Republicans fighting the minimum wage hard


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
I was just watching some Republicans arguing how minorities are hurt most by minimum wage increases. They arent pulling any punches.

Now the real question is will the truth get any traction?
I was just watching some Republicans arguing how minorities are hurt most by minimum wage increases. They arent pulling any punches.

Now the real question is will the truth get any traction?

When I was driving home a few hours ago, I heard a radio station 'news' state that:

'in 10 years, those making minimum wage have not had a raise...' Wanna bet?
I was just watching some Republicans arguing how minorities are hurt most by minimum wage increases. They arent pulling any punches.

Now the real question is will the truth get any traction?

How can minorities be hurt most by a minimum wage hike if many of them are making it?
I guess all these liberals have more money than sense because it is a known fact people will loose jobs if the minimum wage goes up and not to mention everything goes up across the board to compensate the wage increase. This would also include places like Burger King because entry level works either foreign or domestic are given a raise and now that Jr. burger that once went for a buck will now be a buck and 1/2 or 2 bucks. I can't understand the idea behind this because everyone is bitching about immigration reform and raising the minimum wage falls right into that very plan to make immigrant workers more favorable that our own citizens. You have small business that could face serious hard ship over this deal but like I said more money than sense. You have a truck driver who says makes 15 bucks a hour delivering petrol to the station daily, he in turn could loose his job to an immigrant driver at say 10 bucks a hour and he wouldn't even get medical benefits and the owner of the truck wouldn't have to pay as much into social security. And the places like Burger King now have to match the social security amounts which mean they will raise prices of everything to cover the losses of the goods they used to make greasy burgers. Simple economics but hey the democrats feel this is a win-win deal we'll all feel it soon enough.
they raised the min wage without catastrophic job losses before...
are all employers of min wage people really going to stop paying them?
Will the fast food restaurants, hotels, kitchens, warehouses, etc really pack up and call it a day? If so, there would be a huge vacuum for other businesses to fill, and plenty of workers ready for them.
they raised the min wage without catastrophic job losses before...
are all employers of min wage people really going to stop paying them?
Will the fast food restaurants, hotels, kitchens, warehouses, etc really pack up and call it a day? If so, there would be a huge vacuum for other businesses to fill, and plenty of workers ready for them.

Of course they wont fold. You'll just see dollar menus go bye bye and a few less employees working at them.
they raised the min wage without catastrophic job losses before...
are all employers of min wage people really going to stop paying them?
Will the fast food restaurants, hotels, kitchens, warehouses, etc really pack up and call it a day? If so, there would be a huge vacuum for other businesses to fill, and plenty of workers ready for them.

No, they're not going to stop paying people. What they're going to do is simply raise prices to pay for the pay hike and make one person do the work of two. Just like they did when the minimum wage was raised last time.
How can minorities be hurt most by a minimum wage hike if many of them are making it?

Because raising the minimum wage results in less jobs.

Oh, for the days when Arizona's high school students could roll pizza dough, sweep up sticky floors in theaters or scoop ice cream without worrying about ballot initiatives affecting their earning power.

That's certainly not the case under the state's new minimum-wage law that went into effect last month.

Some Valley employers, especially those in the food industry, say payroll budgets have risen so much that they're cutting hours, instituting hiring freezes and laying off employees.

And teens are among the first workers to go.

Companies maintain the new wage was raised to $6.75 per hour from $5.15 per hour to help the breadwinners in working-poor families. Teens typically have other means of support.

Mark Messner, owner of Pepi's Pizza in south Phoenix, estimates he has employed more than 2,000 high school students since 1990. But he plans to lay off three teenage workers and decrease hours worked by others. Of his 25-person workforce, roughly 75 percent are in high school.

"I've had to go to some of my kids and say, 'Look, my payroll just increased 13 percent,' " he said. " 'Sorry, I don't have any hours for you.' "

Messner's monthly cost to train an employee has jumped from $440 to $580 as the turnover rate remains high.

"We go to great lengths to hang on to our high school workers, but there are a lot of kids who come in and get one check in their pocket and feel like they're living large and out the door they go," he said. "We never get our return on investment when that happens."

For years, economists have debated how minimum-wage increases impact the teenage workforce.

The Employment Policies Institute in Washington, which opposed the recent increases, cited 2003 data by Federal Reserve economists showing a 10 percent increase caused a 2 percent to 3 percent decrease in employment....
At least the unskilled works who make minimum wage can sleep easy knowing Dems are fighting more tax cuts for the "rich"

Watching Ted Kennedy meltdown was fun to watch
they raised the min wage without catastrophic job losses before...
are all employers of min wage people really going to stop paying them?
Will the fast food restaurants, hotels, kitchens, warehouses, etc really pack up and call it a day? If so, there would be a huge vacuum for other businesses to fill, and plenty of workers ready for them.
When I was in HS there was a high min wage in my State, and jobs were very scarce.
they raised the min wage without catastrophic job losses before...
are all employers of min wage people really going to stop paying them?
Will the fast food restaurants, hotels, kitchens, warehouses, etc really pack up and call it a day? If so, there would be a huge vacuum for other businesses to fill, and plenty of workers ready for them.

Man some peope are dense when it comes to this issue. The reason why the very concept of haveing a minimum wage is a bad idea can be explained within the most basic of economic principles. It is supply and demand its that simple. When the price of something increases (something in this case being labor), no matter what the good or service may be, demand falls. If demand for labor falls, then # of jobs falls, because essentially labor = jobs and guess where the fat gets trimmed first. At the minimum wage level. Raising the minimum wage is bang-your-head-against-the-wall stupid because it accomplishes the exact opposite of what is desired. Two things happen every single time without fail when the min wage goes up. 1) Many people currently making the minimum wage are laid off to reduce expense and 2) the job market shrinks for that same group of people. To do otherwise would violate the Law of Supply and demand.
Man some peope are dense when it comes to this issue. The reason why the very concept of haveing a minimum wage is a bad idea can be explained within the most basic of economic principles. It is supply and demand its that simple. When the price of something increases (something in this case being labor), no matter what the good or service may be, demand falls. If demand for labor falls, then # of jobs falls, because essentially labor = jobs and guess where the fat gets trimmed first. At the minimum wage level. Raising the minimum wage is bang-your-head-against-the-wall stupid because it accomplishes the exact opposite of what is desired. Two things happen every single time without fail when the min wage goes up. 1) Many people currently making the minimum wage are laid off to reduce expense and 2) the job market shrinks for that same group of people.
But if you have less people working then you will make more Democrats, which is their goal.
But if you have less people working then you will make more Democrats, which is their goal.

In the minds of libs, business should not have the objective of making a profit, but to pay the maximum amount in taxes. After all, it is for the common good

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