Republicans Pick Up Another Senate Seat

That 60 vote fillibuster doesnt seem to bad now does it? Lol. Overrated political point. Dems are going to flip when gop gets support from dems. Ill make another prediction since im the political genius here. I predict that the mandate gets repealed by congress with bipartisan support due to the demise of the 40 hour work week and medical devise tax gets repealed also and the demise of obamacare begins and economy sees record full-time job increases and increase pay and economy finally rebounds. Republican congressional approval ratings skyrocket. Corporate tax rate gets lowered also.
That 60 vote fillibuster doesnt seem to bad now does it? Lol. Overrated political point. Dems are going to flip when gop gets support from dems. Ill make another prediction since im the political genius here. I predict that the mandate gets repealed by congress with bipartisan support due to the demise of the 40 hour work week and medical devise tax gets repealed also and the demise of obamacare begins and economy sees record full-time job increases and increase pay and economy finally rebounds. Republican congressional approval ratings skyrocket. Corporate tax rate gets lowered also.
Obama knows the mandate was a terrible idea which is why he keeps delaying it. His focus will shift to single payer system which is a losing political argument but he wont know that and burn hisv party again. Republicans just need to obstruct it and make it die in congress. The american people are sick of government interfering in our personal business. However, the rest of obamacare will remain active till obama is gone in 2 years.
That 60 vote fillibuster doesnt seem to bad now does it? Lol. Overrated political point. Dems are going to flip when gop gets support from dems. Ill make another prediction since im the political genius here. I predict that the mandate gets repealed by congress with bipartisan support due to the demise of the 40 hour work week and medical devise tax gets repealed also and the demise of obamacare begins and economy sees record full-time job increases and increase pay and economy finally rebounds. Republican congressional approval ratings skyrocket. Corporate tax rate gets lowered also.

Hope your right.

That POS Obamacare is anything but affordable for most folks.

Lower the corporate tax rate and watch jobs appear.

Not rocket science. Just common sense. Something thats sadly lacking these days.

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