Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success

When asked a few weeks before the deadline how many people actually made the first payment on their
policy Kathleen Sebelius responded that she had no idea....

So how are the lefties proclaiming a complete and total success of ObamaCare
when they have no idea who signed up and for what.

And where is the media on this...
Those not the FOX network that is.

Faultless logic....There is not a single Dem on the board who will get it. Just the way it is, unfortunately. :(
Republicans and their media have come unhinged. There hasn’t been this kind of collective mental breakdown on the right since President Obama won reelection. Lord only knows what will happen if anybody tells them that more people now favor the ACA than disapprove of it.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to be President Obama’s Waterloo, but it’s the Republican Party’s Obamacare lies that are being sent into exile. :eusa_clap:

Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success


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