullcrap.

I am old enough to remember when the Republican Party actually stood for something.

But that was a long time ago....before Reagan screwed it up.

If you are as old wise and Impartial as you claim, Then how can you fail to see that it didn't pass because of a lack of Compromise on both sides. Obama is playing politics, he gave them something he knew they could not support, Extending Tax cuts that they don't believe are effective, and paying for them by raising taxes on those they believe are effective at creating jobs.

It was a Calculated move, The Dems never wanted it to pass. Their are in full blown campaign mode, and a chance to bash republicans for "not passing a tax cut" is worth more to them, then making a deal and getting it done. Same deal with the Debt Panel, and anything else that will come up between now and the Election. Nothing but posturing for the Polls, at the expense of getting our business done will happen in DC.

And Both sides share the blame, anyone who thinks Obama and the Dems don't share it, is a hack.

like Chris :)
In Chris's Utopia we do not need gas, Oil, Energy. We can just shit in the streets, right? Why even bother with in door plumbing, or toilet paper. Hygiene is over rated, right? It's just part of a Capitalist Plot to steal wealth. Shit... I bet that in Chris's Utopia the State pays each of us to buy Lottery Tickets. It makes sense, right? We should also know before buying each ticket, how much we win. That makes about as much sense as Don Quixote Obama blaming ATM Machines for the fall of Western Civilization.

Well, of course. That is what he was told by his mother.
.....without a payoff to their oil company masters!

Washington (CNN) -- Ensuring a pre-holiday collision course with the Senate, House Republicans Friday ignored criticism from President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats and formally unveiled a bill that extends the payroll tax cut and benefits for jobless Americans, but ties those items to a provision that clears a path toward approving the Keystone XL pipeline.

Pipeline showdown escalates payroll tax cut fight -

Republicans will pass it--if they get their 1700 mile pipeline that will create 10 of thousands of American jobs.

Why do you and Obama have a problem with real private sector job creation in this country?
.....without a payoff to their oil company masters!

Washington (CNN) -- Ensuring a pre-holiday collision course with the Senate, House Republicans Friday ignored criticism from President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats and formally unveiled a bill that extends the payroll tax cut and benefits for jobless Americans, but ties those items to a provision that clears a path toward approving the Keystone XL pipeline.

Pipeline showdown escalates payroll tax cut fight -

Republicans will pass it--if they get their 1700 mile pipeline that will create 10 of thousands of American jobs.

Why do you and Obama have a problem with real private sector job creation in this country?

Because then we won't need his jobs bill and that will lose him control of the unions.

When your goal is to buy votes, you buy votes. You don't care about the country.

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