Republicans Blocking Immigration Reform


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
You see, they have serious doubts about Dear Leader's latest request for 3.7Billion to “fix the current crisis.” [If you read my personal opinion, you'll know just how phony it think this crisis is.]

So, Obamabots are screaming that the GOP doesn't want to “do something” about the current situation by blocking the request. :mad:

Oh yeah? Well, read this piece and see for yourself what a load of crap it contains. Just another open check for Dear Leader and Lord Holder to do whatever they want with it. :eusa_whistle:

Read it @ Analysis of the Supplemental Budget Request | Center for Immigration Studies
Notice under Obama and his comrades in arms

Everything was all of a sudden needing to be, reformed?

just like health care and LOOK what we got with that from them?

this bunch are some evil people in my book but they promised, Transformation they just didn't tell you it included INVASION..

now be good little subjects and just accept it
We don't need immigration reform, we need to enforce laws currently on the books and secure the border. We don';t need to be the dumping ground for the worlds poor and needy. We have our own problems, we don't need to import them.
republibots...wake up. Republicans want them here for the cheap labor. There is no allegiance to this country from any of them.
Notice under Obama and his comrades in arms

Everything was all of a sudden needing to be, reformed?

just like health care and LOOK what we got with that from them?

this bunch are some evil people in my book but they promised, Transformation they just didn't tell you it included INVASION..

now be good little subjects and just accept it

You think that Obama is the only politician that did this reform shit?
Education reform=turn public schools into private schools so the rich can make more money on education.
Drug Policy Reform=more money to pharmaceutical companies.
Voting reform=make it harder for poor and minorities to vote.
Retirement Reform=Everyone lose their money to the stock market. name a few. And now, immigration reform=flood our country with people that will work for practically nothing on any day for as long as you can so profits increase.
REFORM=change law to benefit corporate America.
Politicians remind me of the two children in a classroom. One hit the other and immediately the one that did the hitting turns to the teacher and says "he hit me".
Politicians are all bought and paid for by corporate America...they all want the same thing but have to disguise it to the American people in order to keep getting votes from all of the sheep who are to lazy or stupid to take the time to use a little of their brain to figure it all out and from what I've seen in the last 40 yrs, not to many have tried. It's not hard TO figure it all out.
This country’s most agonizing conflicts revolve around race, and whatever they may claim to believe about integration, most Americans prefer not to cross racial lines (see “Integration Has Failed,” AR, February and March 2008). It is not hard to understand why. All that is required is a look at what happens when people, for whatever reason, find themselves in close contact with people unlike themselves.

Nevertheless, practically every American public figure from the president on down praises diversity. As George W. Bush noted when the US Supreme Court upheld the limited use of race in college admissions, “Diversity is one of America’s greatest strengths.” In a 2007 statement about Hispanic heritage he called on Americans to “celebrate the diversity that makes America stronger.” In a joint American-Brazilian statement in 2003, Mr. Bush said both countries were “forged from diverse cultures, proving that diversity is our strength.”
This country’s most agonizing conflicts revolve around race, and whatever they may claim to believe about integration, most Americans prefer not to cross racial lines (see “Integration Has Failed,” AR, February and March 2008). It is not hard to understand why. All that is required is a look at what happens when people, for whatever reason, find themselves in close contact with people unlike themselves.

Nevertheless, practically every American public figure from the president on down praises diversity. As George W. Bush noted when the US Supreme Court upheld the limited use of race in college admissions, “Diversity is one of America’s greatest strengths.” In a 2007 statement about Hispanic heritage he called on Americans to “celebrate the diversity that makes America stronger.” In a joint American-Brazilian statement in 2003, Mr. Bush said both countries were “forged from diverse cultures, proving that diversity is our strength.”

Diversity is a strength ... Illegal immigration is a crime.
I can understand were you can put more stock in what President Bush said than any of the bullshit coming out of the current administration though.

