Republicans & Democrats agree give vast snooping powers to US Government


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Even in our polarized and right vs. left political paradigm, there is one thing both republicans and democrats can agree on:
Republicans & Democrats Agree: Give Vast Snooping Powers To The US Government

People are waking up faster than the elite . can keep up with ------------------- Their shut is blowing up.

You've got to be one mental pos and to be that hard up to want into everyone's business really makes scum like you worth watching you eat yourselves alive your that stupid.
Until we can verify who and where everyone is in the country, and verify their loyalty, this type of surveillance will continue to be necessary.
You always know what the REALLY important priorities in Washington are...both parties agree fully, quietly, and it goes almost unreported.
This sounds like an alibi for the coup against Trump. The deep state must be getting nervous.

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