GOP holds middle class payroll tax cut hostage with pipeline demand

"How exactly do wealthy people benefit from taxing the so called "middle class"? How exactly do any of the so called "classes" benefit from taxing others?"

Because then the rich can pay alot less taxes which it should. The ultra wealthy should not be paying any taxes whatsoever. It should all go to the middle class. Stick it to em right? Those are the laborers that the wealthy hate so very very much. It is purely an us vs them now. Its only just begun.
Pipeline showdown escalates payroll tax cut fight -

But when it comes to the rich, no rider and no conditions. The GOP has historically shown that their hearts and minds are with the wealthy. They know the Dems want to help the middle class, so they chose what they can pull from thieir goody bag to throw in as a condition.

Obama and the Dims are going to look real stupid opposing a bill with a tax cut and authorization for a job creating pipeline construction project. I would love to see a bunch of stupid Dims vote against that. Any Dim Senator from any state the pipeline goes through who votes against it will be slitting his own throat.

Dims have been whining about a jobs bill. Here's one they can vote on.

Time for the rubber to meet the road.
So you guys want a tax cut, and you are going to oppose creating private sector jobs rather than agree to the tax cut?

It shouldn't be in the bill, along with a few other things, that is the point. ;)

So you object to Republicans using the same tactics Dims have been using for decades? When did Congress ever pass a bill that didn't contain unrelated items? Can you name a single one?

Time for you Dims to eat your shit sandwich.

It sure is fun watching you whine, however.
Compromise is fine, it still shouldn't be in the bill, along with allowing states to drug test people applying for unemployment.

In other words, no compromise.

What would a compromise bill look like in your opinion?
No, seriously - yes they did. They got all of the benefits of the cuts to lower marginal rates that everyone else got, plus they got a 4% reduction in the top marginal rate.

Aside from the 4% cut in the top marginal rate, there was no other cut in the top marginal rate, so what the hell are you talking about?

Of course, if you don't understand the concept of marginal rates you won't understand.

You obviously don't understand the concept of marginal rates.
how about if the pass the payroll tax cut extension AND get you 20 thousand more jobs on the pipeline? Ain't that cool?

This bill will only help Obama if he signs it. Tax cuts and jobs would vastly improve his image with the voters. It's hilarious to watch a dolt who is so opposed to his own political survival.
Yeah, those dastardly Republicans demanding the president concede to creating 20,000 new shovel-ready-jobs likely to be 250,000 jobs in a year, which will begin to offset the suspension of the FICA tax (AKA Payroll Tax).

Two very liberal US senators, Tom Harkin and Bernie Sanders argue the suspension of the FICA tax undermines SS and Medicare because the Payroll Tax/FICA tax is the only funding allocated to support those. The President is a complete cynic on this, willing to damage the system he claims to be the guardian of for political advantage. And he will almost absolutely say yes to the pipeline as soon as the election is past.
How about we do a little more research into the Pipeline? I am all for the US self contained when it comes to Oil, but I don't want to pass something before we know all the facts. We need a payroll tax now, we need to do a little more research into the Pipeline.

The claim that the pipeline needs more study is too absurd for words. dozens of pipelines already cross the same area. Pipelines are the safest way to transport oil. You have to be a certified imbecile to oppose construction of this pipeline. It's a no lose proposition.

I have talked to my friends dad who is engineer for BP in Alaska, and he has reservations about it. I think I will go with an expert, and say we should spend a little more time before we start a massive project.

Now there's a reference we can trust. An unnamed friend that you claim to is an expert. Well I now a guy who's second cousin is the son of rocket scientist who heard about the pipeline, and he says it's OK.
Where did I say that? I think I was very clear in saying we should do more research before we pump a bunch of money into such a large project.
Do you right wingers actually read what people write, or just assume what is written?

We aren't going to spend dick on the project. Private Canadian corporations are going to pay for the whole thing. All we have to do is give them permission.

As always, the liberal point of view is based on abject ignorance.
So you guys want a tax cut, and you are going to oppose creating private sector jobs rather than agree to the tax cut?

It shouldn't be in the bill, along with a few other things, that is the point. ;)

So you object to Republicans using the same tactics Dims have been using for decades? When did Congress ever pass a bill that didn't contain unrelated items? Can you name a single one?

Time for you Dims to eat your shit sandwich.

It sure is fun watching you whine, however.

Attacking things to bills have been going on for as long as I can remember.
It has been done by both sides.

Now it becomes an issue?
Pipeline showdown escalates payroll tax cut fight -

But when it comes to the rich, no rider and no conditions. The GOP has historically shown that their hearts and minds are with the wealthy. They know the Dems want to help the middle class, so they chose what they can pull from thieir goody bag to throw in as a condition.

:eusa_think: 18k immediate jobs, 120k in the pipeline......pardon the pun, thats the follow on jobs as the project ramps up.Yup the gop are bastards alright:rolleyes:

I'd say the taxes on all those jobs and ancillary transactions, the fess and taxes on the refinery's processing that oil, would make up some of the cost for the 2% rebate eh? AND add badly needed jobs. Right?
I read the article. Boehner's brilliant to promote tens of thousands of high-paying jobs with Republican faith in the private sector. The Demmies are hurrying and scurrying with a "me too" bill for when Reid destroys any chance of creating private enterprise jobs with his nay-say du jour.
"How exactly do wealthy people benefit from taxing the so called "middle class"? How exactly do any of the so called "classes" benefit from taxing others?"

Because then the rich can pay alot less taxes which it should. The ultra wealthy should not be paying any taxes whatsoever. It should all go to the middle class. Stick it to em right? Those are the laborers that the wealthy hate so very very much. It is purely an us vs them now. Its only just begun.
What do you think about a flat tax?
how about if the pass the payroll tax cut extension AND get you 20 thousand more jobs on the pipeline? Ain't that cool?

This bill will only help Obama if he signs it. Tax cuts and jobs would vastly improve his image with the voters. It's hilarious to watch a dolt who is so opposed to his own political survival.
Wouldn't it be lovely if for once, he put the American people above his politics?

The American people need their own leader. I don't think they care for communal sharing. That system has never worked any where in the world it has been employed.
The pipeline puts people back to work.
Why is the left against that?....
The pipeline puts people back to work.
Why is the left against that?....

Radical environmental policies are more important to them than people being able to feed their families. Plus, if people can't afford to support their families then they'll have to go on welfare and that increases the power of the statist politicians in D.C.
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Liberals do not want an oil pipeline. They don't want oil. They share obama's vision of the US as a third world country without energy.

When there isn't "mechanical energy" there is "slave labor", that is why the dems are all for eliminating "mechanical energy". They have plans as manipulators.

The child-like minds on Pinoccio thought "Fun island" was great. The manipulators told them they could do what ever they wanted and have fun as long as they wanted, and they didn't have to follow the rules. The child-like minds flocked to the island, and once they started acting like animals, they became ASSES, and were sold into hard labor for the rest of their lives for one or two days of "fun". I wonder how many are in the conversion stage?

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