Republicans are redefining the word ‘equal’ in an Iowa anti-trans bill

The bill states that when it comes to transgender people, “The term ‘equal’ does not mean ‘same’ or ‘identical’,” which raises the question: what does “equal” even mean? The bill does not define the word, only declares that “equal” no longer means “same” or “identical” within the state of Iowa for transgender people. When the sponsor was asked directly what the word “equal” means in this bill, the representative Heather Hora answered: “Equal would mean … um … I would assume that equal would mean … I don’t know exactly in this context.”
It gets worse.
The bill’s sponsor is not content with redefining the word equal, however; the bill goes on to proclaim that “separate” is “not inherently unequal”. One opponent to the bill pointed to the cruel history of the doctrine of “separate but equal” and the attempt to revive that history with a new, Republican-condoned target.

This nonsense has to stop. Republicans are the new Nazi party and the US is looking at a bleak future.
It’s the new republic Animal Farm.
How about the ability of parents to protect their children from these freaks? How about protecting them from the next class of scum who WILL have their sick practice legalized? And those are kiddie diddlers.
Americans dont care about kids. They get shot up in schools every day.

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