Republicans fall quiet in face of Obama deficit success

With our allies, we must pursue a strategy to contain him and to constrain his weapons of mass destruction program, while working toward the day Iraq has a government willing to live at peace with its people and with its neighbors."

President Clinton DONE

NOT be a dumbazz chickenhawk liar like Reagan and W...

BTW, the debt as % of GDP will come down as is...SO STFU and pass a real Jobs bill...You're welcome for Dems averting the SECOND Pub Great World Depression.
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Of course Saddam had WMDs, Reagan helped him with Chemical and biological ones, didn't make a peep when he used them. The problem is all the talk of mushroom clouds when he had NO CHANCE of making a bomb. Total bs in a tidal wave of war mongering we'll be paying for for years- millions of jihadists....
I am in total agreement. In fact, the only WMDs that threatened world peace and tranquility at the time were Bush's Words of Mass Deception. Even the Europeans, using their own intelligence sources, knew that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. Subsequently some, if not all, refused to be sucked into George Bush's diabolical games.

Are you planning on explaining your use of a chart that doesn't show what you think it shows?
Well no.

Didn't "admit" any such thing.

In any case..though..the US had a very extensive itinerary in terms of what they "thought" Iraq still had in it's arms cache.

Why do you suppose that?


Well no. You did say that Saddam had WMD. That's the part I bolded. Is English not your native language that you cannot understand yourself?

Well actually it is.

Doesn't seem to be yours.

"Had" is past tense.
Wow, are you dishonest. Like there was any doubt.
You wrote that Saddam "had mostly" gotten rid of it. Mostly means not entirely. Which means he still had WMDs, according to you.
Get back to me when Barry leaves office.

Lets see what his figures look like then. Don't forget we have the ACA coming down the road in 2014. How much did the CBO say that little gem was gonna cost??

Here's a clue.

Part of the reason for the fall of the deficit.

Is the ACA!

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

That little Gem is gonna cost how many billiion??

You think its cost is gonna lower the cost anything??

Its got 21 tax hikes built into it.

It already has. Medicare costs over this decade are about a trillion dollars lower than they were on track to be in early 2009 when Obama took office. Medicare's price tag gets smaller every time the CBO updates its budget projections, including this week.
I don't believe Afghanistan was based on lies. It was based on the Taliban not giving up Al queada after 9-11.

Say what you will about Iraq.
Neither was based on lies. Bin Laden operated out of Afghanistan until we went in there, and Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons against the Kurds and the Iranians. Syria most likely has them now.

Which was actually ENCOURAGED by the United States.

And..the United States, provided Iraq with the Chemical Weapons that were used.

There was NO reason, none to attack Iraq.

shooting from the lip again?

we encouraged saddam to use chemical weapons? :eusa_eh:
#125- Didn't give a damn...great job, Ronnie Rayguns. We're STILL paying for the GOP chickenhawks...

With our allies, we must pursue a strategy to contain him and to constrain his weapons of mass destruction program, while working toward the day Iraq has a government willing to live at peace with its people and with its neighbors."

President Clinton- DONE

Ooops- filpped on the dupe debt switch...
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Didn't give a damn...great job, Ronnie Rayguns. We're STILL paying for the GOP chickenhawks...

With our allies, we must pursue a strategy to contain him and to constrain his weapons of mass destruction program, while working toward the day Iraq has a government willing to live at peace with its people and with its neighbors."

President Clinton


Frankie!....change the channel....DONE........and thanks for people like you fucking up my State.....
I am in total agreement. In fact, the only WMDs that threatened world peace and tranquility at the time were Bush's Words of Mass Deception. Even the Europeans, using their own intelligence sources, knew that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. Subsequently some, if not all, refused to be sucked into George Bush's diabolical games.

Too bad CLinton, Kerry, et al seemed to think it was enough of a threat as to make policy to get rid of him.

We began with this basic proposition: Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to develop nuclear arms, poison gas, biological weapons, or the means to deliver them. He has used such weapons before against soldiers and civilians, including his own people. We have no doubt that if left unchecked he would do so again... So long as Saddam remains in power he will remain a threat to his people, his region and the world. With our allies, we must pursue a strategy to contain him and to constrain his weapons of mass destruction program, while working toward the day Iraq has a government willing to live at peace with its people and with its neighbors."

President Clinton
The White House
December 19, 1998

Meeting the threat posed by Saddam Hussein and protecting U.S. interests in the Persian Gulf has been a high priority of President Clinton's Administration. The Administration has pursued a policy towards Iraq that rests on three pillars: containment of Saddam Hussein to prevent him from rebuilding his weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs or threatening his neighbors; humanitarian relief for the Iraqi people to minimize their suffering at the hands of Saddam Hussein; and supporting regime change to remove Saddam Hussein from power so that Iraq and its neighbors can live in peace. This policy has successfully prevented Saddam Hussein from again attacking his neighbors as he did during the Persian Gulf War and increased pressure on his regime through international isolation. The Clinton Administration remains committed to working with U.S. allies to maintain the United Nations Security Council sanctions on Iraq, while looking to a future with a new Iraqi leadership, where the United States and its allies can support the removal of sanctions and offer assistance to bring Iraq back into the family of nations.


