Republicans made a mistake by nominating Trump


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. The winning ticket would have been Jeb "Mr. Excitement" Bush and John "doesn't anyone like me" Kasich.

I feel either Kasich or J Bush would have beat Hillary this year.
Being President is not suppose to be entertaining. We live in a whacky world when morally corrupt reality stars like Paris Hilton, the Khardasians, Donald Trump etc are our new national heros and possibly even our President. God help us.
Kasich/Rubio should have been the ticket, but they are currently considered left wing progressive pinko commies who want to destroy America, by those who are in control of the party.
Why would I get tired of having called you on your ridiculous, shallow lie that you support Trump?
I supported Trump against Cruz yes. I look forward to telling you 999 more times.

That's what your story was once Trump won. Before that, it was that you were a Trump supporter. I kept calling you on that lie and said no, you're a lover of the hildabeast. Nailed it
I was a Trump supporter when it was between Trump and Cruz. Cruz would have been an unequaled disaster for this country. I look forward to telling you again 998 more times.

And when I kept saying you were a Hitlarette, you kept denying it. That is until Trump won the nomination. Then suddenly you switched
I am voting for Gary Johnson, and I only supported Trump when it was him against Cruz. I look forward to telling you again 997 more times.

Damn, you switch sides more than a Gillette

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. The winning ticket would have been Jeb "Mr. Excitement" Bush and John "doesn't anyone like me" Kasich.

I feel either Kasich or J Bush would have beat Hillary this year.
Being President is not suppose to be entertaining. We live in a whacky world when morally corrupt reality stars like Paris Hilton, the Khardasians, Donald Trump etc are our new national heros and possibly even our President. God help us.

Oh give it up! Kasich only won his home state and Bush picked up how few delegates? If they couldn't beat Trump how the hell were this dynamic duo going to win against Hillary?

Majority of the polls have them within the margin of error with the exception of those that over sample D's.
I supported Trump against Cruz yes. I look forward to telling you 999 more times.

That's what your story was once Trump won. Before that, it was that you were a Trump supporter. I kept calling you on that lie and said no, you're a lover of the hildabeast. Nailed it
I was a Trump supporter when it was between Trump and Cruz. Cruz would have been an unequaled disaster for this country. I look forward to telling you again 998 more times.

And when I kept saying you were a Hitlarette, you kept denying it. That is until Trump won the nomination. Then suddenly you switched
I am voting for Gary Johnson, and I only supported Trump when it was him against Cruz. I look forward to telling you again 997 more times.

Damn, you switch sides more than a Gillette
Nope I've been completely consistent.
The Republicans would win the presidency, almost for sure, if they would have nominated anyone other than Trump. With Hillary Clinton having such high negatives just about any other Republican who ran for the Presidential nomination would beat her.
Trump is the only one with negatives higher than Hillary and gives Hillary a good chance to win.

Ya Think--LOL They couldn't have picked a worse candidate than Trump if they had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt.

The other 16 candidates would of probably beat her this year...Trump is so corrupt and retarded that he is pissing off everyone with a brain.

No not ALL 16 candidates would have beat her, maybe none of them could. There were several candidates that would have never won women, because they had extreme stances on abortion--so they were out from the get-go. Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Scott Walker, & Bobby Jindhal were unelectable from very start because of extreme abortion stances.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

So that left--Jeb Bush--(too many Bushes) not electable--Chris Christie (bridge scandal--not electable)--John Kasich--possibly--Marco Rubio--possibly--Carly Fiornia--no go because she fell on the abortion sword. Lindsey Graham a long shot.

So basically there were only 2 candidates out of 17 that "possibly" could have beaten Hillary Clinton. John Kasich & Marco Rubio--and as a real long shot maybe Lindsey Graham.

The rest were just auditioning for the next FOX News talk show host.
The Drive to Become ‘Fox News Famous’ Hurts the Right
That's what your story was once Trump won. Before that, it was that you were a Trump supporter. I kept calling you on that lie and said no, you're a lover of the hildabeast. Nailed it
I was a Trump supporter when it was between Trump and Cruz. Cruz would have been an unequaled disaster for this country. I look forward to telling you again 998 more times.

And when I kept saying you were a Hitlarette, you kept denying it. That is until Trump won the nomination. Then suddenly you switched
I am voting for Gary Johnson, and I only supported Trump when it was him against Cruz. I look forward to telling you again 997 more times.

Damn, you switch sides more than a Gillette
Nope I've been completely consistent.

The only constant is change, right guy? First Trump, then Hillary, now it's Johnson. Who's next, Jill Stein?

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