Republicans lose control of the Wisconsin Senate

With recall elections moving forward against four Republican state senators, Governor Scott Walker and Lieutenant Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch the cracks in the Republican front are starting to show.

State Senator Pam Galloway, a recall target due to her consistent and outspoken support of Gov. Walker announced Friday her immediate resignation from the legislature and her decision not to contest the recall election citing family issues that required her immediate and undivided attention. The move made an immediate impact as Galloway’s resignation takes control of the Wisconsin Senate away from Republicans and splits it evenly between the parties, but it has long-term implications as well.

For starters, Galloway was a Tea Party favorite and was going to be tough to beat in the recall election. She’s had the ability to raise a lot of money. Galloway was facing Democrat Donna Seidel, a popular former county official from the Wausau-area and the assistant minority leader in the state Assembly. Seidel is now the front-runner in a race that should she win would tip the Senate to full control by Democrats.

Major Developments In Wisconsin Recall Elections | Care2 Causes

Resigning for "family reasons"? Translated...someone knows where the bodies are buried.

actually it means some liberals threatened her family.

Or it means that she didn't think she was going to survive the recall.

The Tea Party politicians promised to get cracking on jobs. But it seems the idea was to bust Unions and cut taxes for rich folks.

That's what they should have been promoting when they were running.
10's of million dollars in cuts being complained about yet 10's of millions being spent to recall ... plain stupid!
Resigning for "family reasons"? Translated...someone knows where the bodies are buried.

actually it means some liberals threatened her family.

Or it means that she didn't think she was going to survive the recall.

The Tea Party politicians promised to get cracking on jobs. But it seems the idea was to bust Unions and cut taxes for rich folks.

That's what they should have been promoting when they were running.

I was just making shit up, like the poster I replied too.

the tp ran on the economy and debt.

that's what they went after, then the babies cried and cried, took their votes and ran to Illinois.

cowards, all of them.
actually it means some liberals threatened her family.

Or it means that she didn't think she was going to survive the recall.

The Tea Party politicians promised to get cracking on jobs. But it seems the idea was to bust Unions and cut taxes for rich folks.

That's what they should have been promoting when they were running.

I was just making shit up, like the poster I replied too.

the tp ran on the economy and debt.

that's what they went after, then the babies cried and cried, took their votes and ran to Illinois.

cowards, all of them.

they all should of lost their jobs on the Democrats can condone this type of behavior shows they have no honor..shining examples for the children
actually it means some liberals threatened her family.

Or it means that she didn't think she was going to survive the recall.

The Tea Party politicians promised to get cracking on jobs. But it seems the idea was to bust Unions and cut taxes for rich folks.

That's what they should have been promoting when they were running.

I was just making shit up, like the poster I replied too.

the tp ran on the economy and debt.

that's what they went after, then the babies cried and cried, took their votes and ran to Illinois.

cowards, all of them.

They never said they were going to put up legislation to break Unions. Simple as that.

That's what they should have run on. They should have said they want to do away with collective bargaining.
Or it means that she didn't think she was going to survive the recall.

The Tea Party politicians promised to get cracking on jobs. But it seems the idea was to bust Unions and cut taxes for rich folks.

That's what they should have been promoting when they were running.

I was just making shit up, like the poster I replied too.

the tp ran on the economy and debt.

that's what they went after, then the babies cried and cried, took their votes and ran to Illinois.

cowards, all of them.

They never said they were going to put up legislation to break Unions. Simple as that.

That's what they should have run on. They should have said they want to do away with collective bargaining.


At what point in your life was the coma?

b/c conservatives have been talking union busting for decades.
I was just making shit up, like the poster I replied too.

the tp ran on the economy and debt.

that's what they went after, then the babies cried and cried, took their votes and ran to Illinois.

cowards, all of them.

They never said they were going to put up legislation to break Unions. Simple as that.

That's what they should have run on. They should have said they want to do away with collective bargaining.


At what point in your life was the coma?

b/c conservatives have been talking union busting for decades.

True enough.

But these candidates weren't talking about that.

In any case..if the majority of people were happy with what they were doing..there would not have been any recalls.
actually it means some liberals threatened her family.

Or it means that she didn't think she was going to survive the recall.

The Tea Party politicians promised to get cracking on jobs. But it seems the idea was to bust Unions and cut taxes for rich folks.

That's what they should have been promoting when they were running.

I was just making shit up, like the poster I replied too.

the tp ran on the economy and debt.

that's what they went after, then the babies cried and cried, took their votes and ran to Illinois.

cowards, all of them.

Mine was a joke...yours is just a lie unless you can prove that she is leaving because she feels threatened. If she is leaving because she feels threatened, that is unfortunate and wrong.
the tea party is just a lame piece of the republican history now.

they are over.
Its funny.

dems hate people that stick to their ideas, especially when the economy starts to improve.

but people that take their ball and flea party home? we want more people like that.

seriously, cheering for WI dems is like cheering for crybabies to get louder.

Hmmm...I was thinking the same thing about the Reps and the national economy since it's starting to pick up quite nicely.
Its funny.

dems hate people that stick to their ideas, especially when the economy starts to improve.

but people that take their ball and flea party home? we want more people like that.

seriously, cheering for WI dems is like cheering for crybabies to get louder.

Hmmm...I was thinking the same thing about the Reps and the national economy since it's starting to pick up quite nicely.

Ah, but they will claim President Obama has nothing to do with it. Funny that they will laud Wanker (even though his state is losing jobs more than the national average), but not give President Obama ANY credit for our economic recovery.
Or it means that she didn't think she was going to survive the recall.

The Tea Party politicians promised to get cracking on jobs. But it seems the idea was to bust Unions and cut taxes for rich folks.

That's what they should have been promoting when they were running.

I was just making shit up, like the poster I replied too.

the tp ran on the economy and debt.

that's what they went after, then the babies cried and cried, took their votes and ran to Illinois.

cowards, all of them.

Mine was a joke...yours is just a lie unless you can prove that she is leaving because she feels threatened. If she is leaving because she feels threatened, that is unfortunate and wrong.
Sure thing ding bat.

Whatever rhetoric helps you look in the mirror.
Its funny.

dems hate people that stick to their ideas, especially when the economy starts to improve.

but people that take their ball and flea party home? we want more people like that.

seriously, cheering for WI dems is like cheering for crybabies to get louder.

Hmmm...I was thinking the same thing about the Reps and the national economy since it's starting to pick up quite nicely.

Ah, but they will claim President Obama has nothing to do with it. Funny that they will laud Wanker (even though his state is losing jobs more than the national average), but not give President Obama ANY credit for our economic recovery.

Gee, if only Barry could turn a big deficit into a surplus like "Wanker" has in Wisconsin! Nah, why would we want a leader who actually FIXES things and doesn't blame his failings on others?

So tell me, progressives...have you guys found anyone that wants to run against Walker yet? Get back to me when you do...
Its funny.

dems hate people that stick to their ideas, especially when the economy starts to improve.

but people that take their ball and flea party home? we want more people like that.

seriously, cheering for WI dems is like cheering for crybabies to get louder.

Hmmm...I was thinking the same thing about the Reps and the national economy since it's starting to pick up quite nicely.

Ah, but they will claim President Obama has nothing to do with it. Funny that they will laud Wanker (even though his state is losing jobs more than the national average), but not give President Obama ANY credit for our economic recovery.

How much money did Walker waste = none

How much did obama waste = untold trillions

aannndd we are still above that magical 8% and just under $4 a gal for gas.

'member when yall said it was Bushs fault for $2 gas?

c'mon, you 'member? Right?

so how's obamas hate for the poor coming along?

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