Republicans & Anti-Semitism (in Missouri)


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2010
Jewish Students at Missouri felt Unsafe.

Republican denial of anti-semitism has some ugly historical precedents.

From MU officials investigate anti-Semitic writing in residence hall

Junior Chantelle Moghadam, co-founder and president of the Students Supporting Israel at the University of Missouri, said university administrators should work toward creating a more inclusive environment for minority members of campus.

It doesn’t make people feel safe to go to school here, and that isn’t something that we should have to worry about,” Moghadam said. “You shouldn’t have to watch your back when you’re walking to class and you shouldn’t have to think about whether you’re going to be safe while you’re at school.”

Junior Thalia Sass, president of the Jewish Student Organization, said she understands from experience what it’s like to be concerned for her safety.

“It becomes harder to show my Jewish identity,” she said. “I’m so proud to be a Jewish student on this campus. I’m so proud to flaunt my Jewish identity but when incidents like this happen, it’s scary. This person doesn’t know me but they hate me just because of the single aspect that I’m Jewish.”
Nice try. How are Republicans responsible for the anti-Semitism? In my mind, the Jewish students had a more legitimate concern than any of the black kids did. Anywho, this wasn't the main reason for the protests, or what got Wolfe to resign:

2010: Two white students scatter cotton balls outside the campus Black Culture Center. The student newspaper, The Maneater, quoted an official from the school saying "this was much more, in our view, than a childish prank."

August 9, 2014: Police Officer Darren Wilson shoots an unarmed black teenager, Micheal Brown, after Brown charged him and attempted to take his firearm. This incident sparked the "Black Lives Matter" movement, and heightened discussion about racial issues on campuses across the nation, including Missouri.

September 12th, 2015: Missouri Student Association President Payton Head posts on Facebook that young people in a pickup truck off campus yelled racial slurs at him. Though nobody could corroborate the story. Not soon after, protests and sit-ins and other forms of protests began amid fears the administration was not doing enough to address the issue.

September 24th: Students hold the first of two "Racism Lives Here" rallies in response to Payton Head's post.

October 5th: A drunk man yells racial slurs at members of the Legion of Black Collegians.

October 6th: Students and faculty stage a sit in to protest the lack of response by administrators to the incident.

October 8th: The university announces that incoming freshmen will be required to undergo "diversity training."

October 10th: A group of demonstrators crashes the homecoming parade in an attempt to get Wolfe's attention. He chose not to respond. The demonstrators were chased away. This was seen by the students as further proof of his inability or refusal to act.

October 11th: Another "Racism Lives Here" rally is broken up by university police.

October 20th: Concerned Student 1950 issues a list of demands which includes Wolfe's resignation.

It wasn't until 4 days later on October 24th when accusations began flying that a swastika was allegedly drawn on a dorm bathroom wall with feces. This turned out to be a hoax when a photo emerged with the exact same image which was dated from 2014.

But by then the anger was already full blown the process was already underway.

October 27th: Concerned Student 1950 meets with Wolfe, with no resolution to the standoff.

November 2nd: Graduate student Jonathan Butler begins a hunger strike, which included demands that whites admit to their 'White Privilege' because they had access to luxuries he didn't have because of his skin color, due to their 'White Privilege' Butler vows not to eat until he dies or Wolfe is removed. It is worth noting that Butler's father is a multimillionaire. And that Butler himself lied about being hit by Wolfe's car at the homecoming parade.

November 7th: Black football players for Missouri's Division-1 football team state that they will refuse to play in a game until Wolfe resigns.

As you can see, the swastika was not on their minds.

November 8th: The rest of the football team joins in with the black players, threatening to cancel the game against Brigham Young University. Wolfe at this point refuses to step down.

November 9th: The chancellor resigns.

November 10th: Wolfe resigns.
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Jewish Students at Missouri felt Unsafe.

Republican denial of anti-semitism has some ugly historical precedents.

From MU officials investigate anti-Semitic writing in residence hall

Junior Chantelle Moghadam, co-founder and president of the Students Supporting Israel at the University of Missouri, said university administrators should work toward creating a more inclusive environment for minority members of campus.

It doesn’t make people feel safe to go to school here, and that isn’t something that we should have to worry about,” Moghadam said. “You shouldn’t have to watch your back when you’re walking to class and you shouldn’t have to think about whether you’re going to be safe while you’re at school.”