Is that what I was doing? I thought I was pointing out to robots like you that Bush wants as many mex as can get here and that republicans are on the same page as the dems in that arena. Sorry.
Politicians are all bought and paid for by corporate America...they all want the same thing but have to disguise it to the American people in order to keep getting votes from all of the sheep who are to lazy or stupid to take the time to use a little of their brain to figure it all out and from what I've seen in the last 40 yrs, not to many have tried. It's not hard TO figure it all out.

The Conspiracy Forum is thataway. Have a nice trip.
All that is required is a look at what happens when people, for whatever reason, find themselves in close contact with people unlike themselves.

= The Coward's Credo.


Whatever the hell you are, you're not an American.
This country’s most agonizing conflicts revolve around race, and whatever they may claim to believe about integration, most Americans prefer not to cross racial lines (see “Integration Has Failed,” AR, February and March 2008). It is not hard to understand why. All that is required is a look at what happens when people, for whatever reason, find themselves in close contact with people unlike themselves.

Nevertheless, practically every American public figure from the president on down praises diversity. As George W. Bush noted when the US Supreme Court upheld the limited use of race in college admissions, “Diversity is one of America’s greatest strengths.” In a 2007 statement about Hispanic heritage he called on Americans to “celebrate the diversity that makes America stronger.” In a joint American-Brazilian statement in 2003, Mr. Bush said both countries were “forged from diverse cultures, proving that diversity is our strength.”

Diversity is a strength ... Illegal immigration is a crime.
I can understand were you can put more stock in what President Bush said than any of the bullshit coming out of the current administration though.


The propaganda really took hold in you. Is diversity a strength in Syria, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Rwanda, Sudan, Belgium, Greater India, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, Israel, the Soviet Union, etc.?

How does one create weakness in an enemy? By "Dividing and Conquering."

You think that creating division in society leads to strength but history shows that it weakens societies to the point that they can be conquered.
All that is required is a look at what happens when people, for whatever reason, find themselves in close contact with people unlike themselves.

= The Coward's Credo.


Whatever the hell you are, you're not an American.

Really...why do you say that?

America has always been comprised of "people unlike themselves." America is a nation founded upon and sustained by principle, not blood or birth or pandering to base cowards like you. If you not only cannot understand America, but are opposed to its fundamental nature due to your own fear and ignorance, then you cannot be considered truly an American in the most important sense.
= The Coward's Credo.


Whatever the hell you are, you're not an American.

Really...why do you say that?

America has always been comprised of "people unlike themselves." America is a nation founded upon and sustained by principle, not blood or birth or pandering to base cowards like you. If you not only cannot understand America, but are opposed to its fundamental nature due to your own fear and ignorance, then you cannot be considered truly an American in the most important sense.

LMAO. Well thnx for the history lesson.
lol...I think you got some blood in your eyes and ears from that destructive bleeding heart of yours there uncle terrie.
I understand what you do not and calling me names only makes you look desperate.
This country has sent its manufacturing base overseas and south. There wasn't enough jobs to go around for US citizens 30 years ago. So...lets let in 20 or maybe 30 million more people that will do nothing but drive down wages, lessen working conditions, drive down benefits, break unions, increase working hours and turn the country into third world conditions in large area's and what thanks do we get? They won't even speak the language that other legal immigrants used to WANT to speak and that is a slap to the face of everyone. It doesn't matter if you care about the language or not, the same disrespect is there even though YOU don't care. Im not to concerned about the 3rd world change though it is happening, Im more concerned about jobs. Not to mention how much money they cost the country.
I care about what is good for our country as a whole. fear...coward? You make me laugh uncle terrie
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Really...why do you say that?

America has always been comprised of "people unlike themselves." America is a nation founded upon and sustained by principle, not blood or birth or pandering to base cowards like you. If you not only cannot understand America, but are opposed to its fundamental nature due to your own fear and ignorance, then you cannot be considered truly an American in the most important sense.

LMAO. Well thnx for the history lesson.

You need more than one lesson, coward, but I don't take on hopeless cases.
Today's immigrants are assimilating - including the adoption of English - just as those who came before them did.

Pissy little cowards obsess over their own fears instead of seeing reality for what it is.

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