And Clinton never invaded.

Despite the urging of the PNAC..who begged him too.

Then? Bush. And they were in his cabinet.

The Post returned to the story the next day (11/29/07), repeating that Clinton "went far beyond more nuanced remarks he made about the conflict in 2003." The Post did try to challenge Clinton's position by noting that he had participated in briefings with key Bush administration officials, and had allegedly expressed support for the invasion plan.

But Clinton's public support for the war is a matter of record. Just before George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair invaded Iraq, Clinton published an op-ed in the London Guardian (3/18/03) urging Britons to "Trust Tony's Judgment":

As Blair has said, in war there will be civilian was well as military casualties.... But if we leave Iraq with chemical and biological weapons, after 12 years of defiance, there is a considerable risk that one day these weapons will fall into the wrong hands and put many more lives at risk than will be lost in overthrowing Saddam.
Clinton's column included the less-than-prescient prediction that "military action probably will require only a few days."

Soon after the invasion (3/30/03), Clinton appeared on CBS's 60 Minutes with former Senator Robert Dole and endorsed the war, saying, "Senator, unlike some of your Republican friends during Kosovo, I support our troops in Iraq and the president." ...
In a 2004 interview with Time magazine (6/28/04), Clinton reiterated this before-the-fact support for the invasion: "You know, I have repeatedly defended President Bush against the left on Iraq, even though I think he should have waited until the U.N. inspections were over."

Clinton went on to claim that Iraq's chemical and biological weapons were of concern, especially after the September 11 attacks:

So, you're sitting there as president, you're reeling in the aftermath of this, so, yeah, you want to go get bin Laden and do Afghanistan and all that. But you also have to say, well, my first responsibility now is to try everything possible to make sure that this terrorist network and other terrorist networks cannot reach chemical and biological weapons or small amounts of fissile material. I've got to do that. That's why I supported the Iraq thing.
Clinton added: "So that's why I thought Bush did the right thing to go back. When you're the president, and your country has just been through what we had, you want everything to be accounted for."
I'd say Cal's problem is Pubs' absolute refusal of a good work ID SS card...LOL STILL going on...

I change the channel all the time, while most dupes are stuck on the Pub Propaganda Machine. Functional moron haters lol.
"Deficit success" is the very definition of "oxymoron". Moronic seems to be the operative word in the radical left's feeble attempt to camouflage Hussein's downfall.
I'd say Cal's problem is Pubs' absolute refusal of a good work ID SS card...LOL STILL going on...

I change the channel all the time, while most dupes are stuck on the Pub Propaganda Machine. Functional moron haters lol.

I change the channel all the time

sure you do Frankie....we can tell.....

Cal's problem is Pubs' absolute refusal of agood work ID SS card..

sure it is Frankie.....try getting something like that passed out here without being called a Racist by people with your like i said.....change the channel.....
#125- Didn't give a damn...great job, Ronnie Rayguns. We're STILL paying for the GOP chickenhawks...

With our allies, we must pursue a strategy to contain him and to constrain his weapons of mass destruction program, while working toward the day Iraq has a government willing to live at peace with its people and with its neighbors."

President Clinton- DONE

Ooops- filpped on the dupe debt switch...

1. I like rayguns and everything that science advances.
2. Didn't we not do that and he didn't behave?
3. I hope we have a government in Iraq that's at peace now???
Here's a clue.

Part of the reason for the fall of the deficit.

Is the ACA!

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

That little Gem is gonna cost how many billiion??

You think its cost is gonna lower the cost anything??

Its got 21 tax hikes built into it.

It already has. Medicare costs over this decade are about a trillion dollars lower than they were on track to be in early 2009 when Obama took office. Medicare's price tag gets smaller every time the CBO updates its budget projections, including this week.

That would be awesome news.:eusa_angel:
That's not even true.

Uhh.... Yeah it is moonbat, that's why the "first black president" (and I would argue the more real one) bombed Iraq not once, but twice. Although it was pretty convenient that he was facing scandal at the same time. You bed wetters insisted he was only acting in our national interest though.
Current national debt 16,823,301,525,180 and counting rapidly Democrats strangely quiet on that.

And Republicans wasting taxpayer money repealing Obamacare (how many times now, 37?) and chasing rabbits (Benghazi - there is scandal in there somewhere!)

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