Junior Thalia Sass, president of the Jewish Student Organization, said she understands from experience what it’s like to be concerned for her safety.

“It becomes harder to show my Jewish identity,” she said. “I’m so proud to be a Jewish student on this campus. I’m so proud to flaunt my Jewish identity but when incidents like this happen, it’s scary. This person doesn’t know me but they hate me just because of the single aspect that I’m Jewish.”

Jews get targetted everywhere, in Israel, in New York, Florida, elsewhere. Hateful people will visit their hate on whatever group they've been conditioned to do so on. You're never going to 'feel safe' if a member of a given demographic other demographics enjoy hating. Nothing new is happening.

What is new and happening right now that doesn't usually happen, is some are using a recent incident for political purposes and trying to claim longstanding hate-issues as their own political issue.
Jewish Students at Missouri felt Unsafe.

Republican denial of anti-semitism has some ugly historical precedents.

From MU officials investigate anti-Semitic writing in residence hall

Junior Chantelle Moghadam, co-founder and president of the Students Supporting Israel at the University of Missouri, said university administrators should work toward creating a more inclusive environment for minority members of campus.

It doesn’t make people feel safe to go to school here, and that isn’t something that we should have to worry about,” Moghadam said. “You shouldn’t have to watch your back when you’re walking to class and you shouldn’t have to think about whether you’re going to be safe while you’re at school.”

Junior Thalia Sass, president of the Jewish Student Organization, said she understands from experience what it’s like to be concerned for her safety.

“It becomes harder to show my Jewish identity,” she said. “I’m so proud to be a Jewish student on this campus. I’m so proud to flaunt my Jewish identity but when incidents like this happen, it’s scary. This person doesn’t know me but they hate me just because of the single aspect that I’m Jewish.”

Still waiting to see you post these "historical precedents". There was no mention of republicans in your link.
The internet must have surged it. In Sydney, a few boys boarded a jewish private girls school bus and made a ruckus.

It's amazing how many young people know about it. They know that (some) jews invented political correctness, making society difficult and offensive toward them. They see their country and future slipping away and they know who is causing it.
Jewish Students at Missouri felt Unsafe.

Republican denial of anti-semitism has some ugly historical precedents.

From MU officials investigate anti-Semitic writing in residence hall

Junior Chantelle Moghadam, co-founder and president of the Students Supporting Israel at the University of Missouri, said university administrators should work toward creating a more inclusive environment for minority members of campus.

It doesn’t make people feel safe to go to school here, and that isn’t something that we should have to worry about,” Moghadam said. “You shouldn’t have to watch your back when you’re walking to class and you shouldn’t have to think about whether you’re going to be safe while you’re at school.”

Junior Thalia Sass, president of the Jewish Student Organization, said she understands from experience what it’s like to be concerned for her safety.

“It becomes harder to show my Jewish identity,” she said. “I’m so proud to be a Jewish student on this campus. I’m so proud to flaunt my Jewish identity but when incidents like this happen, it’s scary. This person doesn’t know me but they hate me just because of the single aspect that I’m Jewish.”

Jews get targetted everywhere, in Israel, in New York, Florida, elsewhere. Hateful people will visit their hate on whatever group they've been conditioned to do so on. You're never going to 'feel safe' if a member of a given demographic other demographics enjoy hating. Nothing new is happening.

What is new and happening right now that doesn't usually happen, is some are using a recent incident for political purposes and trying to claim longstanding hate-issues as their own political issue.
Number one enemy of the Jewish people = Muslims
Jewish Students at Missouri felt Unsafe.

Republican denial of anti-semitism has some ugly historical precedents.

From MU officials investigate anti-Semitic writing in residence hall

Junior Chantelle Moghadam, co-founder and president of the Students Supporting Israel at the University of Missouri, said university administrators should work toward creating a more inclusive environment for minority members of campus.

It doesn’t make people feel safe to go to school here, and that isn’t something that we should have to worry about,” Moghadam said. “You shouldn’t have to watch your back when you’re walking to class and you shouldn’t have to think about whether you’re going to be safe while you’re at school.”

Junior Thalia Sass, president of the Jewish Student Organization, said she understands from experience what it’s like to be concerned for her safety.

