Republicans fall quiet in face of Obama deficit success

It's time to spend more on infrastructure, to increase growth ... something cons can't grasp.

your tell that to your fellow Democrats out here.....California's highways are (contuing to) falling apart....

when i lived in Commiefornia during the 1960's-70's it was a pretty good state politically.., especially when Ronnie Reagan was the "Guvnor", but after he left, the state soon became a bastion of liberal politics, thus causing the state to deteriorate, everything .gov owned, roads, schools plus other infrastructure.

i could never live there again as i am a patriot who is a hardcore SECOND AMENDMENT supporter !!
M14 Shooter said:
The United States federal budget for fiscal year 2009 began as a spending request submitted by President George W. Bush to the 110th Congress. The final resolution was approved by the House on June 5, 2008.[2] The final spending bills for the budget were not signed into law until March 11, 2009 by President Barack Obama, nearly five and a half months after the fiscal year began.
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FY2009 deficit? Obama.

The 2009 Budget was initiated and submitted by GW and friends. Obama added his 2 cents worth and now you want to make him completely responsible for the whole thing. That won't fly here buster!

Echoing MERTEX, I will give you my more vernacular rendition of the REAL COST OF BUSH 43 ERA POLITICS AND HOW OBAMA GOT THE BILL!

Right slingers forget to mention the Bush-era tax cuts for millionaires and tax breaks for corporations. Without a doubt, regressive taxation practices of the Bush administration has helped to grossly expand the deficit. Also, in your selective amnesia prone minds, you thoroughly ignore the blatant fact that, not one, but TWO major military campaigns were initiated during the BUSH 43 era. Republicans are amazingly silent when the talk turns to how those wars were paid for. They don't show up on Bush's OR OBAMA's budgets now do they? If I am wrong correct me by linking to a credible source to the contrary! No, instead the "fallout" from those two wars show up as "spending" on Obama's record in the form of disabled veteran's benefits, rebuilding projects in IRAQ and other long term war related outlays, to include those in Afghanistan!

Presently, I have not had the time to verify it but one of the various talking heads I listen to from time to time said that Bush's wars were funded by appropriations. Well, guess what! The tax payers still foot the bill and those "appropriations" have to be accounted for somewhere. Obama undeservedly gets the credit for the cancers started by Bush even though direct financing of the two wars never showed up on a budget!
Well actually it is.

Doesn't seem to be yours.

"Had" is past tense.
Wow, are you dishonest. Like there was any doubt.
You wrote that Saddam "had mostly" gotten rid of it. Mostly means not entirely. Which means he still had WMDs, according to you.

Not dishonest at all. I realize that I am dealing with a binary reptile mind here so I was pretty careful with my language.

Saddam was ordered to destroy his chemical and biological weapons cache.

For the most part, he did, but it also seems he missed a few sites. However, when those sites were found, the ordnance was no longer useful. Seems there is a shelf life to these sorts of weapons.

In any case..there was no reason to attack Iraq..even if they had "wmds".


i was against that from day one....Saddam was not a problem at that time.....what he was doing to his people should have been a UN problem,you know the mighty Security Council that does absolutely nothing....
M14 Shooter said:
The United States federal budget for fiscal year 2009 began as a spending request submitted by President George W. Bush to the 110th Congress. The final resolution was approved by the House on June 5, 2008.[2] The final spending bills for the budget were not signed into law until March 11, 2009 by President Barack Obama, nearly five and a half months after the fiscal year began.
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FY2009 deficit? Obama.

The 2009 Budget was initiated and submitted by GW and friends. Obama added his 2 cents worth and now you want to make him completely responsible for the whole thing. That won't fly here buster!

Echoing MERTEX, I will give you my more vernacular rendition of the REAL COST OF BUSH 43 ERA POLITICS AND HOW OBAMA GOT THE BILL!

