Republicans Create Rider To Stop Net Neutrality

What do people do in markets where there are minimal or no choice in provider? Your reasoning would make sense if there were more then just a few major ISP's dominating the market.

they can do what comcast did for instance on my block 4 years ago, lay their own lines. I don't use them, I use Direct forces. I didn't like the comcast packages vs. what I was getting from Dir TV........and there ya go.

Comcast is not allowed in my area, we have Optimum only. Two miles away in the next county they have Comcast but Optimum is not allowed there. Satellite, which I tried, drops out every time it rains so it is useless and their internet access is through DSL which is not available in my area because it is too far from the Central Office. Wireless internet is more expensive than cable and slower than DSL. So basically if you don't want Optimum you are left with broadcast TV and dial-up internet.

then your local board must have ruled against them ala zoning , permits or something along those lines.

How does their refusal compare to the co.'s supposed refusal to expand bandwidth to others? sounds iffy to me, why would they not let them lay the line?Sounds like Optimum paid someone off., or negotiated an exclusive territory. There must be a time line on that to expire some time in the future.

Your satellite cut out in the rain? sounds like a wiring issue. I have never had issue one with my reception, unless the sat goes down entirely.
What do people do in markets where there are minimal or no choice in provider? Your reasoning would make sense if there were more then just a few major ISP's dominating the market.

they can do what comcast did for instance on my block 4 years ago, lay their own lines. I don't use them, I use Direct forces. I didn't like the comcast packages vs. what I was getting from Dir TV........and there ya go.
Comcast is not allowed in my area, we have Optimum only. Two miles away in the next county they have Comcast but Optimum is not allowed there. Satellite, which I tried, drops out every time it rains so it is useless and their internet access is through DSL which is not available in my area because it is too far from the Central Office. Wireless internet is more expensive than cable and slower than DSL. So basically if you don't want Optimum you are left with broadcast TV and dial-up internet.
and WHY isnt Comcast allowed in your area?
i can answer that for you, the government wont allow it,
they can do what comcast did for instance on my block 4 years ago, lay their own lines. I don't use them, I use Direct forces. I didn't like the comcast packages vs. what I was getting from Dir TV........and there ya go.
Comcast is not allowed in my area, we have Optimum only. Two miles away in the next county they have Comcast but Optimum is not allowed there. Satellite, which I tried, drops out every time it rains so it is useless and their internet access is through DSL which is not available in my area because it is too far from the Central Office. Wireless internet is more expensive than cable and slower than DSL. So basically if you don't want Optimum you are left with broadcast TV and dial-up internet.
and WHY isnt Comcast allowed in your area?
i can answer that for you, the government wont allow it,

exactly, back to square one eh?
Now that we have the federal government involved - until the courts or Republicans toss its ass out - what are the odds it will be better than before?
Comcast is not allowed in my area, we have Optimum only. Two miles away in the next county they have Comcast but Optimum is not allowed there. Satellite, which I tried, drops out every time it rains so it is useless and their internet access is through DSL which is not available in my area because it is too far from the Central Office. Wireless internet is more expensive than cable and slower than DSL. So basically if you don't want Optimum you are left with broadcast TV and dial-up internet.
and WHY isnt Comcast allowed in your area?
i can answer that for you, the government wont allow it,

exactly, back to square one eh?
yup, i say let the market dictate who provides access
yup...and what many don't realize is this issue above already has the gov. in the bus of picking winners and losers....optimum services his area because the local gov. has in all likelihood taken bids and granted them an exclusive.Optimum would not build if they knew that a year after they are done, say comcast comes in and submarines them.

I understand it because of the enormous cost in building infrastructure, but none the less gov. already has a say. Now if they tell Optimum they have to carry bandwidth for someone else and Optimum wants to carry their own, and say no, what then? Net neutrality will make it so.
they can do what comcast did for instance on my block 4 years ago, lay their own lines. I don't use them, I use Direct forces. I didn't like the comcast packages vs. what I was getting from Dir TV........and there ya go.
Comcast is not allowed in my area, we have Optimum only. Two miles away in the next county they have Comcast but Optimum is not allowed there. Satellite, which I tried, drops out every time it rains so it is useless and their internet access is through DSL which is not available in my area because it is too far from the Central Office. Wireless internet is more expensive than cable and slower than DSL. So basically if you don't want Optimum you are left with broadcast TV and dial-up internet.
and WHY isnt Comcast allowed in your area?
i can answer that for you, the government wont allow it,

Comcast is not allowed in my area, we have Optimum only. Two miles away in the next county they have Comcast but Optimum is not allowed there. Satellite, which I tried, drops out every time it rains so it is useless and their internet access is through DSL which is not available in my area because it is too far from the Central Office. Wireless internet is more expensive than cable and slower than DSL. So basically if you don't want Optimum you are left with broadcast TV and dial-up internet.
and WHY isnt Comcast allowed in your area?
i can answer that for you, the government wont allow it,


not necessarily.
Comcast is not allowed in my area, we have Optimum only. Two miles away in the next county they have Comcast but Optimum is not allowed there. Satellite, which I tried, drops out every time it rains so it is useless and their internet access is through DSL which is not available in my area because it is too far from the Central Office. Wireless internet is more expensive than cable and slower than DSL. So basically if you don't want Optimum you are left with broadcast TV and dial-up internet.
and WHY isnt Comcast allowed in your area?
i can answer that for you, the government wont allow it,

yup, a government guaranteed monopoly
yup...and what many don't realize is this issue above already has the gov. in the bus of picking winners and losers....optimum services his area because the local gov. has in all likelihood taken bids and granted them an exclusive.Optimum would not build if they knew that a year after they are done, say comcast comes in and submarines them.