“It becomes harder to show my Jewish identity,” she said. “I’m so proud to be a Jewish student on this campus. I’m so proud to flaunt my Jewish identity but when incidents like this happen, it’s scary. This person doesn’t know me but they hate me just because of the single aspect that I’m Jewish.”

Jews get targetted everywhere, in Israel, in New York, Florida, elsewhere. Hateful people will visit their hate on whatever group they've been conditioned to do so on. You're never going to 'feel safe' if a member of a given demographic other demographics enjoy hating. Nothing new is happening.

What is new and happening right now that doesn't usually happen, is some are using a recent incident for political purposes and trying to claim longstanding hate-issues as their own political issue.
Number one enemy of the Jewish people = Muslims

Christians actually. Christians co-opted our holiest text bastardizing it. Muslims copied much of our book but didn't paste their's onto our's. Nor did they go through a forced-conversion period only ending a generation or so ago. Muslims might take the occasional pot shot at us, but Christians were after our very religion and soul.
Further, Christian evangelicals started both the Messianic Judaism, and Jews for Jesus movements specifically to draw Jews away from Judaism and into Christianity. The 'after our souls' part.
Jewish Students at Missouri felt Unsafe.

Republican denial of anti-semitism has some ugly historical precedents.

From MU officials investigate anti-Semitic writing in residence hall

Junior Chantelle Moghadam, co-founder and president of the Students Supporting Israel at the University of Missouri, said university administrators should work toward creating a more inclusive environment for minority members of campus.

It doesn’t make people feel safe to go to school here, and that isn’t something that we should have to worry about,” Moghadam said. “You shouldn’t have to watch your back when you’re walking to class and you shouldn’t have to think about whether you’re going to be safe while you’re at school.”

Junior Thalia Sass, president of the Jewish Student Organization, said she understands from experience what it’s like to be concerned for her safety.

“It becomes harder to show my Jewish identity,” she said. “I’m so proud to be a Jewish student on this campus. I’m so proud to flaunt my Jewish identity but when incidents like this happen, it’s scary. This person doesn’t know me but they hate me just because of the single aspect that I’m Jewish.”

Jews get targetted everywhere, in Israel, in New York, Florida, elsewhere. Hateful people will visit their hate on whatever group they've been conditioned to do so on. You're never going to 'feel safe' if a member of a given demographic other demographics enjoy hating. Nothing new is happening.

What is new and happening right now that doesn't usually happen, is some are using a recent incident for political purposes and trying to claim longstanding hate-issues as their own political issue.
Didn't I tell you in another thread how liberals blame their problems on the right.
Jewish Students at Missouri felt Unsafe.

Republican denial of anti-semitism has some ugly historical precedents.

From MU officials investigate anti-Semitic writing in residence hall

Junior Chantelle Moghadam, co-founder and president of the Students Supporting Israel at the University of Missouri, said university administrators should work toward creating a more inclusive environment for minority members of campus.

It doesn’t make people feel safe to go to school here, and that isn’t something that we should have to worry about,” Moghadam said. “You shouldn’t have to watch your back when you’re walking to class and you shouldn’t have to think about whether you’re going to be safe while you’re at school.”

Junior Thalia Sass, president of the Jewish Student Organization, said she understands from experience what it’s like to be concerned for her safety.

“It becomes harder to show my Jewish identity,” she said. “I’m so proud to be a Jewish student on this campus. I’m so proud to flaunt my Jewish identity but when incidents like this happen, it’s scary. This person doesn’t know me but they hate me just because of the single aspect that I’m Jewish.”

Why do you say Republicans are targeting Jews?

Is the entire University Republican? In fact, aren't universities around the country known as being a cesspool for liberalism?

In case you have not noticed, those on the left tend to hate Israel and the Zionist state. They also are known to protest "Jewish bankers" in Occupy Wall Street protests. Jews are the most economically successful groups in the US, which is why the left hates them. It is also why Hitler, being a socialist, targeted Jews in order to take their gold as they were being sent away to die. Hitler was famous for equating capitalism with Judaism, and vowed to eradicate both.

No, leftists are the anti-Semites. They want their gold just like Hitler did.
Jewish Students at Missouri felt Unsafe.

Republican denial of anti-semitism has some ugly historical precedents.

