Kamala Harris: “Women are getting pregnant every day in America, and this is a real issue."

Bismarck the vampire pertains to Harris's Presidential candidacy, because he explained to me the underpinnings of this "new racism" with its cheaps**t civil rights and its token black activists and political leaders. Most white civil rights proponents actually don't care about black people in real life either. This parallels the fact that civil rights policies only look good on paper til you implement them in the real world. My own dad doesn't like me. He put me through standard operating procedure as prescribed by these rights. Including college. I ended up with nothing. And he once told me to my face that he didn't care about my feelings.
OMG, you sniveling wokester…Your parents sacrificed much to ensure you had the tools necessary to find success, and live a comfortable life, and the best you can say is your dad is mean because he doesn’t care about your feelings?


The dripping entitlement from your generation is sickening.
Lyndon Johnson falls into the category of extending someone else's Presidential term. He had to decline a second term because after he enacted civil rights policies whose ulterior motive was to rob blacks blind, the Republicans immediately had to get to work posing additional difficulties to black progress. Difficulties of a different kind. Difficulties of a nature which gets delegated to the Republicans, enabling each party to contribute to blacks' demise within their respective roles.
The US government has achieved a delicate balance between siphoning real estate values out of the black community into white communities, while minimizing blacks' prestigious career opportunities at the same time. These 2 functions are symbiotic--in real life--but they're performed by seemingly opposing political camps. They each stick to their own task of specialization.
This is Probably a common viewpoint from childless 3rd wave feminists.

Pregnancy is a problem, because it harms their ability to pleasure themselves without responsibility
OMG, you sniveling wokester…Your parents sacrificed much to ensure you had the tools necessary to find success, and live a comfortable life, and the best you can say is your dad is mean because he doesn’t care about your feelings?


The dripping entitlement from your generation is sickening.
While reading your comment I laughed so hard I wheezed. There is materiality attached to these feelings of mine. Not caring about my feelings equates to not caring whether my endeavors pay off either. Statistically, college indeed does not pay off for blacks. Especially black females. There's a glut of black female college graduates and only so many quota positions to fill.
OMG, you sniveling wokester…Your parents sacrificed much to ensure you had the tools necessary to find success, and live a comfortable life, and the best you can say is your dad is mean because he doesn’t care about your feelings?


The dripping entitlement from your generation is sickening.
Those bastards fed, protected, and provided for their kid up through college… we Should probably call CPS LOL
While reading your comment I laughed so hard I wheezed. There is materiality attached to these feelings of mine. Not caring about my feelings equates to not caring whether my endeavors pay off either. Statistically, college indeed does not pay off for blacks. Especially black females. There's a glut of black female college graduates and only so many quota positions to fill.
Maybe you should learn how to do nails?

Or, get a degree in something other than ‘lesbian amputee basket weaving.’
While reading your comment I laughed so hard I wheezed. There is materiality attached to these feelings of mine. Not caring about my feelings equates to not caring whether my endeavors pay off either. Statistically, college indeed does not pay off for blacks. Especially black females. There's a glut of black female college graduates and only so many quota positions to fill.
Irony of ironies Bismarck did seem to seriously account for my feelings. He's a Nazi and my great-great granduncle was Germany's preeminent national security expert. He wasn't a Bismarck. His surname was different. But I did my hereditary duty and advised Elon Musk to vacate the state of California because it will soon be submerged under the ocean. A few months after I issued this warning, California underwent back-to-back oceanic natural disasters. I did this only because Bismarck considered my feelings and certain duties are attached to them.

I don't care whether my decisions were logically consistent with my political views. Musk relocated his enterprise to Texas whose scientists are inevitably less competent and qualified to address a surprise national security threat. Against the Roman Empire say. So the outcome was logically consistent with my politics even if the means of achieving it was based on instinct like a wild animal.
Irony of ironies Bismarck did seem to seriously account for my feelings. He's a Nazi and my great-great granduncle was Germany's preeminent national security expert. He wasn't a Bismarck. His surname was different. But I did my hereditary duty and advised Elon Musk to vacate the state of California because it will soon be submerged under the ocean. A few months after I issued this warning, California underwent back-to-back oceanic natural disasters. I did this only because Bismarck considered my feelings and certain duties are attached to them.

I don't care whether my decisions were logically consistent with my political views. Musk relocated his enterprise to Texas whose scientists are inevitably less competent and qualified to address a surprise national security threat. Against the Roman Empire say. So the outcome was logically consistent with my politics even if the means of achieving it was based on instinct like a wild animal.
When you reply to your own posts, that’s a real sign of mental illness.
Irony of ironies Bismarck did seem to seriously account for my feelings. He's a Nazi and my great-great granduncle was Germany's preeminent national security expert. He wasn't a Bismarck. His surname was different. But I did my hereditary duty and advised Elon Musk to vacate the state of California because it will soon be submerged under the ocean. A few months after I issued this warning, California underwent back-to-back oceanic natural disasters. I did this only because Bismarck considered my feelings and certain duties are attached to them.

