Is Elon musk setting himself up for a presidential run?

Musk doesn't even claim to be born in Hawaii!
Neither are "Natural Born Citizens"

From Snopes
Although his mother was herself a natural-born U.S. citizen, his father was a Kenyan national, and his parents may or may not have been legally married in the eyes of U.S. law. Moreover, his parents split up when he was but a toddler, and his mother soon afterwards married another foreign national and moved with Barack to Indonesia.
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It's why he has linked himself to Trump and getting Trump elected....he'll get his power through owning Trump, since he is not himself a natural born citizen.
Because none of the Democrats have been proxy tools for wealthy elite radicals.
Yeah It was actually necessary at that time. However I will quibble but those immigrants either sank or swam. They didn't get past Ellis Island unless they were going straight to work.

And people in those days didn't complain? Oh, hell they did. The Italians got it, the Irish got it, they were hated. But then when others came along their whiteness allowed them to assimilate....

I'm sure a lot of immigrants in the US, especially the illegal ones, are sinking or swimming too.

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