From MU officials investigate anti-Semitic writing in residence hall

Junior Chantelle Moghadam, co-founder and president of the Students Supporting Israel at the University of Missouri, said university administrators should work toward creating a more inclusive environment for minority members of campus.

It doesn’t make people feel safe to go to school here, and that isn’t something that we should have to worry about,” Moghadam said. “You shouldn’t have to watch your back when you’re walking to class and you shouldn’t have to think about whether you’re going to be safe while you’re at school.”

Junior Thalia Sass, president of the Jewish Student Organization, said she understands from experience what it’s like to be concerned for her safety.

“It becomes harder to show my Jewish identity,” she said. “I’m so proud to be a Jewish student on this campus. I’m so proud to flaunt my Jewish identity but when incidents like this happen, it’s scary. This person doesn’t know me but they hate me just because of the single aspect that I’m Jewish.”

Jews get targetted everywhere, in Israel, in New York, Florida, elsewhere. Hateful people will visit their hate on whatever group they've been conditioned to do so on. You're never going to 'feel safe' if a member of a given demographic other demographics enjoy hating. Nothing new is happening.

What is new and happening right now that doesn't usually happen, is some are using a recent incident for political purposes and trying to claim longstanding hate-issues as their own political issue.
Number one enemy of the Jewish people = Muslims

in America the history of anti semitism has been headed up by christians

I have had my own experiences as has the Jewish community

In the middle east it is Muslims

The Jewish Americans . Anti-Semitism in America | PBS

Audit: In 2014 Anti-Semitic Incidents Rose 21 Percent Across The U.S. In A “Particularly Violent Year for Jews”

Audit: In 2014 Anti-Semitic Incidents Rose 21 Percent Across The U.S. In A “Particularly Violent Year for Jews”

History of antisemitism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now antisemitism is on the rise not only the right but by some on the left in America
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what a load of bs

worry over your own states. I'm sure they are just utopias of everyone loving the other
Jewish Students at Missouri felt Unsafe.

Republican denial of anti-semitism has some ugly historical precedents.

From MU officials investigate anti-Semitic writing in residence hall

Junior Chantelle Moghadam, co-founder and president of the Students Supporting Israel at the University of Missouri, said university administrators should work toward creating a more inclusive environment for minority members of campus.

It doesn’t make people feel safe to go to school here, and that isn’t something that we should have to worry about,” Moghadam said. “You shouldn’t have to watch your back when you’re walking to class and you shouldn’t have to think about whether you’re going to be safe while you’re at school.”

Junior Thalia Sass, president of the Jewish Student Organization, said she understands from experience what it’s like to be concerned for her safety.

“It becomes harder to show my Jewish identity,” she said. “I’m so proud to be a Jewish student on this campus. I’m so proud to flaunt my Jewish identity but when incidents like this happen, it’s scary. This person doesn’t know me but they hate me just because of the single aspect that I’m Jewish.”

"Republicans" are anti-Semites, not Democrats who lump Jews and Christians stifle any Jewish open displays here and want the Jew dogs in the middle east to not defend themselves and die

Liberalism really is a form of mental retardation
I'm not "anti semitic"..I'm pro caucasian.

If you let them control the language and definitions, you can never pin them down. They'll keep changing definitions and moving the goal posts.
Jewish Students at Missouri felt Unsafe.

Republican denial of anti-semitism has some ugly historical precedents.

From MU officials investigate anti-Semitic writing in residence hall

Junior Chantelle Moghadam, co-founder and president of the Students Supporting Israel at the University of Missouri, said university administrators should work toward creating a more inclusive environment for minority members of campus.

It doesn’t make people feel safe to go to school here, and that isn’t something that we should have to worry about,” Moghadam said. “You shouldn’t have to watch your back when you’re walking to class and you shouldn’t have to think about whether you’re going to be safe while you’re at school.”

Junior Thalia Sass, president of the Jewish Student Organization, said she understands from experience what it’s like to be concerned for her safety.

“It becomes harder to show my Jewish identity,” she said. “I’m so proud to be a Jewish student on this campus. I’m so proud to flaunt my Jewish identity but when incidents like this happen, it’s scary. This person doesn’t know me but they hate me just because of the single aspect that I’m Jewish.”

"Republicans" are anti-Semites, not Democrats who lump Jews and Christians stifle any Jewish open displays here and want the Jew dogs in the middle east to not defend themselves and die

Liberalism really is a form of mental retardation

they just get more insane and are the people is who driving this hate and division in our country. it's a sickness
Jewish Students at Missouri felt Unsafe.

