Republicans Slam ATF For Attempting To Alter Legal Definition Of ‘Firearm’

From my understanding it is that the left believes that the people as a whole generate the economy with needs which is then exploited by a few.
The Right wing believes that a few people with ingenuity create products and jobs that people want to buy.

To me...they are both right and wrong all at the same time.

Left stresses community responsibility and the right stresses individual responsibility.

Again both right and both wrong at the same time.

So there's no way I can pick one side or the other without being wrong. But I do think that together, the left and right make an unstoppable team.

I think it is a little less balanced than that.
I think it is still the people who also do all the work to produce the products as well, and the only thing the wealthy elite do is horde the capital needed to build the factories.
Before the industrial revolution, it was more work producing things one at a time with cottage industries, but the poor workers were the means of production entirely then.
What the industrial revolution did was put all the cottage industries out of business because things like big steam powered looms cut production costs in half, IF you could afford the machines. So it was not a question of ingenuity, but simply of who controlled the excess capital?
but those big-league words stump you
Yeah, using big league as an adverb instead of an adjective is one.
Covfefe still confuses me.
Thighland must be next to Turkey.
Nambia is where?
Two Corinthians is in the king james version?

"I know words, I have the best words."
Obama could have ended both wars, but instead he screwed them both up.
I voted for Obama, but he screwed up.

In March, Obama approved 21,000 extra troops into Afghanistan, fulfilling a longstanding request to increase the number of U.S. troops to 68,000. But that’s not enough, according to Afghanistan’s top commander, Gen. Stanley McChrystal.

McChrystal reportedly is asking for between 40,000 and 60,000 more troops, writing in an assessment that, without troops and a dedicated counterinsurgency effort, the war “will likely result in failure.”

Experts said they could move those troops from Iraq, given time and available aircraft. But those same experts said that simply pulling troops out of Baghdad and putting them in Kabul isn’t all that simple.
"Obama could have ended both wars, but instead he screwed them both up."

So could the person who started them and Trump.
Trump is the one who signed the agreement with the Taliban but screwed that up, as usual.
Bush did end one.

The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. combat forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.

Obama got blamed for that.
"Obama could have ended both wars, but instead he screwed them both up."

So could the person who started them and Trump.
Trump is the one who signed the agreement with the Taliban but screwed that up, as usual.
Bush did end one.

The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. combat forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.

Obama got blamed for that.

Except that US forces did not withdraw from Iraq according to these Bush schedules.
So Bush, Obama, and Trump should all get part of the blame.

Instead, we illegally expanded the use of force into Syria.
Yeah, using big league as an adverb instead of an adjective is one.
Covfefe still confuses me.
Thighland must be next to Turkey.
Nambia is where?
Two Corinthians is in the king james version?

"I know words, I have the best words."
Yes, you leftists like to rename the meaning of things to fit your narrative.
Those were comments your retarded dear leader made, you moron.

Yes they are famous, or maybe infamous.
But so is the misuse of the term, "assault weapon".
There is no such thing, and the AR rifles are no more dangerous than anything.
If one were to characterize an AR, it would be that it is inexpensive, reliable, light, and very low power, with hardly any recoil.
It can not shoot any faster than you can pull the trigger repeatedly on any firearm, and it was designed by the military to be less lethal than what was used in WWII.
Ok, so why have any laws at all? Do laws against bank robbery work? How about against rape? Murder? Theft? Parking in the wrong place?

What makes guns different?
Bank robbery, rape, murder, theft, etc all result in denying the right, liberty, protection, or property of others.

Merely possessing a weapon does NOTHING.
Bank robbery, rape, murder, theft, etc all result in denying the right, liberty, protection, or property of others.
Merely possessing a weapon does NOTHING.
Simple ownership and possession of a firearm harms no one and places no one in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger.

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