Right slingers forget to mention the Bush-era tax cuts for millionaires and tax breaks for corporations. Without a doubt, regressive taxation practices of the Bush administration has helped to grossly expand the deficit. Also, in your selective amnesia prone minds, you thoroughly ignore the blatant fact that, not one, but TWO major military campaigns were initiated during the BUSH 43 era. Republicans are amazingly silent when the talk turns to how those wars were paid for. They don't show up on Bush's OR OBAMA's budgets now do they? If I am wrong correct me by linking to a credible source to the contrary! No, instead the "fallout" from those two wars show up as "spending" on Obama's record in the form of disabled veteran's benefits, rebuilding projects in IRAQ and other long term war related outlays, to include those in Afghanistan!

Presently, I have not had the time to verify it but one of the various talking heads I listen to from time to time said that Bush's wars were funded by appropriations. Well, guess what! The tax payers still foot the bill and those "appropriations" have to be accounted for somewhere. Obama undeservedly gets the credit for the cancers started by Bush even though direct financing of the two wars never showed up on a budget!

Guess what, even if you attribute all of the FY '09 spending to Bush, Obama would still outspend him by the end of his presidency!! It doesn't matter who spends what, Obama will still be the biggest spender in history.
Republicans fall quiet…

That’s hard to believe.

They’re usually whining about one thing or another, whether they know what they’re talking about or not.

Usually not.

I hope Obama ends the afghan war and puts that money into
and Technology.

We're falling behind the rest of the first world at a sicking rate.
Bottom line: The debt was less than $11 trillion when Bush left office, and it's over $16 trillion now. Libs will latch onto any blogger that says Obama isn't responsible for his own actions, but we ALL know this is his debt.
Bottom line: The debt was less than $11 trillion when Bush left office, and it's over $16 trillion now. Libs will latch onto any blogger that says Obama isn't responsible for his own actions, but we ALL know this is his debt.

Really Stupid Jackass?

The debt has been reduced under Obama. Not only that, but the stock market (and the housing market) have gone up, and unemployment has gone down around 2 points.

But.........................keep trying....................we know you're not getting any good facts.
Bottom line: The debt was less than $11 trillion when Bush left office, and it's over $16 trillion now. Libs will latch onto any blogger that says Obama isn't responsible for his own actions, but we ALL know this is his debt.

It's not.

You've been asked several times for an audit of how you come up with this.
The USA's days of success becoming quickly numbered. As the demographics turn increasingly third world, so too will the country. Obama is the embodiment of this transition, and another Reagan or Thatcher like leader would only serve to postpone the inevitable. Alas, decline is inevitable.

Hey......................Stupid Jackass...........................I noticed you didn't give a link to your graph.

Did you pull that out of your ass, or out of the ass of your fellow idiots who think Obama is the anti-Christ?

Not only that..there is no explanation whatsoever what the spending is on.

That's what I mean by an audit. link because you're scared of being proven wrong.

Got're a liar and a coward.
Hey......................Stupid Jackass...........................I noticed you didn't give a link to your graph.

Did you pull that out of your ass, or out of the ass of your fellow idiots who think Obama is the anti-Christ?

Not only that..there is no explanation whatsoever what the spending is on.

That's what I mean by an audit. link because you're scared of being proven wrong.

Got're a liar and a coward.
Look at the bottom of the chart. Office of Management and Budget and Congressional Budget Office. Damn, you're an idiot.
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Wonder what the debt would look like if Bush had not had two useless wars and reduced the tax rate on the wealthy to pay for the wars? We will be paying for those two Bush wars for the next seventy or so years, but Reagan also deserves some of the blame for getting us started down this primrose path by tripling the national debt.
One of these days the excuse that the debt was caused by lazy Americans that refuse to work will lose its traction.
The debt is not the same thing as a deficit. Understand that first and then we have something to discuss. So far, no. The debt is rising every minute of every day. The deficit has narrowed because of a slight rise in revenue caused by the pumping of billions of dollars of funny money into the economy.
Wonder what the debt would look like if Bush had not had two useless wars and reduced the tax rate on the wealthy to pay for the wars? We will be paying for those two Bush wars for the next seventy or so years, but Reagan also deserves some of the blame for getting us started down this primrose path by tripling the national debt.
One of these days the excuse that the debt was caused by lazy Americans that refuse to work will lose its traction.
Blame everybody but the worst offender because the worst offender is YOUR guy.

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