I don't care whether my decisions were logically consistent with my political views. Musk relocated his enterprise to Texas whose scientists are inevitably less competent and qualified to address a surprise national security threat. Against the Roman Empire say. So the outcome was logically consistent with my politics even if the means of achieving it was based on instinct like a wild animal.
Bismarck is also a wild animal. More so. He's one head of the beast from the sea discussed in Revelations, the last chapter of the Bible. His management style is effective.
Dr. King's eroticism edict is another example of an emotionally barbaric US race policy with material implications. If you want your so-called rights, they'll dictate your emotions TO you. But these regulations sometimes violate our basic biology. In a serious way. Ergo the rapes and murders, animal-human hybridization, etc. That's some dastardly fine print but it's way more impactful than the so-called rights which are more widely publicized.

In a way I'm glad that my great-great granduncle was a national security author and instructor in the world's most scientifically advanced nation at the time. America needs to be dealt with by military force.
Dr. King's eroticism edict is another example of an emotionally barbaric US race policy with material implications. If you want your so-called rights, they'll dictate your emotions TO you. But these regulations sometimes violate our basic biology. In a serious way. Ergo the rapes and murders, animal-human hybridization, etc. That's some dastardly fine print but it's way more impactful than the so-called rights which are more widely publicized.

In a way I'm glad that my great-great granduncle was a national security author and instructor in the world's most scientifically advanced nation at the time. America needs to be dealt with by military force.

OK you fucking mental case. Bye.
Dr. King's eroticism edict is another example of an emotionally barbaric US race policy with material implications. If you want your so-called rights, they'll dictate your emotions TO you. But these regulations sometimes violate our basic biology. In a serious way. Ergo the rapes and murders, animal-human hybridization, etc. That's some dastardly fine print but it's way more impactful than the so-called rights which are more widely publicized.

In a way I'm glad that my great-great granduncle was a national security author and instructor in the world's most scientifically advanced nation at the time. America needs to be dealt with by military force.
Supposedly if you invade the Roman Empire it's supposed to virtually imprison all the abominable monsters they engendered everywhere in the world. However it seems to me America might rescue them in the event of an invasion. I don't have a detailed explanation so I really don't know.
Supposedly if you invade the Roman Empire it's supposed to virtually imprison all the abominable monsters they engendered everywhere in the world. However it seems to me America might rescue them in the event of an invasion. I don't lhave a detailed explanation so I really don't know.
The Fair Housing Act's impact on the races' respective real estate values isn't explicitly mentioned in these civil rights policies or related material. Of course not. You have to cross-reference with established supply and demand principles in a capitalist economy. That's how you know that while blacks could now physically move into historically white neighborhoods, they lost money on the properties they already owned. If any. Most people don't cross-reference. They assume that all there is to know about civil rights policies is contained within said policies. That's why it's such an effective scam.
The Fair Housing Act's impact on the races' respective real estate values isn't explicitly mentioned in these civil rights policies or related material. Of course not. You have to cross-reference with established supply and demand principles in a capitalist economy. That's how you know that while blacks could now physically move into historically white neighborhoods, they lost money on the properties they already owned. If any. Most people don't cross-reference. They assume that all there is to know about civil rights policies is contained within said policies. That's why it's such an effective scam.
America is largely an annex of the Roman Empire, so of course they have a bustling constituency here. I hate the body scrubs and body masks that keep them looking firm even if they're overweight. I hate the mousse they use to achieve bouncy waves and curls. I hate their serums which create sleek straight hair. I hate their swanky urban condominiums and I hate their rolling rural landscapes. I hate their stately historic estates and I hate their suburban sprawl. I hate their stock options. I hate their sock hops and their swamp meets. I hate all of it.
America is largely an annex of the Roman Empire, so of course they have a bustling constituency here. I hate the body scrubs and body masks that keep them looking firm even if they're overweight. I hate the mousse they use to achieve bouncy waves and curls. I hate their serums which create sleek straight hair. I hate their swanky urban condominiums and I hate their rolling rural landscapes. I hate their stately historic estates and I hate their suburban sprawl. I hate their stock options. I hate their sock hops and their swamp meets. I hate all of it.
As a social worker, my mom told me that white people who are down and out are adamant about remaining that way, and take offense to the slightest suggestion they could improve their status. That has been my personal experience too. Most blacks especially females are penniless but would LIKE to be rich. Whites? No.

I think it's because in America, the main purpose of economic oppression is racial. This racial oppression supercedes other class indicators. Statistically, low-income white married couples are still net worth richer than high-income black married couples. Occasionally, individual whites become the casualties of this neo-feudal class system. But it still serves almost ANY white person's interests better than any alternative. Hence dirt poor whites enjoy holding down the fort to ensure that overall, whites remain the Kings and Queens of America.

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