Republican denial of anti-semitism has some ugly historical precedents.

From MU officials investigate anti-Semitic writing in residence hall

Junior Chantelle Moghadam, co-founder and president of the Students Supporting Israel at the University of Missouri, said university administrators should work toward creating a more inclusive environment for minority members of campus.

It doesn’t make people feel safe to go to school here, and that isn’t something that we should have to worry about,” Moghadam said. “You shouldn’t have to watch your back when you’re walking to class and you shouldn’t have to think about whether you’re going to be safe while you’re at school.”

Junior Thalia Sass, president of the Jewish Student Organization, said she understands from experience what it’s like to be concerned for her safety.

“It becomes harder to show my Jewish identity,” she said. “I’m so proud to be a Jewish student on this campus. I’m so proud to flaunt my Jewish identity but when incidents like this happen, it’s scary. This person doesn’t know me but they hate me just because of the single aspect that I’m Jewish.”

"Republicans" are anti-Semites, not Democrats who lump Jews and Christians stifle any Jewish open displays here and want the Jew dogs in the middle east to not defend themselves and die

Liberalism really is a form of mental retardation

The majority of us Jews are liberals, stop trying to connect christer goyim with Jews.,We have nothing in common
Jewish Students at Missouri felt Unsafe.

Republican denial of anti-semitism has some ugly historical precedents.

From MU officials investigate anti-Semitic writing in residence hall

Junior Chantelle Moghadam, co-founder and president of the Students Supporting Israel at the University of Missouri, said university administrators should work toward creating a more inclusive environment for minority members of campus.

It doesn’t make people feel safe to go to school here, and that isn’t something that we should have to worry about,” Moghadam said. “You shouldn’t have to watch your back when you’re walking to class and you shouldn’t have to think about whether you’re going to be safe while you’re at school.”

Junior Thalia Sass, president of the Jewish Student Organization, said she understands from experience what it’s like to be concerned for her safety.

“It becomes harder to show my Jewish identity,” she said. “I’m so proud to be a Jewish student on this campus. I’m so proud to flaunt my Jewish identity but when incidents like this happen, it’s scary. This person doesn’t know me but they hate me just because of the single aspect that I’m Jewish.”

"Republicans" are anti-Semites, not Democrats who lump Jews and Christians stifle any Jewish open displays here and want the Jew dogs in the middle east to not defend themselves and die

Liberalism really is a form of mental retardation

The majority of us Jews are liberals, stop trying to connect christer goyim with Jews.,We have nothing in common

"....christer goyim....."

and there you have the heart of why many people/nations/empires throughout history have expelled the jews....
they're predatory supremacists and they believe the rest of the world are beneath them.
Jewish Students at Missouri felt Unsafe.

Republican denial of anti-semitism has some ugly historical precedents.

From MU officials investigate anti-Semitic writing in residence hall

Junior Chantelle Moghadam, co-founder and president of the Students Supporting Israel at the University of Missouri, said university administrators should work toward creating a more inclusive environment for minority members of campus.

It doesn’t make people feel safe to go to school here, and that isn’t something that we should have to worry about,” Moghadam said. “You shouldn’t have to watch your back when you’re walking to class and you shouldn’t have to think about whether you’re going to be safe while you’re at school.”

Junior Thalia Sass, president of the Jewish Student Organization, said she understands from experience what it’s like to be concerned for her safety.

“It becomes harder to show my Jewish identity,” she said. “I’m so proud to be a Jewish student on this campus. I’m so proud to flaunt my Jewish identity but when incidents like this happen, it’s scary. This person doesn’t know me but they hate me just because of the single aspect that I’m Jewish.”

"Republicans" are anti-Semites, not Democrats who lump Jews and Christians stifle any Jewish open displays here and want the Jew dogs in the middle east to not defend themselves and die

Liberalism really is a form of mental retardation

The majority of us Jews are liberals, stop trying to connect christer goyim with Jews.,We have nothing in common

that would have been a good argument if it had anything to do with what I said.

As for a self hating Jew telling me to shut the fuck up, good luck with that. Democrats stifle Christians and Jews here and want the Jews in Israel to die and go away. You can't self hate your way out of that

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