I understand it because of the enormous cost in building infrastructure, but none the less gov. already has a say. Now if they tell Optimum they have to carry bandwidth for someone else and Optimum wants to carry their own, and say no, what then? Net neutrality will make it so.
thing is, most of these companies have more than paid for that infrastructure and need to face competition
the only thing i think should be required is if they want to service a community, they be required to cover ALL the community, not just the most profitable areas
Now that we have the federal government involved - until the courts or Republicans toss its ass out - what are the odds it will be better than before?

Havent you noticed the government doesn't answer to the courts anymore .

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that the FCC lacks authority to require broadband providers to give equal treatment to all Internet traffic flowing over their networks. That was a big victory for Comcast Corp., the nation’s largest cable company, which had challenged the FCC’s authority to impose such “network neutrality” obligations on broadband providers.

The unanimous ruling by the three-judge panel marks a serious setback for the FCC, which is trying to adopt official net neutrality regulations. FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, a Democrat, argues such rules are needed to prevent phone and cable companies from using their control over Internet access to favor some kinds of online content and services over others.

They did it anyway.
yup...and what many don't realize is this issue above already has the gov. in the bus of picking winners and losers....optimum services his area because the local gov. has in all likelihood taken bids and granted them an exclusive.Optimum would not build if they knew that a year after they are done, say comcast comes in and submarines them.

I understand it because of the enormous cost in building infrastructure, but none the less gov. already has a say. Now if they tell Optimum they have to carry bandwidth for someone else and Optimum wants to carry their own, and say no, what then? Net neutrality will make it so.
thing is, most of these companies have more than paid for that infrastructure and need to face competition
the only thing i think should be required is if they want to service a community, they be required to cover ALL the community, not just the most profitable areas



Do you work for free?

yup...and what many don't realize is this issue above already has the gov. in the bus of picking winners and losers....optimum services his area because the local gov. has in all likelihood taken bids and granted them an exclusive.Optimum would not build if they knew that a year after they are done, say comcast comes in and submarines them.

I understand it because of the enormous cost in building infrastructure, but none the less gov. already has a say. Now if they tell Optimum they have to carry bandwidth for someone else and Optimum wants to carry their own, and say no, what then? Net neutrality will make it so.
thing is, most of these companies have more than paid for that infrastructure and need to face competition
the only thing i think should be required is if they want to service a community, they be required to cover ALL the community, not just the most profitable areas



Do you work for free?

no one says they have to work for free
but if they want to service a community, they should service the WHOLE community
thing is, most of these companies have more than paid for that infrastructure and need to face competition
the only thing i think should be required is if they want to service a community, they be required to cover ALL the community, not just the most profitable areas



Do you work for free?

no one says they have to work for free
but if they want to service a community, they should service the WHOLE community


Yeah, they tested the drop in your current to see if you had more than one phone, then charged you for it, because government told them to!

A serious problem for phones is availability of numbers. I just started up a new phone service and found out all the numbers have had previous users. They just recycle the freed up numbers again and again. Problem is, I get about 5 calls a day from creditors from the previous users who must have been fraudsters. And I put the do not call list on the phone as well, no help.

What I would like is a program where I could enter the only numbers that are allowed to contact me. All other numbers would be rejected until I personally add them to my phone. And the same idea of my email, only the addresses I enter, and the rest are rejected.

I am willing to bet that your phone already does that.
Seriously? Your're not old enough to remember long distance charges?
I'm old enough to remember long distance charges, but you had to make a long distance call to incur the charge back then. Now, if you don't make many long distance calls you are charged an UNDER USE FEE. That's Right, someone has to pay a long distance charge for NOT making long distance calls!!!!


If you actually have a phone plan like that all it proves is that you are beyond stupid because there is more than enough competition out there to find a plan that doesn't have this. I can even get you a plan that doesn't have call waiting, caller ID, or anything but the basic line, with no long distance at all. You would still have to pay the taxes and access fees for long distance service, but that is one of the joys of our tax system, and not the carriers idea.
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no one says they have to work for free
but if they want to service a community, they should service the WHOLE community


they want to provide service to the community, they should provide it to them ALL
not just pick the most profitable areas

Are you saying that because our country is bankrupt so should the GSP/ISP's? You know they are not allow to print money , Uncle Sam can!!!!!!!!

Okay, my turn; what is wrong with your internet service that needs fixing?

I don't use AOL, but here would be an example.

Your AOL Network information is used to operate and improve the Web sites, services and offerings available through the AOL Network; to personalize the content and advertisements provided to you; to fulfill your requests for products, programs, and services; to communicate with you and respond to your inquiries; to conduct research about your use of the AOL Network; and to help offer you other products, programs, or services that may be of interest.

Block the tracking cookies.
that is actually a good idea
a blocked list of sorts
suggest it to your carrier

They are not interested, and I have to several people, because it is better than the program that filters spam they use now & would result in far less used bandwidth for junk email.
as for the "junk email" until POP4 comes out, you are stuck with it
thats if POP4 ever comes out :(

I forward all my spam to the government.

If you get spam email that you think is deceptive, forward it to [email protected]. The FTC uses the spam stored in this database to pursue law enforcement actions against people who send deceptive email.

FTC - SPAM - Home Page

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